Writing Prompt Wednesdays

June Journal #2

What is something you have learned in the last few days?

[This is a throwback journal entry; I somehow missed it]

Hmm… in the past few days I have learned a great deal about Victoria, BC. My best friend and I have been researching it for a trip (and future trips because we don’t think we can fit it all in). Some information I knew, since I grew up in British Columbia; but some of it I had forgotten.

  1. It gets more than 2000 hours of sunshine each year
  2. The “Garden City” is actually one of the oldest cities in the Pacific Northwest (1862)
  3. There is an epic food culture in the city –we are excited to go to Sult Pierogi Bar
  4. The Chinatown there is the oldest in Canada and Fan Tan Alley is the narrowest street in Canada.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

June Journal #1

If you could change one personality trait about yourself, would you? Which one?

I’d like to be more easy going. I am by nature an anxious person. I worry A LOT. I worry about everything from serious life altering events to the most minor and mundane issues. I do think that I have gotten much more comfortable in my own skin and have moved into a phase of, “Well, I survived _____________.” I can do anything in terms of my career, but deep down I do believe I worry and stress too much still. I think it stems from childhood trauma. It is easier to expect the worst, it is easier to over analyze and try to figure out what others are thinking because then it is much easier to plan and avoid pain. 
What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

May Journal #5

Do you have a favorite spot to go out for coffee or dinner? What makes the spot so great?

Not really a must go to and sit and sip my coffee type of place; unless you count my couch on a weekend morning. Starbucks is my favorite place to get coffee when I’m out and about though. I even finally joined everyone in this decade and got the Starbucks app and card on my FitBit. I like my fancy coffees although I mostly just get simple orders like a Cafe Americano. I love trying new restaurants, especially with my girlfriends. We go to The Sawmill a lot but since it changed from Moose Factory the quality and menu variety has gone down really fast but it is one of the few places my husband will go out to eat and it was one of our first dates. I do really love the Olive Garden for the same reason.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

May Journal #4

What is more important in a friend: someone who makes you laugh, or someone who is always there for you?

Someone who is always there for you is the most important. Together you can love and support one another. You can make memories together and generate laughs together. If you can find someone who is always there for you and make you laugh you have hit the jackpot. I can say that I have found that in my life. You can always find things to make you laugh in this life; maybe scrolling on Instagram or watching TV but you can’t manufacture a true support network in this topsy turvy world. A true supportive friend; now that is like a diamond in the rough. But you have to remember that you have to reciprocate the support, it can’t be a one-sided relationship. I don’t have a ton of friends but I have a few top quality ladies in my life who are always there for me and I’m always there for them.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

May Journal #3

Do you recycle? If so, what do you recycle? If not, why not?

I recycle because it’s required in terms of cans, bottles, and paper. I could be much more of a green consumer though. I recycle my clothes. I wear everything until it pretty much falls apart. I do use a refillable water bottle, but sadly that is canceled out by the one-time-use coffee pods I for my Keurig. To make up for my lack of recycling I try to drive less. I reuse gift bags. However, I can never remember to bring my reusable grocery bags when I go shopping so I suppose that’s canceled out as well. I really need to do better but at school / work I am much better and even if I don’t walk the walk I do talk the talk and hopefully my students will do better.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

May Journal #2

Do you have any piercings? Do you like them on other people? Does it matter where they are?

I do have four piercings in each ear. I normally only ever wear two in each ear because the higher up on the ear the more irritation I experience. I used to have my belly button pierced, I did it on the down low one summer at camp when I was 15. Unfortunately, it was rejecting itself and then it was finally ripped out during a soccer game. I have an ugly scar. I wouldn’t mind a cute little stud in my nose actuallyI don’t mind piercings on other people. It is their own body so I won’t dictate what they should do with them. The only piercing which makes me nervous (if they end up changing their minds later) are those huge spacer earrings which make huge holes. BUT, does it truly bother me? Absolutely not!

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

May Journal #1

Is there anything you are ever a snob about?

I can be a snob about…


Those are the main things. but it’s more like reverse snobbery when it comes to food;  it’s like how can you possibly not like “insert food”? or How have you never eaten at “insert name of restaurant”? I love all kinds of food so it truly baffles me when people just eat fast food or the same thing over and over or are only meat and potatoes people; I mean my husband is one of them. And obviously I’m very very particular about books and authors as you have probably gathered from my monthly Book Club posts.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

April Journal #4

How clean is your house right now?

My house is not clean. I hate cleaning! It’s something I always procrastinate about. My husband often works away so I sort of live in my mess until he comes home and then I tidy things up a bit. I’m only ever caught up on changing the cat litter because that would be so gross if I didn’t. I absolutely hate cleaning our bathroom, have you ever shared a bathroom with a guy?!?! Oh my goodness! We have indoor pets so I do have to continually sweep. I only ever truly do a deep clean when we are having company over or when I’m in summertime purge mode. 
What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

April Journal #3

What do you think the biggest cultural differences are between your generation and your parents’ generation?

Freedom. I think that although my parents –who are baby boomers– had a relatively easy time compared to their own parents. My parents saw some pretty incredible cultural revolutions, however, they only went so far. I think subsequent generations and my own push the envelope a lot more and here we are! However, many things are being reversed, take a look at the news. The level of self-expression is mind boggling and a lot more people are living their truest and best lives; something that people of my parents; generation never had the chance to do. That being said, there is still much of the same institutionalized and systemic injustice which traps many sections of the population.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

April Journal #2

Do you use coupons?

Not really in the traditional sense of cutting them out of a flier and giving them to the cashier at checkout. If there are sales nowadays they are automatically accounted for at the time of purchase. However, if I do have a rewards card I use it; or if I’m ordering online and they have a discount code on the banner of the site or have emailed it or texted it to me – I will use it. I always used to look through the fliers as a little kid and pull out things and when we went to Costco I would hold on to the coupon sheet they gave us at the door to see if there was something new we would or could get. But we often didn’t need what was featured in those coupons anyways. 

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts