
Flashback Friday: Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump

Initially every Friday on the blog was supposed to be dedicated to travel because not only is it summertime but I absolutely LOVE to travel. This love of travel is on hold due to the pandemic; so our series will shift slightly… I’d like to introduce you to: “Flashback Friday: The Travel Edition”

I am a total history geek and I had the privilege to be able to travel to Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump; which is a “UNESCO-designated World Heritage Site that preserves and interprets over 6,000 years of Plains Buffalo culture. [Where] through vast landscapes, exhibits, and diverse programming [you can] learn about the cultural significance of this cliff to the Plains People [of Alberta].” It is located about 15 minutes northwest of Fort MacLeod. 

According to Blackfoot legend, a young brave wanted to watch the buffalo plunge off the cliff from below, but was buried underneath the falling buffalo. He was later found dead under the pile of carcasses, where he had his head smashed in.