
Favourite Movies

I enjoy spending a quiet night in watching our all time favourite movies especially after a crazy work week. These are my top three all time favourite movies!

Emma (1996)
In this movie, set in early 19th century England we meet the smart, witty and very pretty, Miss. Emma Woodhouse. Emma spends her time running the Woodhouse household, caring for her father, arguing with Mr. Knightley and matchmaking. She embarks on a mission to find her friend, Harriet Smith a suitable and respectable husband. Despite making a successful match early on in the movie; Emma realizes that her talents as a matchmaker are questionable after a series of disastrous matches and unrequited love. She has to give it up in order to find her own happily ever after. This is by far the best book to motion picture adaptation I have ever seen. Having first read this particular Jane Austen novel in grade five and falling in love with it and her books in general; I knew I had to watch the movie! And I did, every Sunday morning for years; and I haven’t gotten sick of it yet. This classic novel (and movie) is what Clueless (1995) is based on.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)
Holly Golightly, played by Audrey Hepburn is a beautiful young woman living in New York working as a high class escort. Holly meets the handsome novelist Paul Varjack played by George Peppard; the boytoy of a wealthy married woman. They form an unlikely friendship while navigating their trials and tribulations in the big city. No better word describes this movie, than ICONIC; from Hepburn’s endearing portrayal of Holly and the class and glamourous nature of New York City. The image of Hepburn standing in her stunning black dress eating her danish in front of Tiffany’s is ingrained in my mind and probably will be forever. The movie doesn’t just rest on Hepburn’s beauty or talent as an actress or singer; the storytelling is impeccable. Everyone (including me) loves a good story. If you are interested, I recommend reading Truman Capote’s novel as well.

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977)
Considering my previous two choices (romantic comedies), this may seem like a strange choice. In this movie, Darth Vader holds Princess Leia hostage as a way to prevent the Rebel Alliance from rising up against the Empire. Luke Skywalker, Han Solo as well as the trusty droids (C-3PO and R2D2) and full complement of additional lovable characters have to launch a mission not only to rescue Leia but to help further the cause of the Alliance; to restore order and safety in the galaxy as a whole. This was the first Star Wars movie I saw and it set me up for a life-long obsession with the franchise; however I must say I am NOT a fan of Episodes 1-3; but love all the other ones (both from the original trilogy and the latest additions). Normally, I don’t like this genre of film but this movie really changed my mind.