Writing Prompt Wednesdays

January Journal #4

Re-write some of these commonly used idioms to make them more interesting, or maybe start a story: “Pardon my French,” “My mind is in a fog,” There is more than one way to skin a cat,” “You are on thin ice.”

“Pardon my nonsense!”
→have you noticed the slang these days and yes, I know this makes me sound like a “boomer,” but wow! I can barely understand my students: riz, drip, etc!

“My mind is a swirling vortex of idiocy at the moment!”
→This is for when you are more than discombobulated;when you are overtired and can’t think straight.

“There is more than one way to pluck a duck!
→I like rhymes, and it’s true! (Both figuratively and literally).

“You are in very deep snow!
→This is much more appropriate for my locale. 

What about you?

Prompt from Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

January Journal #3

Were you ever bullied as a child? Tell a story of a time you were bullied, or a time you observed someone being bullied?

I got bullied in elementary school. I was the “fat kid,” and very uncool. I wore sweat suits everyday. One boy was kicking rocks at my friend Michelle on the playground and I yelled at him to stop. So, he turned his attention to me. He even peed in my indoor shoes in the cloakroom one day. The teacher and principal launched an investigation and questioned every boy in the class. They couldn’t pin it on Philip but I knew it was him. The whole thing made me mortified; the fact that someone would do that to me, having my classmates pulled on by one to an impromptu interrogation room with the shoes boldly displayed on the center of the table, and the fact that he got away with it. The remarks about my weight and appearance resulted in an eating disorder that I struggled with until university.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

January Journal #2

Do you do good things when no one is watching?

I do because I don’t need credit; in fact it makes me uncomfortable. I think those under the radar kind or good things mean more to the recipient and giver than public displays. When we only do things for recognition we aren’t building the intrinsic motivation to be kind people and sadly I think it is negatively affecting our communities. We seek so much validation for example on social media and broadcast so much of our lives it would be nice to do good things when no one is watching or do it anonymously. I think people need to model kindness so others can emulate it but I think we can restore faith in each other by doing small random acts of kindness on a day to day basis.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

January 2024 Journal

If you had a child who had done something very wrong, such as stealing, how would you punish them?

Depending on the age of the child this prompt could have many answers. First, I would fight all my rage and approach the situation calmly. I would start by addressing the underlying reason for the “crime.” Then I would implement meaningful and prompt consequences: for example restitution and an apology to the “victim,” followed by a trip to the police station to talk about making good choices. Or I would connect with community resources available such as the  Schools Resource Officer (SRO). If the crime was severe enough and there were criminal charges I would not try to “bail them out.” I would want them to “face the music.” Perhaps, it is naive to have faith in the justice system, when clearly it is plagued with MANY problems. But the whole point of it is the rehabilitation of poor choices and attitude and reintegration. After facing the consequence or punishment the child would resume life again with the skills and attitude to function in society, daily life and the family without repeating the bad actions.

What about you?

Prompt from Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

December Journal #3

What are your thoughts on euthanasia?

Oh what a heavy topic! For animals or humans? My husband and I had to “put down” our dog due to kidney disease. My husband was with him at the end. It’s just over a year since I lost my cat. I had him for almost 16 years. He had begun to go downhill really fast. After two days I decided to take him to the vet because I didn’t want his last days on earth to be full of pain. However, I knew I couldn’t be in the room when he took his last breath and died in my arms. I am not strong enough! My husband offered to take him. Luckily, he didn’t have to endure that devastating goodbye because my cat died in his sleep that night. I think having the right to euthanasia for both pets and people is important, however if you choose it or don’t choose it that’s up to you and it’s no one’s business. It is no one’s right to condemn you. I think making informed decisions is the best we can do in life. I did have a family friend, a woman I regarded as somewhat of an aunt make use of “doctor assisted suicide,” as it used to be called, I think now they accepted term (I could be wrong) is Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID). I know the hell that she went through and the bravery in which she faced death.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you!

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

December Journal #2

Have you ever been cheated on?

Yes! And let me tell you, it hurt like hell! The first time was when  I was 15 and it was my first real boyfriend. At the time my dad was also dying so my heart and soul were pretty much shattered to start with. He cheated on me with a girl at his school and then confessed; which I guess at least he had the guts to tell me but it was more so I think a way to justify breaking up with me. Looking back, I think he cheated because I wouldn’t “go all the way” with him. It was super annoying because he cheated on ME and then he dumped ME! I never got the chance to dump him. We belonged to a youth organization and were having a big wind-up and awards celebration. He had the audacity to bring her to the event. Everyone in the group knew what happened of course so it felt extra embarrassing. Although it was slightly comforting because he was taking flack from our friends all day. He even tried to sidle up and be nice and friendly like nothing had happened. In the fall when the organization started up again; he was never seen again; I guess in the break up I got the club!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

December Journal #1

Who has been the best leader of your country, past or present (ex: president, royalty, prime minister, etc.)? 

What an impossible prompt to answer. It seems like we are undergoing quite the “re-examination of historical figures process,” which is good! We need to think critically about those we idolize and hold up, rather than revering them without thought. It is important that we hold up only those who have truly been good or done good work. I have had my idols or those who I have been led to believe are idols knocked down a peg or two, or many. I can’t pick a “best” leader. The best leaders are ones who are in it for the right reasons, who admit defeat when bested, who are answerable for their actions, who use tax dollars judiciously, keep their promises, don’t sacrifice their beliefs or values or platform, who are visible, who care, who inspire and to keep the country together. A tall order but constituents demand and deserve a lot from their elected officials.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

November Journal #3

What do you look for when deciding whether or not to date someone?

Are they…

-intelligent? –>I don’t mean PhD or anything like that; basically do they keep up on current events, do they have a particular skill/expertise or competence
-willing to compromise with me to create a life together?
-financially responsible?
-the type of person who values family?
-willing to put work into a relationship?
-reliable, dependable, loyal?
-physically attractive? –>yes, this does matter to an extent.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompt

What about you?

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

November Journal #2

What do you believe happens after we die?

I am not sure I have a definite answer. I would love to believed that those who are deserving enjoy a comfortable afterlife -whether or not that is “Heaven” is another thing. I would love to believe that truly horrible people are made to feel the pain they have inflicted. I also think the ability to be reincarnated and continue living, albeit in a different form and in different circumstances would be remarkable –although you don’t actually know that is what is happening. I don’t want to believe that once you die that is just it; blackness, nothingness. It makes time here are Earth seem so much more finite which is really sad. Although it would make everyone more appreciative of our lives though.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

November Journal #1

Does religion play a role in your life? Why or why not?

Religion does not play a role in my life. It never has. I never grew up with religion and we never went to church as a family. I do have to admit that my religious knowledge is pretty slim. I thought I knew what religion my mother’s family is/was, however, the more I think about it, there are things that don’t add up but there is no one to confirm it but I do believe there is some ‘closeted faith’ aspect to the story. I think my father’s family is Baptist or Lutheran, but again I am not so sure. I took a religion class in university but I never practiced a religion. I have nothing against religion and I wouldn’t call myself an atheist. And I would never begrudge anyone their religious beliefs! Perhaps I am more ambivalent than anything else. Most people are shocked to find out that I really have zero religious affiliation; they are always like, “You have never been to church?” (Never for worship, but I have been in churches for travel/trips or weddings and funerals but never for like a Sunday service).

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?