We are continuing on with this practice; it is really nice to look back as see all the great little things that made my daily life enjoyable.
- Pigging out on Ferrero Rocher
- New book is making up for the garbage one I read yesterday
- Husband doesn’t have to leave 3 days early for work anymore
- Two hour nap
- Not having to cook
- Best friend won best booth at her convention
- When my husband makes the baby laugh hysterically
- Everything bagel seasoning
- My baby’s love of blueberries
- Hot dogs
- Found a lotion that has cleared up baby’s drool rash
- Husband made dinner
- Baby slept in
- Waking up to a clean kitchen
- Mint oil
- Made it to and from the city safely (was a dicey drive)
- Spending time with in-laws
- Homemade garlic knots from my niece
- Doctor is happy with baby’s progress & development
- Little Critters books
- Visits with the neighbors
- Wrapping presents
- Baby zooming around
- Update on my dog at training
- Baby playing with his guitar
- Visits with in-laws & they brought treats
- Cleaned the house
- Shower
- Coffee in bed while baby sleeps
- Getting my steps in
- The driveway is wasn’t as drifted in as I thought, and I didn’t get stuck.
- Love that Matthew Kona is selling anti-Kanye West T-shirts in response to his swastika shirts.
- Booked my next tattoo
- Going for drives as a family
- Baby got his Valentines present from his grandparents
- Husband cooked dinner
- Baby’s first Valentine’s Day
- Heart shaped pizza
- Red roses
- Pizza for breakfast
- Baby gate is installed
- Toe is feeling better (for now)
- Chasing the baby around the house
- Finally watched the finale of Hell’s Kitchen
- Toe is continuing to feel better
- Baby went to bed super easy; laid him down and immediately OUT
- Hockey game
- Binge listening to popapologists from Instagram; juicy Hollywood gossip is my guilty pleasure
- Starting my junk food detox
- Indigo is using Canada Post again…
- Thankful I have a roof over my head and heat.
- My new books from Amazon showed up and they are the same size as the previous book in their series. Do I ever hate it when they’re all different shapes and sizes!!!
- It’s warming up slowly, but surely.
- We got a video update of our puppy.
- Loving my new Sherlock Holmes book
- Crib sleeps are going well (so far, knock on wood)
- Didn’t pig out on junk food even though I really really wanted to
- Waking up to find out that Canada beat the USA in the 4 Nations Hockey Tournament
- Quite a few people stopped me at Wal Mart to tell me how cute baby is
- Cheesy ravioli chicken marinara healthy choice steamer for the win!!!
- Freezer reorganization
- Set up the stroller (& baby liked it)
- Pre-ordered the third Sue Ryeland mystery by Horowitz
- Got to see my youngest nephew
- Did my first solo outlet mall trip with baby in the stroller
- Chocolate chip muffins from Tim Horton’s for the win!
- My friend is out of surgery
- Super productive day of chores; a clean house always puts a spring in my step
- Made hash brown casserole. I think it is gonna rival coworker’s
- Reorganized baby’s room
- Got coupons to Children’s Place
- Year end is done
- New tattoo
- Went shopping and got lots of good deals
- Chinese food for dinner
- Not having to cook
- Baby bath time
- Pink strawberries
- Snow is melting
- Fitting into my “skinny jeans”
- Not having to walk the dog (because husband did it)
- Nephew turned 16
- Bought the baby’s Easter stuff (yes, I know it’s early)
- Didn’t fall off the Weight Watchers wagon (had a rough few days with making bad choices)