Writing Prompt Wednesdays

February Journal #1

Have you done any research into your ancestors? What interesting surprises have you discovered?

I have always been interested in my ancestry, my paternal grandma was the gatekeeper to this information but sadly we became estranged and she died. Therefore I am cut off and disconnected from that part of my family tree. However, she always claimed we were descended from Lord Lovat of England and that there were many generations who were mayors in a town in England. Apparently, her parents immigrated to Canada because they wanted to live a life unencumbered by their “positions.” I am assuming perhaps there was a falling or or some sort of scandal but there was no way my prim and proper, “stiff upper lip” grandmother was going to divulge that.

My maternal aunt  is the keeper of knowledge for that side of my family tree.  I tried to do the thing; they always have a special offer around Remembrance Day but I can only get so far back because the record keeping in the “Old Country ” wasn’t the greatest and I supposed when you flee your country, you leave a lot of stuff behind. Both sides are small; many died or couples had few children than would have been expected at those times. My grandmother and her sister married men who were brothers; so they had the same in-laws. And, interestingly enough all the women tended to outlive the men by decades; so there is a long history of lonely widows and zero divorces.

What about you?

From Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts