Writing Prompt Wednesdays

December Journal #3

What are your thoughts on euthanasia?

Oh what a heavy topic! For animals or humans? My husband and I had to “put down” our dog due to kidney disease. My husband was with him at the end. It’s just over a year since I lost my cat. I had him for almost 16 years. He had begun to go downhill really fast. After two days I decided to take him to the vet because I didn’t want his last days on earth to be full of pain. However, I knew I couldn’t be in the room when he took his last breath and died in my arms. I am not strong enough! My husband offered to take him. Luckily, he didn’t have to endure that devastating goodbye because my cat died in his sleep that night. I think having the right to euthanasia for both pets and people is important, however if you choose it or don’t choose it that’s up to you and it’s no one’s business. It is no one’s right to condemn you. I think making informed decisions is the best we can do in life. I did have a family friend, a woman I regarded as somewhat of an aunt make use of “doctor assisted suicide,” as it used to be called, I think now they accepted term (I could be wrong) is Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID). I know the hell that she went through and the bravery in which she faced death.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you!