Food & Drink

Eating Better

I always say, “I am going to eat better!” but it is really tough to stay on track, it is really tough not to skip a meal, it is really tough to say no to convenience food… But I know I have to though. 

The Canada Food Guide tells us that we should…
-eat three meals a day
-meals should be based around fruits and veggies
-only ¼ of your meal should be grain
-only ¼ of your meal should be protein
-limit snacking to 1-3 times a day
-have 7 servings of fruits and veggies per day
-consume 6-7 servings of grains per day
-eat 3 servings of milk or milk alternatives per day
-have 2-3 servings of meat or meat alternatives per day
-limit oils and fats that are high in saturated or trans fat
-cut out high calorie junk food
-stay hydrated with water
-use things like salt, coffee and alcohol in moderation

With ALL the considerations above I challenged myself to design a week’s worth of meals so that I could actively plan to eat healthy and make it easier to meal prep and write my grocery lists.

Breakfast MWF
-Whole wheat toast with peanut butter

Lunch MWF
-Tuna salad in a whole grain wrap with lettuce, tomatoes and onions

Dinner MWF

-Spaghetti with tomato sauce and cheese
-Caesar salad

Snacks MWF
-Hummus and carrot sticks

Breakfast T/R

Lunch T/R
-Chicken and vegetable stir fry
-Brown rice
-Babybel cheese

Dinner T/R
-Moose meatloaf
-Side salad
-Potato side (M-roasted, W-French fries, F-roasted)

Snacks T/R
-Bran muffin
-Red pepper

Breakfast S/S

-Scrambled egg
-Whole wheat toast

Lunch S/S
-Taco salad (heavy on the veggies and beans) with cheese
-Pita crisps

Dinner S/S
-Baked fish fillet
-Green beans
-Whole wheat dinner roll

Snacks S/S
-Banana bread
-Mixed nuts