Reflections & Lifestyle

Fighting Fatigue: Fall Goals

One month into the school year while maintaining a growing business and balancing all the other important people, relationships, responsibilities and things in my life has worn me down. I need to make some changes to preserve my mental health.

  1. Lightening my load…

    -To reduce some pressure; for the month of October I am modifying my posting schedule. Instead of regularly posting on Monday, Wednesday & Fridays. I am decreasing my posts to TWO days a week: Monday and Friday. It’s going to be a little weird since I love writing posts and sharing with you all. Monday’s posts will be a mixture of recipes, current addictions and outfits. Friday’s posts will consist of sharing my journal entries with you. Friday is the new Wednesday basically.
  2. Supplements…

    -I have relied on caffeine for energy and to make up for the lack of sleep I have been getting. Although I take a generic multivitamin; my body needs a bit more assistance (and more water). Since I am almost out of my multivitamin I am going to replace them with a personalized regime. I took the VTMN Packs Health Assessment. I was a little shocked at the cost at first but I figured I would give it shot for October; and if I were to buy them myself from the store it really isn’t that big of a difference.
  3. Art Therapy (so to speak)…

    -A much needed trip to the AGA is on my calendar for this month. It’s an appointment I really hope to keep.