Food & Drink

Christmas Menu Re-cap

Now, that the food has been devoured, the presents unwrapped, the leftovers are made into soup and you have finally emerged from your turkey induced coma; let’s recap the menu that I served! Best part about this menu is that most of meat and vegetables were harvested locally. 
*With restrictions in place; we were told NOT to gather with family this year. That didn’t stop me from making a TON of food and parceling it up and dropping it off on the steps of our loved one’s homes!

December 24 (Christmas Eve)

Vegetable Platter
Meat, Cheese & Pickle Tray
Chips with Dill Dip
Smoked Whitefish (Husband’s secret recipe)
Nuts & Bolts

1. Main
Smoked Moose Roast (Husband’s secret recipe)
Topping: Gravy, Horseradish

2. Sides
Dinner Rolls
Mashed Potatoes
Perogy Casserole
Broccoli Salad
Shrimp Ring with Cocktail Sauce

3. Desserts
Assorted Sweets/Chocolate Tray
Red & Green Rice Crispie Squares
Chocolate cake with French Vanilla Frosting
Sweet Potato Pie with Pecan & Whipped Cream
Lemon Meringue Pie

December 25 (Christmas Day)

Christmas oranges
Cinnamon Buns

Mid Afternoon Snack
*Left overs from yesterday

1. Mains
Smoked Turkey
Toppings: Gravy, Cranberry Sauce

2. Sides
Dinner Rolls
Mashed Potatoes
Pan Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Balsamic Reduction & Walnuts 
Hungarian Red Cabbage
Garden Salad

3. Dessert
*Leftovers from yesterday

What did you serve? 
How was your COVID Christmas??