Writing Prompt Wednesdays

April Journal #1

There is a strong current trend among kids to read comic books or graphic novels instead of regular books. What do you think about that?

I think that it would be great if they were reading “regular novels” but as long as they are off of screens I am happy about it. Far too many of them are what I call, phone zombies who struggle to connect socially and emotionally with others. Sometimes comic books and graphic novels make other pieces of literature more accessible to kids, for example you can get graphic novel versions of Shakespeare’s plays. I’d like to consider comic books and graphic novels as a “gateway” to other books. Some of them are actually very long and detailed so kids are actually reading quite a bit when they choose comic books and graphic novels. Ultimately, they are just a different form of literature or genre –they are still books. and the kids are still reading, which is the most important part.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

March Journal #4

Have you ever snooped in a friend’s or partner’s house?

I have never snooped in their house but  I have snooped in their phone and I’m ashamed to say it. I was just coming out of a long-term relationship and I was very blindsided by the breakup so I was just being over cautious and suspicious. Ultimately it was wrong and I really shouldn’t try and justify it. I’ve also been cheated on in the past and sadly I found out that I was the other person in another relationship. Anyways, I looked at the text between one of my boyfriends and his ex-girlfriend. I was shocked to see that they had had recent communication but nothing concerning at least from what was indicated by the messages that were present or hadn’t been deleted. I don’t like when people touch my stuff, my mom was a big snoop so that really bugs me so I don’t know why I would do it to somebody else.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

March Journal #3

What is your favorite physical aspect of your partner? If you are single, describe something you like about a crush or your fantasy celebrity date.

Forearms or arms in general! To me they signify protection and strength. They are what can hold me tight and shield me from danger. They are muscular from his physically demanding job. The definition of tissue and veins reminds me of a sculpture by the great Renaissance artists. Also, in the summer he tans really dark and ends up with a farmer’s tan on his upper arms. He has a tattoo on his upper arm and when we’re laying in bed and I can’t sleep I stare at it and trace it lightly with my finger.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

March Journal #2

Describe the day you met your best friend, from your friend’s point of view.

It was a busy day in the dorm; everyone was moving in. I didn’t expect to be a floor coordinator but here I am. Everyone is excited and so far the “meeting of the roommates” is going well. It should be a really good year. There’s a girl who lives a few doors down and she seems weird but in a good way; fun and loves food especially Kraft Dinner. She wants to be a teacher. You can tell she’s a bit nervous but that should subside. We like a lot of the same TV shows and love to travel… little did she know almost 20 years later we’re still best friends.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

March Journal #1

What is a priority for you right now?

Getting through the winter; it can be a real struggle which I am a little embarrassed to admit because so far, there have been minimal slow and fewer super cold weather days –although when it was cold…IT WAS COLD. At one point it felt like -50. I get the winter blues so bad. I really just want it to be summer when it is warm and light out for longer. The coldest part of our winter is also when the school year seems to drag or is the most tense and that takes a lot out of me. Also, I am by myself a lot of the time in the winter so if anything goes wrong it really sucks. My anxiety is an all-time high. I just wish it was fall all year long but I guess I picked the wrong province or country to live in.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

February Journal #4

Are you making the world a better place?

I like to think so. Maybe that sounds conceited. I’m not doing anything large or on an international scale, but I love my students and I hope every day I make their day a little better. Things like making them breakfast, donating money or supplies to community events directly benefit them, planning fun activities and simply being there for them when they’re struggling. I just try to be on their side. I tried to model kindness and help them learn and get good marks so they can realize their dreams in the future and I love to cheer them on. I hope that if they feel cared for they may be more likely to care for others. I also do my duties as a citizen so hopefully I can say I make the world better not worse at least.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

February Journal #3

Should kids be allowed to have personal cell phones and tablets in school?

100% NO!! If you need to get a hold of your child, call the office and they will relay the message to them at the appropriate time. They are in class; learning and don’t need any interruptions, they have enough of them. Or better yet, call or text them on their break. Even if you expect them to wait and check their phones at break once they feel the buzz or see the notification they just can’t help but stop and check it. You think they may have control but they don’t. They are addicted to their devices and your flagrant floating of the rules makes it hard to enforce our cell phone policies. Kids do not need the extra screen time they have enough. One time a kid told me he is on his phone 18 hours a day.. WTF! Also, the amount of cyberbullying and privacy violations are insane! (This prompt definitely hit a nerve!!) It is sort of fitting that I am responding to this prompt now; considering that the provinces of Ontario and British Columbia have made moves to quash phones at school –we shall see how it all shakes out.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

February Journal #2

Is there a mistake you keep making repeatedly in your daily life? Explain.

All human beings are so flawed. I make many mistakes all the time but I try and learn and I try to  be better. I have a few poor choices that I make often…

-Committing to an exercise or weight loss program which I fail at often; knowing full well they aren’t a good fit.
-Taking on too much and not asking for help.
-Holding onto negative feelings.
-Not following through on plans because I’m afraid to do them alone.
-Not saving more for retirement but telling myself I’ll fix it next year, this also applies to going to the doctor.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

February Journal #1

What would you like said about you at your funeral?

I don’t want a funeral, rather I simply want to be cremated and have my loved ones pick up the remains and scatter them in a beautiful location. No fuss, no muss! Then perhaps they could have a fire and a little BBQ and just hang out, but nothing formal. However, I would like my former students to remember or know that I cared very deeply for each and every one of them and that I enjoyed being their teacher. I’d like my family to create a yearly award for a student that could be given out every year. I’m not sure what the criteria for it would be but I just want to forever keep giving back. (This is a pretty morbid prompt for 6:30 in the morning, btw!)

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

January Journal #5

What requires your patience today?

I woke up feeling off, I think I’m coming down with a bug. I went to bed with a bit of a headache. So basically today I think most things, especially the most mundane and ordinary will require a lot of patience. I’d rather just snuggle under my weighted blanket and sleep longer or read a book. I even had the whole “girl versus hair” monologue today. I really needed to wash my dirty hair (which is on day number FOUR) but the thought of “all that work”  irked me and I was rolling my eyes in the shower. That right there tells me I am going to have to make a very conscious choice and be deliberate in my actions today to show patience.

What about you?

Prompt from Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts