It was so good to finally get the garden in! This is the latest we have waited to put it in. We stopped at two new greenhouses this year.
First was Greenland in Sherwood Park. Oh my goodness it was overwhelming! They had everything from beautiful clothing and jewelry to incredible healthy, diverse and reasonably priced flowers, shrubs and trees to the most adorable garden decor and of course plant care products. This greenhouse also boasts a restaurant!
Our second stop was at Arber Greenhouse in Wetaskiwin. They had a special on hanging baskets; normally I make my own but WOW theirs were just so lush and full that I couldn’t resist… I picked up four of them for under the kitchen window. We also snagged our tomato plants there!
The remainder of our flowers were from a greenhouse in our own community. I loaded up my cart with a ton of flowers; begonias, geraniums and petunias mainly.
My garden hack this year… using a HUGE hanging basket I got from my brother-in-law and niece for my birthday and transplanting it into an equally huge barrel planter in one shot. Next year I’ll be using hanging baskets in our lower deck planters as well by simply snipping the hanger wires off. With the mosquitos being so terrible already it really saved me some time outside.
And, speaking of those wretched bugs we also got a plethora of mosquito repelling plants such as basil, lavender, lemon bomb, marigolds and mint (but of course; be careful with mint it is invasive so always plant it in a separate planter).
We got a jump on the garden, by using our new greenhouse. You can check out it’s construction on my Instagram stories!
The vegetable garden was planted with potatoes, yellow and green zucchini, yellow and green beans, peas, carrots, onions and spaghetti squash.
It may not be the Chelsea Garden show or an interactive garden designed by Kate Middleton but it’s mine and I love it… Check out my garden!