Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

February 2023 Goals: Accountability Post

I can’t believe how fast February flew by; I mean I shouldn’t be surprised it is the shortest month in the year. I set three small goals for myself in January (which centered on physical health) and then again in February, however this month I focused on mental health. To keep myself accountable I’m checking in monthly with you all. As a refresher, my goals were…

1. Journaling
2. Reading instead of scrolling
3. Meditation

How did I do?

In terms of journalling; I start every morning journalling. I use my 200 Writing Prompt book from Piccadilly. These are the prompts that I share with you each Wednesday. Journalling in the morning keeps me off my phone. I am not scrolling on social media and I am not checking my work emails until I get to work. I enjoy the quiet moments to myself in the morning.

In terms of reading instead of scrolling; I read a book a week. The unfortunate part has been that I ran out of physical books so I had to buy books on my ipad –so I haven’t ended up limiting my screen time before bed in that sense. However, even though I’m on a ‘device’ before going to bed; I am actually sleeping better (my sleep score on my Fit Bit can attest to that) because I am not viewing overstimulating posts.

In terms of meditation; I have been doing a breathing exercise each morning and before bed, consistently. After getting ready for work I sit on the couch do a meditation, respond to a journal prompt and then the Wordle. It’s a really good routine. Right before bed I read up to 7 chapters in a book then my breathing exercise and then turn out the lights.