Entertainment Reflections & Lifestyle

Flashback Friday: A Typical Girl’s Weekend

Before the pandemic and all the restrictions; at least once a month we got together; it was mandatory! And when we did there was generally a trend…

In the week leading up to a weekend reunion, we exchange a lot of texts to get an idea of what we want to do for the weekend and what the ‘traveler’ should pack because you just can’t bring your whole wardrobe – or house!

Friday night is reunion night! After a two and a half hour drive, or excitedly waiting for those hours, we are finally reunited and a few squeals and hugs upon arrival we settle in for the night. Usually this involves a meal either ordered-in or whipped up quickly. Think pizza (usually loaded with veg), mac and cheese – a real comfort food kind of night with a hint of nostalgia for our university days. A glass of wine or fancy cocktail is a must and so is a healthy dose of GOSSIP catching up. Once we have exhausted all of our news, we plan our activities for the next few days. For some reason (maybe because we are “old” 30-somethings), we are never able to stay up late and usually are exhausted and ready for bed by 10 or 11pm. 

Saturday morning is usually an early one: (1) because we want to soak up as much time together as possible, and (2) because we have a crap load of things to cram into our only full day. Mornings always start with a nice cup of coffee and a big breakfast – waffles complete with fruit and bacon. With the crappy winter light, we spend our mornings staging photos like crazy for our upcoming blogs that we are simultaneously brainstorming and drafting. Whether in Calgary or around Edmonton we always try to do a few things that we haven’t done before or haven’t done in a while. For example, checking out Granary Road or going to the Art Gallery of Alberta.

Being the foodies that we are we either opt for a delicious (and perhaps more expensive than normal) lunch or dinner. Our go-to’s are sushi and Indian food, or checking out a new restaurant – and we spend a lot of time researching new-to-us spots to eat. We always end up ordering the SAME thing off the menu or strategically narrow the menu down to two must have items and then share. After savouring our meal, we do a bit of window shopping and errands before heading home.

Once at home we either work on our blogging some more and go through photos taken on our adventure and watch a good stand up comedy or classic episode of a show we also used to watch together like Sex and the City or binge watching something on the Food Network. And then stay up talking some more for a while.

Sunday is bittersweet and a bit more mellow. It’s the last few hours together before one of us heads back home. We still do a big breakfast, get the last minute things together and then relax and get ready to go back to our lives apart.