Writing Prompt Wednesdays

August Journal #2

Describe your favourite comic strip or cartoon!

My favourite cartoon of all time is the 1966 version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I watch it every year at Christmas, multiple times without fail. I have watched it for as long as I can remember. There is just something about Boris Karloff’s voice. I was a hardcore Dr. Seuss fan growing up. The Who’s that occupy Whoville are adorable. I can hear “You’re a Mean one, Mr Grinch” in my head as I write this. There is just something about an underdog or a societal reject getting his happy ending all thanks to Little Cindy Lou Who. His heart grows, he is accepted, he rights his wrongs and he gets to celebrate Christmas with his family and Max the dog. I prefer this version to all the other versions of the Grinch that are out there.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

August Journal #1

What is the best compliment you have ever received?

Recently I got a random note from one of my students that he left on my desk.

Dear Mrs A,

Thanks for being the best teacher. You make my day better, especially when I’m feeling bad.

It was short, it was simple, it was sincere and so incredibly sweet. I love to hear feedback from my students. I strive to be the best for them and it’s nice to hear when I meet their needs. It’s nice that they can see how much I try to be my best self for them. I still have it pinned to the bulletin board behind my desk at school. Apart from that compliment, I love to hear my husband say that I look good. He’s an act of service type of guy so he doesn’t tend to laud compliments on me rather he does so much for me on a daily basis to show his love and affection so a verbal for of compliment just makes my heart so happy!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

July Journal # 4

Are you more like your mother or your father? Or are you more like someone else? 

I noticed common tendencies between myself and my parents. I always wanted to be just like my dad and I never wanted to resemble my mom in any way. I try really hard to be my own person though. Since my dad died when I was 16 I have a sort of “frozen in time” picture and understanding of who he was as a person. I see in my mom many traits and ways of being that I don’t want to possess or end up doing or being. My emotional connection is fraught with her and I don’t see her much so I think that the absence helps me be my own person. Basically the distance for me sort of prevents her rubbing off on me. I do realize how horrible this sounds but it really is a long, long story and I hope no one’s judging me because familiar relationships are tough; they’re tricky. Sometimes they only make sense to the people directly involved.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

July Journal #3

Do you have any dreams that recur? Why do you think you continue to have that dream?

I have a few dreams that occur, first of all, dreams centered around teaching; shocking I know! It’s a really super mundane dream. I’m simply just teaching a lesson in my classroom to my students and all the usual things happen. It’s just a regular day. I’m not sure if it’s a premonition about how the next day will go or re-imagining how the previous day should have or could have gone.

The second type of recurring dream I have is that my husband leaves me. This is the most troublesome dream I have. I don’t ever remember much, however, the feelings linger when I wake up. Perhaps it’s because he works away and feelings of missing him become overwhelming or we’ve had a slight disagreement or we’ve missed a phone call and our connection feels off. I know he never would but maybe when you have something so incredible the thought of losing it is terrifying. It really is the stuff of nightmares. I also find this funny because he has this recurring dream about me. The takeaway ultimately when I wake up is that it’s a reminder to reconnect and appreciate each other.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

July Journal #2

Do you absolutely hate any food that other people usually like?

To be honest I love food. I eat all kinds of food and cuisines. I always try different kinds of food with my best friend and a large part of our travel is based on food! Perhaps the only thing I absolutely refuse to eat would be bugs or snakes even though I haven’t tried them. The thought of eating them makes me a little sick mainly because I’m terrified of snakes and creepy crawlies so it’s mostly connected to that. I am of course not making fun of anyone who does consume them as part of their diet. I find generally that a lot of my favourite foods are foods that a lot of people actually hate.

-brussel sprouts
-liver and onions
-blue cheese

 And the very controversial pineapple on pizza!

What about you?

Prompt from Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

July Journal #1

What is your favourite game to play?

I love board games but I don’t get to play very often because my husband is not a fan so I really relish the fact that my friends enjoy them. It’s really hard to pick just one. My all-time favorites are..

  1.  Scattergories
    this was a University dorm staple semicolon we played it all the time. and of course there were some who turned it into a drinking game when it wasn’t.
  2.  Trivial Pursuit
    I’m a nerd let’s face it. this was actually a New Year’s tradition with my family. sometimes we played Monopoly but more often than not it was trivial pursuit.
  3.  Cold Case Files or Unsolved Crimes
    this is a game that I play with my coworkers when times are slow surprisingly think we would have made really good detectives.
  4. Life
    I play this with my nieces and nephews all the time and we have several spin-off versions such as Pirates of the Caribbean and Jurassic Park.

What about you?

Prompt from Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

June Journal #4

You have a child and you have written one piece of advice. It will be carried in his or her pocket for life. What is that advice?

Stay 100% true to yourself! Never waiver in who you are and who you want to become. You are the only one you are living your life for; the only one that matters on your journey. You are the only one you have to prioritize and make happy. When you realize this you will not be derailed by those who are insecure in themselves and therefore will try to tear you down. When you realize this only then will you be able to care for others. You cannot care for others if you are not okay, you cannot care for others if you are not happy and not secure. Being true to yourself will help you connect with the best people in life. Being true to yourself will allow you to achieve your goals and conquer the world.

What about you?

Prompt from Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

June Journal #3

Where would you like to go on a day trip? You must drive there and back in one day, but you have unlimited funds for gas, food, and activities.

I would take a day trip to Jasper with my bestie. It is about a two and a half hour drive. I would leave at 12:01 a.m. and I wouldn’t return home until 11:59 p.m. just to maximize every single second in this majestic place. We would relax in Miette Hot Springs surrounded by the mountains. We would spend time at Medicine Lake. We would go up the Sky Tram and eat lunch at the restaurant there. We would go for spa treatments The Jasper Park Lodge;  which is part of the Fairmont chain. I love the Fairmont chain! We would also do a food tour in town. and a Maligne Lake cruise. Obviously, the itinerary I’ve described is 100% all over the map. We’d also pack in short walks at various picturesque spots along the way and marvel at the wildlife, without interfering with them! What a fantastic day this would be albeit an incredibly busy day but fantastic nonetheless.

What about you?

Prompt from Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

June Journal #2

If you can have one talent that you do not naturally have, what would it be?

Probably singing, acting or dancing. I just think it would be neat to explore that. It’s another way to be creative. I am in awe of those who can sing, act and dance so not going to lie it would be nice to be on the receiving end of that sort of admiration. Songs brighten everyone’s day; so to be able to do that would be great. Acting allows you to try on different hats; and give voice to others and their stories. Dancing keeps you fit; you can experience a different type of connection or intimacy with your partner, not to mention the costumes are stunningly beautiful. Dancing would be a very therapeutic activity I think.

What about you?

Prompt from Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

June Journal #1

Think of a celebrity you would like to have dinner with. Write a note that just might catch that person’s attention enough for him or her to agree to the dinner.

This is tough because most of the celebrities I’d like to meet are dead. Long dead! I had to think on this for quite a while. But I’d have to say Padma Lakshmi from Top Chef.

Dear Ms. Lakshmi,

I understand you are an incredibly busy woman; being a mom, an advocate for social change, and running a successful business/brand and in general busy being an all-around bad-ass. I would love to sit down with you to discuss an exciting opportunity. I have made reservations at the most popular restaurant in New York city, see you there at 7:30!

(I am not quite sure why I’m resorting to trickery but maybe it could work.)

What about you?

Prompt from Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts