Writing Prompt Wednesdays

December Journal #1

Who has been the best leader of your country, past or present (ex: president, royalty, prime minister, etc.)? 

What an impossible prompt to answer. It seems like we are undergoing quite the “re-examination of historical figures process,” which is good! We need to think critically about those we idolize and hold up, rather than revering them without thought. It is important that we hold up only those who have truly been good or done good work. I have had my idols or those who I have been led to believe are idols knocked down a peg or two, or many. I can’t pick a “best” leader. The best leaders are ones who are in it for the right reasons, who admit defeat when bested, who are answerable for their actions, who use tax dollars judiciously, keep their promises, don’t sacrifice their beliefs or values or platform, who are visible, who care, who inspire and to keep the country together. A tall order but constituents demand and deserve a lot from their elected officials.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?