Daily 3 Reflections & Lifestyle

Daily Three: February

We are continuing on with this practice; it is really nice to look back as see all the great little things that made my daily life enjoyable.

  1. Pigging out on Ferrero Rocher
  2. New book is making up for the garbage one I read yesterday 
  3. Husband doesn’t have to leave 3 days early for work anymore 
  4. Two hour nap
  5. Not having to cook
  6. Best friend won best booth at her convention
  7. When my husband makes the baby laugh hysterically
  8. Everything bagel seasoning
  9. My baby’s love of blueberries 
  10. Hot dogs 
  11. Found a lotion that has cleared up baby’s drool rash
  12. Husband made dinner
  13. Baby slept in
  14. Waking up to a clean kitchen
  15. Mint oil 
  16. Made it to and from the city safely (was a dicey drive)
  17. Spending time with in-laws
  18. Homemade garlic knots from my niece  
  19. Doctor is happy with baby’s progress & development 
  20. Little Critters books
  21. Visits with the neighbors 
  22. Wrapping presents 
  23. Baby zooming around
  24. Update on my dog at training 
  25. Baby playing with his guitar
  26. Visits with in-laws & they brought treats 
  27. Cleaned the house 
  28. Shower
  29. Coffee in bed while baby sleeps
  30. Getting my steps in 
  31. The driveway is wasn’t as drifted in as I thought, and I didn’t get stuck.
  32. Love that Matthew Kona is selling anti-Kanye West T-shirts in response to his swastika shirts.
  33. Booked my next tattoo
  34. Going for drives as a family 
  35. Baby got his Valentines present from his grandparents 
  36. Husband cooked dinner 
  37. Baby’s first Valentine’s Day
  38. Heart shaped pizza
  39. Red roses 
  40. Pizza for breakfast
  41. Baby gate is installed 
  42. Toe is feeling better (for now)
  43. Chasing the baby around the house
  44. Finally watched the finale of Hell’s Kitchen
  45. Toe is continuing to feel better 
  46. Baby went to bed super easy; laid him down and immediately OUT
  47. Hockey game
  48. Binge listening to popapologists from Instagram; juicy Hollywood gossip is my guilty pleasure 
  49. Starting my junk food detox
  50. Indigo is using Canada Post again… 
  51. Thankful I have a roof over my head and heat.
  52. My new books from Amazon showed up and they are the same size as the previous book in their series. Do I ever hate it when they’re all different shapes and sizes!!!
  53. It’s warming up slowly, but surely.
  54. We got a video update of our puppy.
  55. Loving my new Sherlock Holmes book
  56. Crib sleeps are going well (so far, knock on wood)
  57. Didn’t pig out on junk food even though I really really wanted to 
  58. Waking up to find out that Canada beat the USA in the 4 Nations Hockey Tournament 
  59. Quite a few people stopped me at Wal Mart to tell me how cute baby is
  60. Cheesy ravioli chicken marinara healthy choice steamer for the win!!! 
  61. Freezer reorganization 
  62. Set up the stroller (& baby liked it)
  63. Pre-ordered the third Sue Ryeland mystery by Horowitz
  64. Got to see my youngest nephew
  65. Did my first solo outlet mall trip with baby in the stroller
  66. Chocolate chip muffins from Tim Horton’s for the win! 
  67. My friend is out of surgery 
  68. Super productive day of chores; a clean house always puts a spring in my step
  69. Made hash brown casserole. I think it is gonna rival  coworker’s
  70. Reorganized baby’s room
  71. Got coupons to Children’s Place
  72. Year end is done 
  73. New tattoo
  74. Went shopping and got lots of good deals
  75. Chinese food for dinner 
  76. Not having to cook
  77. Baby bath time
  78. Pink strawberries
  79. Snow is melting
  80. Fitting into my “skinny jeans”
  81. Not having to walk the dog (because husband did it)
  82. Nephew turned 16
  83. Bought the baby’s Easter stuff (yes, I know it’s early)
  84. Didn’t fall off the Weight Watchers wagon (had a rough few days with making bad choices)

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