Writing Prompt Wednesdays

Writing Prompt Wednesday…

Do you like or have facial hair?

I don’t have facial hair unless you count a few chin hairs that started making their appearance as I get closer and closer to 40! I know, that is probably “TMI.” I do like a man with a nice beard or goatee. Nothing scraggly or too long. My husband rocks facial hair most of the year, however, I do enjoy it when he’s clean shaven because he looks so different and has a scar on his chin that I find incredibly attractive. I guess as he says, “chicks really do dig scars.” At the end of hunting season his beard is really out of control so it isn’t my favorite style on him. I couldn’t imagine having a beard. I think it would be so hot and itchy and I’d be afraid of getting food stuck in it and that’s just gross.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

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Writing Prompt Wednesdays

Writing Prompt Wednesday…

What grinds your gears and really annoys you?

Ignorance, plain and simple ignorance!

I cannot stand when people bury their heads in the sand and ignore what’s happening in the world. I constantly end up listening to people make statements from a place of being ill-informed because they have seen a TikTok or a post on Instagram that is clearly misleading. It is very annoying when people don’t consistently evaluate their beliefs and values to see if they fit or are correct or even applicable. I truly feel that as people and society change we need to examine our beliefs. I also hate it when people are blind to their words and mindset flaws or they try to impose certain beliefs on others but the second they are questioned, not even imposed upon they scream and shout their mindset and freedoms are being infringe on. I hate that people don’t think critically about history and their own privilege.

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Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

December Journal #4

What catches your eye about the architecture of a building?

I’m a sucker for a grand and intricately and opulently finished building. I’m a sucker for stained glass windows. I’m a sucker for a building that is considered an engineering or architectural wonder. Buildings like the Duomo in Florence, Versailles in Paris, provincial legislatures, or the Parliament Buildings in Canada , hotels like the Empress or Hotel MacDonald. I love a great Victorian mansion or an Art Deco building. I like a building that can transport me back in time one that’s unlike everything else around it. Especially now that everything is so modern and minimalist and devoid of true personality I like spaces with character.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

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Writing Prompt Wednesdays

December Journal #3

What would life be like if unicorns and dragons existed?

I think that would be truly lovely and remarkable. A lot of young children would lose their minds as their imaginations came to life. Fairy tale perfection! However, they’d be hunted and taxidermied by some. I’d like to think that this variation of life would be a time where we would have reached utopia and all of our social ills and failings and issues would’ve been solved and we lived happily ever after. So, basically it would be a pipe dream if unicorns and dragons existed. I think we need a lot more magic in our lives right now. I think sometimes we’d like to go back to simpler times in our lives when we were young and had a little to worry about in theory, I know not everyone had a carefree childhood. But little escapism now and then isn’t a bad thing.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

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Writing Prompt Wednesdays

December Journal #2

Have you ever been attacked by an animal?

I was chased by a Canada goose while I was at a park with my dad one time. And there’s a photo of me in one of my albums with me screaming my head off and he’s carrying me and I’m kicking and he’s got me lifted up almost above his head, heading back to the car. One time I was at a zoo with my parents and some of their friends, and we were allowed to feed the birds and an emu bit my hand. And then there was that one time I was playing in the back lane when I was growing up and the neighbor’s dog ran out. Her name was Muffy. It was a horrible little dog, anyways, Muffy ran out and bit my leg, and I was scared of dogs for years.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

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Writing Prompt Wednesdays

December Journal #1

What kind of recipes do you gravitate towards for example desserts, casserole, drinks?

I love to peruse cookbooks, food, magazines, and Instagram for recipes. I always have ideas, but they don’t match my skill set. I really like fancy, fresh, trendy recipes, but I only have the skill set really for one pot dinners or recipes that focus on five ingredients or less. Plus, my husband is a meat and potatoes kind of guy so it’s really hard to cook anything that he would kind of consider “exotic.” For example quinoa is too far out of his comfort zone; “Where’s the rice?” My mom was the queen of casseroles and I always said that I would never make them, but as 30+ year old woman who works long hours and is a new mom I definitely see the appeal. I like all kinds of recipes in terms of ingredients. I’m not super picky. I like to make drinks, however, when I try to mix an alcoholic one it never turns out well because they always end up tasting super strong. So basically, they look pretty, but they taste terrible. I also love a really good meal salad recipe, especially in the summer when I can use the vegetables that I grew myself. Sheet pans suppers also are great for our lifestyle but I feel like they don’t always have the opportunity to build flavor or taste and are just kinda meh!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

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Writing Prompt Wednesdays

November Journal #5

What kind of items fill your bookshelves?

An extensive collection of Agatha, Christie, Jane Austen, Elizabeth, Peters and Sue Grafton novels. The bookshelves that belong to me are filled with TONS of mystery writers. On the other bookshelves, my husband’s, there are many books by Wilbur Smith, Simon Scarrow, and from the William Johnstone; as well as a few eclectic books. On one there are a ton of board games that haven’t been touched in years because my husband doesn’t like to play board games and my son is only three months old. On top of each bookshelf are a collection of knickknacks that I didn’t want our cats to get at. Additionally, on all of them there is a very thin layer of dust from a lack of caring about cleaning in the basement. We have so many bookshelves and to be honest we need to pick up a few more. Gotta love the classic Billy bookshelf from IKEA. It’s affordable and hold a lot of stuff. This is not an ad but if you saw our basement, it would be.

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Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

November Journal #4

What was the last puzzle you worked on?

I did a lot of puzzles during the “COVID times.” I really enjoy them. I only like to do the 500 or 750 piece puzzles. If I have to I’ll do one that’s 1000 pieces but any more than that and it’s just too much. Also, sometimes my obsessive compulsive shows itself, so once I start I want to fully finish it. So, if it’s 1000 pieces, I’ll stay at for hours and hours to the point where I won’t sleep. I think the last one I did was either a seed package that I framed or the upside down puzzle of our dog that a client gave to us. My husband isn’t a fan of puzzles so I have to do them on my own. Basically, that’s the literal answer. However, the figurative answer is: “how do I solve the issue of low engagement in school life activities?” It is a very tricky puzzle that I’m working on because basically, how do you get people to care?, how do you compete with the instant gratification of a phone?, how do you come up with fresh exciting activities and prizes when there is zero input from the vested parties but yet they complain school isn’t fun?

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Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

November Journal #3

Describe your most recent dream that you can remember.

I can’t really remember a recent dream in detail; only just short little fragments. That’s really not a compelling journal entry story wise. Although here’s a list of things I sometimes dream about. 

-My husband and I split up

-I’m teaching a class and it’s either going really well or terribly nothing in between

-A day in my life that I already live but sometimes I make different decisions and I see how it plays out



-I am falling, and I wake myself up with a start as I hit the ground 

-Mundanely doing chores

Such wild dreams, eh? 

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Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

November Journal #2

Describe in detail a float, you have seen in a parade.

Perfectly decorated; painstakingly!
Animal balloons. 
Ribbons, bunting, crêpe paper.
All vibrantly, 
decked out, fully. 

Fear of the clowns cycling past. 
Laughter from the crowd. 
Oohhs &
Traffic blocked off.

Marching bands 

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts