Food & Drink

International Pineapple Day

Although an upside-down one; may have a “naughty” meaning these days –this day celebrates the delicious, tropical fruit in the “innocent” sense.

close up photo of pineapple with party hat and a black sunglasses
Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on

Not going to lie, I fell down the rabbit whole when researching the pineapple in preparation for celebrations on June 27 and this is what I discovered…

1. It was first documented by Columbus (Guadaloupe, 1463)
2. Hawaii is the biggest producer of pineapples (1/3 of the world’s pineapples in fact)
3. Other major pineapple producing countries include: Mexico, Thailand, Costa Rica, Honduras & China
4. It takes 2 years for a tree to produce fruit.”
5. The fruit and the tree look very similar
6. One stalk can produce HUNDREDS of pineapples
7. Pineapples are a low cal source of vitamin C, magnesium, iron & even protein
8. They improve digestion and have benefits for the immune system
9. To get your pineapple to ripen faster; store it upside-down
10. They are actually a member of the berry family

To commemorate the occasion; I’ll be sipping on my favourite drink (the Pinapple Mojito Mocktail) and eating my favorite dessert: the traditional Pineapple Upside-Down Cake