Writing Prompt Wednesdays

February Journal #2

Think back to your childhood. Write about an article of clothing or an outfit you remember one of your parents (or another influential adult figure) wearing.

My dad always wore a plaid flannel button-up shirt; with a white undershirt. There were never buttons only snaps. If it didn’t have snaps he wouldn’t wear it. The sleeves were always rolled up to his elbows, exposing the many scars on his arms from his industrial accident and subsequent surgeries. I think the shirts were always from Mark’s Work Warehouse. He always wore blue jeans (medium dye). And of course, he wore the typical “dad running shoes” and black socks which I remember my mom often darning them while sitting in her rocking chair. He had steel rimmed bifocals. And, he either wore a black leather belt with a buckle remnant of his past or blue thick suspenders. More often than not he wore both of them together. I see him clearly in my mind standing in his “uniform” with his thinning black hair combed back even though he’s been dead for 21 years. Wow Vivid his appearance is ingrained in my mind!

What about you?

From Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts