Writing Prompt Wednesdays

May Journal #5

You have 2 hours to do something relaxing and a budget of $100. What will you do?

Normally I wouldn’t need $100! Typically to relax either have a hot bath and put on my most comfy clothes. Or, I wrap myself up in a fuzzy blanket and put on a face mask. Often times at night I will slather some mint oil on my temples and read a book until I fall asleep. Sometimes to relax I will binge watch a show. I guess if you wanted to attach a dollar value to it that might be maybe $50. But if I was forced to pick something relaxing that was out of the norm for me I guess I would have to use that $100 and get whatever massage or spa treatment I could. Or be reunited with my bestie! The money would go towards gas or it would go towards an incredible meal at a new restaurant with her. My best friend and I love to have chill, relaxing weekends together. I’m really seeing how cheap/affordable self care is and ultimately what that looks like for me as a result of this journal entry.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompt

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

May Journal #4

Imagine you are a news anchor. Write the beginning of tonight’s newscast. Make the top story what you truly think could happen today, or what you wish would happen today.

Good evening; I am your anchor for tonight’s broadcast. Leading off tonight’s top story is a lesson in kindness brought to you by a mysterious benefactor who left her millions to a small rural school in Alberta. It was stipulated in her will that funds be used to improve the facility; the addition of an art studio, workout room, more classrooms and a robotics lab. Other money is allocated to stock the school with state-of-the-art technology and a fully service food program for all students. Monies have also been allocated for scholarships. A special reserve fund has been set aside which can be used to hire additional staff during budgetary shortfalls at the provincial and division levels.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompt

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

May Journal #3

Write about a memorable experience you have had staying at a hotel.

Anytime you get the chance to travel and stay somewhere it’s a memorable experience. Of course my constant “memorable hotel experience” is when I attend a convention every year in February downtown with a friend. I used to commute over an hour until one day she said, “hey do you want to stay at the Hotel Mac?” I agree (with zero arm twisting) and from then on I was hooked. Even during COVID, when the convention switch to online we still stayed at the hotel and watched everything on our chromebooks. We have started staying on the Gold Floor to enjoy the many amenities that the lounge offers. There is fancy breakfast and snacks, alcohol, we swim in the pool and we take in the incredible views. Ultimately, we pamper ourselves! One of our traditions is to get the salmon lox bagel (until they discontinued it). One time we even got a tour of some of the fanciest suits at the hotel. The concierges are awesome and so helpful. At night my friend and I play the board games we each bring and we have tons of belly laughs. Most recently I stayed at the Hilton in Houston Texas for the Safari Club Show. It was incredible. the best part was the food. We ate at Pappasito’s and Pappadeaux’s and it was just truly lovely to get away with my husband. It was also nice to meet new friends and finally go to Texas after delaying my trip two years. And another “memorable hotel experience” was staying at the The Empress in Victoria, with my best friend; we had High Tea and explored as much of Victoria as we could in three days!

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompt

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

May Journal #2

It has been said, “You are what you eat.” Rewrite that phrase; “You are what you______”

You are what you put out into this world!

If you put out kindness, love, compassion, action, respect, tolerance; ultimately your best version, then you are a good person. If you put out meanness, hatred, selfishness, in action, disrespect, intolerance; ultimately your worst version, then you are an awful person. Some people are awful but claim to be good. This is wrong! Those who are good usually don’t  boast or claim their goodness. You are what you put out and you reap what you sow. Ultimately, you get what you truly deserve.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompt

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

May Journal #1

What expert do you wish could come teach you what they know?

Living or dead?

If I could truly pick anyone I would choose Agatha Christie. She is THE master mystery writer, to learn from her would be incredible! To have hear all about her life straight from her mouth would be so neat.  However, if I could only choose someone living I would choose a chef or someone very well connected to the culinary world. My top picks are Gordon Ramsay or Padma Lakshmi. Gordon Ramsay is wildly successful. He seems to be very well versed in lots of types of cuisines, and he would have so many awesome stories from his adventures. I have a food bucket list; having a master class with him and eating in one of his restaurants is on it. Padma Lakshmi is a force to be reckoned with; she has taken Top Chef to new highs are host and executive producer. She highlights food, cultures/groups and social issues –learning about all of those things would be simultaneously fascinating and humbling.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompt

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

April Journal #4

Write about the last time you felt guilty.

I feel guilty all the time. I feel guilty on a daily basis. mostly it’s about really trivial stuff. However some of the stuff isn’t trivial

-Leaving the dog alone all day while I am at work.
-Eating, oddly enough, is where I feel a lot of guilt. Having suffered disordered eating on and off for most of my life you can see how this might make sense.
-Saying no, even to the most insignificant request.
-When I see someone who’s struggling while I am thriving.
-My relationship with some of my family members. I could do better, however, so could they!
-Not doing my chores and letting my to-do list pile up. I don’t know how procrastination can feel so good and so terrible at the same time.
-Cancelling plans with someone even when the reason is serious and legitimate.
-Asking for help. I hate looking weak and I hate bothering someone.
-Spending money even on something I need or really really want and have saved up for.
-Working too much! I really struggle with work life balance.

Hmm…maybe I should see someone about these!

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompt

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

April Journal #3

Describe a time you cared for someone who is sick, or someone cared for you.

Three moments stick out for me…

-The first time I was in grade 4 and my grandmother had a major stroke, she was paralyzed on her left side. She was in the hospital for over 9 months. My dad went every night for 3 hours to see her; I think he may have missed two times when he was sick. I also went with him most times. She lived with us for a few years until she moved into a care home. I cooked for her, helped her do basic tasks, I showered and dressed and toileted her. It was a lot for an 11-year-old.

-The second time. It was actually the hardest. My dad had lots of surgeries following an industrial accident before I was born. He eventually died of cancer. I helped to look after him post-surgeries. I gave him injections during his drug trials when his treatments weren’t working and I often went and sat with him while he did his chemotherapy at the cancer clinic.

-The most recent time was when my family had to care for me. It was the summer of 2021 and I broke my ankle really bad and had to have emergency surgery while on vacation to get a plate and five screws installed. Of course I broke my right ankle; my dominant leg. My mother-in-law, my mom, my best friend, my husband, my nieces, my father-in-law, my aunt and my uncle all took turns looking after me because I couldn’t manage on my own and especially looking after our dog.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompt

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

April Journal #2

Write about the most recent gift you gave someone.

We have a lot of January / February birthdays in our family so the most recent gift was a birthday gift. Sometimes the celebrations are combined so the line is a little blurred in terms of what gift was MOST recently given. But… one of the last gifts I gave was to my best friend of 19 years. I gave her these ridiculously soft and cozy chromatic mid-rise reading socks in blush from Indigo; you know in case you wanted to pick up a pair. (Advertisement over haha). and I also got her a copy of 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think by the incredible Brianna Weist. I actually gave this book as gifts to two other friends at Christmas. It made my heart happy when I was over at her house last week and I saw the book on her desk; it looked “well loved;” you know how a book looks when you read it and go back and re-read sections –with dog-earred pages. She has highlighted stories in our conversations, so I am going to say that this gift was successful.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

April Journal #1

Write about a time you said no.

Recently actually. My boss was redoing job assignments; he asked if I would be willing to teach something I had never taught before and at a very high level with minimal time to plan and zero training. If I took this assignment I would have to give up a part of my job that I love immensely. A part that really “fills my bucket” at work. It should have been a very easy NO, but I felt like I was being given a chance for career growth and I also felt compelled to say yes so that I would be seen as a “team player.” I stressed on the decision for over 24 hours. Ultimately, I said NO! Because I had to put myself first rather than the team to continue doing what I was living for at work and doing my job to the best of my ability. However, I still have pangs of guilt. And to some extent I feel like he views me differently, or truly doesn’t understand my rationale. I hope my decision is not held against me.

What about you?

From Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

March Journal #4

What date do you have circled on your calendar? that is, what upcoming date or event are you looking forward to?

I have a few dates circled on my calendar…

 1. Annual Convention
-This is where a girlfriend and I stay at a swanky hotel in the heart of the city and live our most fancy lives while learning and networking. This year is super exciting because it’s the first time since the pandemic that it’s been in-person.

 2. Victoria trip
– I am finally going on a girls’ trip to the coast with my best friend of 19 years after many delays.

 3. Dinner Theater
– I mean come on who wouldn’t be excited about seeing The Office on stage with two great friends.

 4.My birthday
-My husband is going to be home this year and I didn’t celebrate last year so I really want to let my hair down

 5. The end of the school year
– I mean I’ll miss the kids but I’m just looking forward to summertime. I just want to be outside and be carefree.

6. Unofficial “Summer Convention”
-This is basically the same as the first event but the weather is better!

What about you?

From Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts