Writing Prompt Wednesdays

January Journal #2

What special traditions or holiday celebrations does your family observe?

Considering that Christmas was last month; I should probably spend a little time on those traditions. My mother’s family is Hungarian. No Christmas was complete without my grandmother’s walnut roll or apple square or red cabbage. My mother usually hosted Christmas Eve dinner and my cousins and I would get to open one present after dinner –we lived for it. Christmas Day was always spent with my father’s family. Now that I am grown and married my husband and I host both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with a ton of food. On Christmas morning, we wake up and open our stockings and then feast on Wifesaver made by my mother-in-law. Then we open all the other gifts. It is wonderful watching our nieces and nephews open their gifts. Another tradition in our family is that for everyone’s birthday, my mother-in-law hosts an amazing dinner and the birthday person gets to pick the menu; for example my sister-in-law and nephew always pick ham and hashbrown casserole; my husband always picks angel food cake. Every February a friend and I book a room at the Hotel Mac and have a luxurious “fancy bitches” staycation; we have even started doing it in the summer too! Another tradition I have is that every girls’ weekend with my best friend from Calgary always have Kraft dinner for breakfast because we used to do it ALL the time in university. And every couple of years we go and walk around the campus and reminisce and marvel at how the campus has changed.

What about you?

From Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts