Reflections & Lifestyle

Finishing the Year Strong!

2023 was all about accomplishing three small goals each month; it was a bit of the mixed bag, but all is not lost. I had a lot of success and I definitely learned a lot. To finish this series of posts I am setting my last three goals!

  1. Brush up on my Spanish
    -I spent most of my teens learning the language and I took it in university; in fact that is my minor. I have lost my fluency. I enjoyed knowing a second language; but without using it –you lose it!
  2. No phone Friday’s
    -Rather than checking out and being a phone zombie; I’m going to relax and check out sans screen. No falling down the Instagram rabbit hole for me.
  3. End of the year purging
    -Even though I did a massive house cleanse; we seem to have accumulated more junk (stuff that doesn’t bring us joy). There are a lot of people who may need it. To de-clutter our home and ultimately our minds; we can head into the new year in a better state.