Writing Prompt Wednesdays

August Journal #4

What is standing in your way right now?

I think the greatest obstacle in my way is me.



-I can be overly cautious
-I am very afraid of change and rocking the boat
-I should have been more financially responsible
-I tend to procrastinate
-I can be lazy
-I get bored too easily
-I don’t like doing things or rather I don’t like doing certain things on my own and sometimes finding a partner in crime is tough
-I get defeated easily
-I don’t like being in charge of something or standing out; it gives me anxiety.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

August Journal #3

If you had the resources and the extra time to go back to school, what would you have liked to study?

There are so many things I would study…

 -English literature
-Culinary arts
-Art history

To be honest I’d love to go back to school, for literally anything. It is something I often think about and I have even made inquiries at various post-secondary institutions about programs and fees. The last inquiry I made was with regard to becoming a Montessori teacher. Unfortunately working an 8am to 3pm sort of job, Monday through Friday with minimal prep time doesn’t allow a lot of extra time, but even in the summer I take courses and do lots of professional development.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

August Journal #2

When was the last time someone truly listened to you?

Definitely not my students LOL just kidding!

I had a really good phone date with my long distance bestie. She always hears me! She makes me feel heard. And I like to think that the reverse is true. We are in our mid-thirties, although I may have to actually admit it but we’re closer to our late 30s. There are lots of things in life going on for both of us and we have an almost 20-year connection, but yet we ALWAYS make time to talk. We bare our souls quite frequently and easily with one another. I mean we both remember “secrets” we told each other in first year university when we first met; and those “secrets” are still locked down. If she doesn’t fit the definition of a true listener then I don’t know who does. 

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

August Journal #1

What do you think you are destined for in this life?

I don’t think that I’m destined for GREAT things… I mean I will never cure cancer, or solve the issue of poverty and famine in another country and I will never be a politician who solves a long contentious issue plaguing society which yields me a Nobel Peace Prize. Nor do I think I’m destined for an awful life. I think I’m destined for a decently good life overall; some may call it mediocre –I call it balanced. It’s a life full of happy and healthy relationships for the most part with family and friends, a challenging yet rewarding career as a teacher. Ultimately it is a comfortable and privileged life. I do realize and appreciate the privilege!. I am destined to live a life in which I strive to be the best person I can and I’m quite content knowing that I did what I could and made the people around me happy and feel loved.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

July Journal #4

What is the best thing about being either single or partnered (whichever you are right now)?

There are so many wonderful things about being married…

First, a constant champion; someone who is always in your corner. You can really do great things knowing that someone has your back consistently.

Two, a “partner in crime,” someone to enjoy life with; to go on adventures both big and small  and to always have fun with.

Third, another perspective; it’s nice to be partnered with someone who’s different than you. Someone who compliments your personality yet challenges you and helps you learn and grow. 

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

July Journal #3

If you could visit anyone on the planet right now, who would you go see?

Probably my best friend, we are actually going to see each other in a couple of weeks but the wait is just killing me! We haven’t been able to see each other for almost 3 months. We text all the time and have  long, catch up “phone dates” but it just isn’t the same. So much has happened in those three long months. Our schedules have become total opposites so even though we only live like two and a half hours away from each other it truly is very difficult to find the time and the right date that matches up. We love to do all sorts of things when we get together; partake in fun activities, eat lots of great food and of course have lots of laughs. My favorite weekends have been spent with her. 

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

July Journal #2

Describe your first kiss.

It was a really, really, really long time ago! I can’t even remember how old I was but I was really young; in elementary school. My best friend and next door neighbor Ryan kissed me. It wasn’t anything romantic or anything like that. Neither of us really understood its significance. I am not sure if that technically counts. If it doesn’t then I guess my first real kiss from an actual boyfriend was when I was 14 years old. I thought he was “the one!” Oh how silly I was. We did a lot of making out because I refused to do anything else with him. He was a good kisser but not the greatest person. I think our first kiss was on my doorstep at the end of our first date.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

July Journal #1

What is your favorite dessert?

I haven’t found a dessert yet that I didn’t enjoy. The Sawmill makes an amazing fudgy brownie covered in a chocolate dome which then has warm, gooey chocolate sauce poured on top and then the dome melts away to reveal the dessert. It’s pretty epic. However, my favorite desserts are the ones I have enjoyed on my travels.

For example…

-Mille-feuille/Napoleon in France
-Tiramisu in Italy 
-Sticky toffee pudding in  England.

I have a really bad sweet tooth. I never turned down dessert. 

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

June Journal #4

If you had a pet parrot, what would you teach it to say?

I would teach it every swear word under the sun! No, I’m just kidding. It would be funny and cute for a bit but overall I think it would be annoying in the long term.  I would teach my parrot as many words and phrases as I could so that it would be able to converse with me. Definitely, “I love you,” would be one of the phrases. I would also teach it reminders like, “Did you unplug the toaster?” “Don’t forget to bring you lunch!” Reminders would be super helpful. Even though I love birds and had two budgies (Joey & Pepsi) growing up, I am not keen on having one in the house. 
What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

June Journal #3

Name three things in your bathroom right now.

I have a lot of stuff in my bathroom; even in our guest bathrooms to be honest.

  1. Robe
  2. Towels
  3. Endless supply of soaps, shampoos, conditioners & skin care items
  4. My nail kit so I can give myself a shellac manicure
  5. A travel bag with toiletries, ready for a trip at any moment
  6. A basin to soak my tired teacher feet
  7. Toothbrush and toothpaste

It’s a good thing that we have lots of storage so that I can hide all my stuff. My husband also has a shocking amount of stuff in our bathroom. Perhaps I should do some de-cluttering….What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts