Writing Prompt Wednesdays

December Journal #2

Have you ever been cheated on?

Yes! And let me tell you, it hurt like hell! The first time was when  I was 15 and it was my first real boyfriend. At the time my dad was also dying so my heart and soul were pretty much shattered to start with. He cheated on me with a girl at his school and then confessed; which I guess at least he had the guts to tell me but it was more so I think a way to justify breaking up with me. Looking back, I think he cheated because I wouldn’t “go all the way” with him. It was super annoying because he cheated on ME and then he dumped ME! I never got the chance to dump him. We belonged to a youth organization and were having a big wind-up and awards celebration. He had the audacity to bring her to the event. Everyone in the group knew what happened of course so it felt extra embarrassing. Although it was slightly comforting because he was taking flack from our friends all day. He even tried to sidle up and be nice and friendly like nothing had happened. In the fall when the organization started up again; he was never seen again; I guess in the break up I got the club!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?