Writing Prompt Wednesdays

November Journal #1

Are you a sports fan? Do you watch or participate? Which sports?

I am not a sports fan at all. I was never raised to be and I only ever participated in volleyball and basketball at school and when I say school, I mean elementary school. The competition was too steep in high school and I was too intimidated to even try out. In elementary school no one was turned away; which is nice because you can learn some skills and try the sport out in a low stakes situation. I did the obligatory swimming lessons and I did enjoy my skating lessons. I never kept up with either of them’ too afraid of drowning (which is counter-intuitive because you think that would be the impetus to practice) and too afraid of falling and breaking a bone. These are two sports that my son is MOST DEFINITELY going to keep up with. In terms of watching sports; I only watch hockey when my husband puts on a game or we have friends over. But I love watching the Olympics both summer and winter and I watch whatever I can from them. I also enjoy the Calgary Stampede; the chuckwagon races in particular. When my husband and I first got together he was playing slo-pitch so I would go an watch him play. I am not a gambler but I do love participating in the March Madness pool or the Stanley Cup Playoff pool at work. I even won the March Madness pool once, but that was a total fluke. Technically, I won twice but COVID hit and I was the only paid entry so they deemed me the winner.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

October Journal #4

List 25 things you will never do!

  1. Cheat
  2. Quit my job
  3. Give up on love
  4. Like snakes
  5. Skydive
  6. Bungee jump
  7. Scuba dive
  8. Wear high heels again
  9. Be good at sports
  10. Be brave enough to eat alone at restaurants
  11. Reconcile with those who betrayed me
  12. Have a castle and Scotland
  13. Meet my literary idol
  14. Compromise my values
  15. Learn to drive stick
  16. Win an Academy Award
  17. Wear make up to work again
  18. Make assumptions about others
  19. Move back to BC
  20. See my dad again
  21. Take my friends for granted
  22. Put up with disrespect
  23. Waterski
  24. Stop reading or buying books
  25. Originally, I had “have kids” listed here but we were finally blessed with a baby in the summer so I guess I have to think of something else to add to the list

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

October Journal #3

Imagine you were at your next high school reunion. How do you think your old-school friends would react to the person you are today?

I have never attended one of our high school reunions. This summer it would have been TWENTY years! I never had the inkling to go either. To be honest, I don’t even really keep up with anyone; I doubt they keep up with me. I had a few friends in high school, but we drifted apart or they moved while we were in high school. A lot of my friends or rather those who I thought were my friends came from Sea Cadets instead. I kept to myself pretty much in high school. I don’t know if anyone would really care too much or even give me a second thought at high school reunion. A very, very tiny shred of me would love for them to be impressed by me: teacher, wife, mother, business owner but I don’t really care about their opinion at all.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

October Journal #2

What does spring look like in your neighborhood?

Melted snow
Reveals the dead brown grass below
The in between stage
Finally earth starting to show

Temperatures unpredictable
More sunlight; moods more stable
Inching closer to gardening season
Takes so long; seems a fable

It is so very short; blink and you’ll miss it
Soon summer will come — pure bless
Oops! a spot of spontaneous winter
Then back to spring, how confusing is this!

Rest, Easter having fun
Kids will ask when school will be done
Fleeting quick
Then it is done

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

October Journal #1

You have been given $100 on the condition that you must spend it all on yourself. What will you do with your money?


I would 100% buy a ton of books. Considering that the books I typically read (both paper or iBooks) are about $14-$18. I would actually end up with 5-7 books so perhaps “a ton” is a bit hyperbolic. Right now I’m devouring mystery book after mystery book; you can check out what I read at the end of each month in the archive section. It’s not surprising my go to books are mysteries since my favorite author is Agatha Christie. I read all of her novels, plays, stories but I’ve been able to find a few authors that can hold a candle to her. My too be read list is huge; just currently waiting for various release dates!

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

September Journal #4

If you could build your own vacation resort, what is one attraction you would definitely include? 

This isn’t very original but the top attraction that my vacation resort would be the FOOD. I want a whole section to be a food experience. Whatever you’re craving you can get, there are culinary activities that take place there too. The only thing I would like but I know is impossible but I guess that’s the point isn’t it is…you can eat what you want, wherever you want and how much you want but you will never ever gain a pound while on vacation at my resort. In addition to the food there needs to be a world-class spa. Basically my resort would be the ultimate relaxing destination in the world. 

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts
What about you? Comment below!

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

September Journal #3

Do you think table manners are important? why?

Manners are important, however, sadly in this impersonal digital world people struggle with the basics. Manners are what endear you to others at first impression. A polite “Hello, how are you?,”  “Have a nice day!,” “Please and thank you!;” they go a long way. If you don’t use your manners you are seen as rude and that first impression really can be the deciding factor of whether people like you or not. We are so conditioned for instantaneous gratification and so willing to “scroll” past someone both online and in person it’s crucial to use your manners. Social skills are so important and not many people have them.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts
What about you? Comment below!

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

September Journal #2

Have you ever had something stolen from you?

Yes, many things!

-a boyfriend when I was 14

-my party shoes at Chuck E. Cheese while I was in the ball pit at age 4; my mother had to carry me the car; it was so upsetting!

-my sense of security when my car was broken into at age 25

-my childlike, carefree attitude when my grandmother had a stroke when I was in the fourth grade, AND  then again when my dad was diagnosed with cancer three years later AND then again three years after that when he died

-money; here and there

-time; constantly

We sure do lose a lot of things in this life!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts
What about you? Comment below!

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

September Journal # 1

What is one phrase you would really like to hear right now?

“You have won the lottery!”


I would love to hear my dad’s voice again. The phrase could be anything, even the most ridiculous or mundane thing. We never were that family who took many good family photos or made videos so I really have no decent photos of my dad and I have no recording of his voice. After 20+ years I can’t even remember what he sounds like and the 16 years worth of memories I have seem to be fading. There are definitely specific clear moments but the everyday stuff is hazy. Even his sent memory is disappearing. When my brother-in-law died his wife made Build-A-Bears for the kids and had a recording of his voice put inside and I just think that’s so precious and such a great idea for the kids.

What about you? Comment below!
Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

August Journal #5

Why are families important? What do families provide that we cannot find on our own?

To be completely honest; I want to say that families are important because they give you unconditional love and they give you the kind of “good start” in life that’s so crucial in your later years. However, I’ve seen some incredibly remarkable kids despite; to be completely honest the worst families ever! I think that families whether birth/blood or created through adoption can be incredibly important if they are healthy, and are able to provide you with the types of supports that you can’t get anywhere else. What is very special in life is that  families come in all shapes and sizes and that is very much celebrated and something else that is very special is that that we are able to CHOOSE our family. Those “chosen families” can fill the gaps to heal the pain that our real families have left or caused in our lives.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts