Reflections & Lifestyle


2021 HAS to be better than 2020; it just has to be…

Normally, I don’t bother making resolutions because I haven’t been successful in keeping them, so I just avoided the pressure and disappointment entirely. Since I made it through the pandemic. I will be making a resolution and sticking to it. This year will be the year of taking better care of myself physically and mentally.

Sub-Resolution 1: Lose weight

  • I have put on quite a bit of weight over the last few years; and even morso during quarantine. I slimmed down a bit for my wedding but it didn’t last. It has taken me awhile to realize that it isn’t about losing weight until I hit the magic number on the scale and then wildly yo-yo-ing. I have to make a conscious decision to keep the weight off consistently, to be proactive.

Sub-Resolution 2: Improve my (diet/exercise) habits

  • There are no gyms nearby, and my workout buddy lives in Calgary. I need to make sure that the time I carve out to workout is not being sacrificed for something else. Unfortunately there are only so many hours in a day and something has to give; and ultimately it has been this aspect of my personal care. I have sacrificed working out for marking, planning, cooking, cleaning, watching TV, completing my masters, playing Candy Crush, etc. I also have been eating pretty terribly since the fall. I live on convenience food like sandwiches and pre-made, processed foods because it has seemed easier than cooking for one. Eating garbage has made me feel like garbage; no energy to workout even if I wanted to. I was the queen of make ahead meals, I have to reclaim my throne. It saved me a lot of time throughout the week; time that I could use to work out or do the other things that I sacrificed my workouts for in the first place. In addition, I also have to be more consistent at taking my vitamins.

Sub-Resolution 3: Cut out alcohol

  • I don’t drink excessively, however this is one less thing I can keep out of my system. Plus, it will help me avoid the excruciating migraines I have been battling since age eleven. I probably should have done this one sooner; but I was young and dumb.

Sub-Resolution 4: Cut out caffeine

  • There is a teacher meme that states: “Coffee: Turning tired teachers into superheroes on a daily basis!” This is accurate. There have been days where I consumed four or more cups of coffee, especially during report card season. There have been days where I get the shakes because I haven’t had enough coffee. Every night after dinner I have a cup of coffee with my husband. Sadly, I’ll admit that I probably drink more pop or juice on a daily basis than water. So I’m going to limit myself to the recommended daily allotment of caffeine and up my water intake considerably. 
Reflections & Lifestyle

Tis The (Ice Fishing) Season

6:30AM: The alarm goes off and I sleepily make way to kitchen to turn the Keurig on and let the dog out.

6:40AM: Teeth are brushed, hair is tamed and I’ve donned my sexy thermal underwear.

6:45AM: Scarfing down bites of avocado toast between gulps of coffee, while my husband loads the last of the gear into the Dodge pick-up truck.

7:00AM: Pull on my SHE camo bibs, coat and toque. Adjust the laces of my Windriver boots.

7:05AM: zip the dog into his Tanglefree vest and secure him in the backseat of the cab 

7:10AM: We make our way to the lake, with a quick stop at the gas station for bottles of water, snacks and maggots. 

7:25AM: With windows rolled down we bump along the rutted trail to our favourite spot (and no, I won’t tell you where it is). 

7:50AM: We arrive after stopping to talk to fellow anglers about the conditions, hooks and other bits of idle chit-chat.

7:55AM: I start digging a place for the tent while my husband cuts the holes with his trusty auger, named Ethyl; two holes for me and two holes for him.

8:03AM: He sets up the tent and Jawjackers while I scoop the slush from the holes: careful not to drop it down… down to the deep.

8:15AM: Tent in place, tied to the truck and the bottom flaps covered in snow.

8:20AM: The rest of the gear unloaded and strategically arranged in the tent (propane heater, chairs, bucket of rods, reels, cases of hooks, scale, clippers, you name it).

8:25AM: The Marcum and other two rods are set up, right around 10 feet down.; while the pup snores away happily next to us on his mat.

8:30-9:00AM: Like clockwork we start to mark them; big fat fish swims past my hook… now we wait…

Throughout the day my husband catches some; fights them adeptly like a professional; careful not to lose them at the hole. The Jawjackers miss a few or rather we do, not able to get out of the tent fast enough. And I get skunked.

Mid afternoon we clean up, head home for a nice warm shower and a proper lunch. Once the fish are cleaned my husband starts to think about how to change our luck. 

An early to bed so we can get up and do it all again tomorrow morning…

Reflections & Lifestyle

The Daily Three: Carrington Gratitude Exercise

Several years ago, I attended a PD session; and it was a much needed wake up call for me not only professionally but also personally. It came at a time were I was beginning to feel myself slipping into a nasty case of winters blues and burnout in general.  And I also felt like I was spending too much time on my phone and not enough time communicating meaningfully and in person with the people I love. The session was given by Alberta based clinical psychologist, Dr. Jody Carrington. She speaks very frankly on a variety of topics including: relationships, parenting, compassion fatigue, grief, leadership and trauma. I would say that by far this is THE greatest session I had been to in a VERY LONG TIME. If you ever get a chance to see her, I highly recommended it; even if you can’t, follow her on Instagram! I thoroughly enjoyed her book, Kids These Days!
One of the many items she talked about was that we find it difficult to be joyful; we are always preparing for the worst or we forget to “lean into joy” and ultimately gratitude. Basically we need to consciously articulate joy in our lives. She suggested that we all think of THREE things each day that gave us joy or that we were grateful /thankful for, no matter how small or silly it may seem. She said that we should do this until Christmas break and it would “change our lives.” A co-worker and I made a pact to follow her advice. I cannot begin to tell you the difference that this has made to my mood, energy level, classroom practice and to my relationships with family and friends. So here is what I found joy/gratitude in from November 1st to December 20th. 

2. Gauge, my dog
3. Jody Carrington session
4. Treats in the staff room
5. Generosity of people
6. That my grade 9s  were so well behaved and mature
7. Hunting; so I can watch a field full of does feeding while their fawns frolick
8.Coffee in the morning
9. Sunny weather during winter
10. Cuddling
11. Getting an extra hour of sleep
12. Being able to finally read a book for pleasure
13. That my friend who was in a car accident is on the mend
14. Funny teacher memes
15. Sloths
16. Getting an encouraging email from a parent
17. Being almost done report cards
18. Look on my neighbour’s face when I gave her a thank you gift
19. A grade 7 dressed up as a Trex for spirit day (showing exemplary school spirit)
20. A student who was concussed is getting back to her old self
21. When grade 9s did well with their letters to the justice minister
22. Chatting with students about Star Wars
23. My grade 7s love inreach class with me and seek it out
24. Our secretary brought dip two days in a row and the English teacher brought Krispy Kreme
25. Report cards are done
26. It is Friday
27. My best friend is coming over for the weekend from Calgary
28. Good food
29. Great wine
30. Adventures in Edmonton
31. Made quiche for the first time and it turned out very well (and was a hit with guests)
32. Garth Brooks sing along in the car
33. Great service from salespeople (just happy and super helpful; love what they do)
34. That I have the day off so I can recover from the plague without having to do sub plans
35. The Happiness Planner (I filled it in the other day with Megan but I read it over today)
36. Laundry and dishes are done; so I’m feeling productive (sick but productive
37. There was extra Cobbs Bread in the staff room so we all got to take some home
38. Macaroni & Cheese
39. Only have 1 set of assignments to mark (basically caught myself up today) 
40. Got to see Kim today after what seems like a million years
41. Celebrating a coworker and wishing her well on her retirement 
42. The art kids wrote messages of “get well” on my whiteboard and drew me pictures 
43. Bird feeders
44. Aaron rubbed mint oil on my back so now it hurts less from coughing
45. Getting to hang out with my friend and her kids (virtual coffee date)
46. Seminars are planned (just a few little things to make, print & copy left) 
47. Seeing my cousin Adam & Adeline
48. Awesome in-laws 
49. Authentic Indian food 
50. Vancouver without any rain 
51. Fleece blankets 
52. Ginger tea 
53. Booze at a baby shower 
54. Hubby is on the mend after dental surgery
55. The greatest sloth gift ever (a mini Sebastian in a onesie) from Kim because she came back to work! (2 things in one)
56. Sub plans are finished
57. Adorable shop cat
58. My DES 1010 kids earned their credit
59. Got to visit with my aunt 
60. Apple crisp in the staff room 
61. My DES 1020 kid earned their credit
62. Hump day candy and chips 
63. Found a new favourite Chinese food place 
64. Fuzzy socks
65. Cruising with Aaron 
66. PD planning with Kim 
67. It’s Friday! 
68. Coming home to see that Aaron started to clean the kitchen 
69. Murphy Brown reboot
70. Sleeping in
71. A hot cup of coffee
72. Mayans season finale
73. Cheesy romantic Christmas movies
74. Seeing the wild cat we found is getting chubbier, stronger and braver
75. Watching Gauge roll around in the snow 
76. Freezer food; otherwise I would starve 
77. Christmas decorations at work
78. My grade 11s were so productive today 
79. Aaron is on his way home 
80. Really good discussion about cultural contact and relationship building with the 7s 
81. Purdys is dealt with and we fundraised $520
82. Best sloth puppet ever
83. Furniture arrived
84. Finding out that Aaron’s dental coverage is really good 
85. Christmas gift idea from Deb 
86. When a coworker gives you her sub so you can get caught up on marking
87. When a student realizes you were right about using worktime 
88. Perogy deliciousness
89. Christmas card creation was a success with the art kids
90. Knowing that the Dr. Carrington challenge starts tomorrow
91. Christmas shopping with Aaron
92. Got my ring cleaned; I love sparkly things
93. Supporting my friend’s crafting business
94. Cranberry ginger ale
95. My new light up snowman decoration
96. Plowed driveway
97. Snow day
98. Ordered Aaron’s gift
99. New Kate Spade wallet from a generous coworker 
100. Poinsettias are gorgeous
101. Pioneer Woman magazine; winter edition
102. Aaron put the tree up and made goose jerky and soup
103. Pajama Day
104. Phone call with my Calgary bestie
105. Sex and the City reruns
106. Poutine for dinner
107. Great class with the 9s
108. Having an understanding friend who listens to my rants
109. Sculpting Christmas ornaments
110. Donair
111. Happy puppy
112. Clean house
113. Tree is all decorated
114. Watching my nieces and nephew make a gingerbread house
115. Morning snuggles on the couch with my youngest niece watching cooking shows
116. Wrapping presents
117. Christmas scented candles
118. Kim’s bangs; because they look good and she feels so happy about her new look
119. Double prep in the morning
120. Learning how to shellac my own nails at home
121. Delicious cookie from one of my students
122. No tech glitches
123. Having a nice meal
124. Self car bingo cards
125. Great laughs with coworkers & Ed’s hashbrown casserole in the staff room
126. Social 9 class worked so well considering it was an 80 minute block (and we are inching closer to Christmas break)
127. Coming home to see a Christmas light surprise (Aaron bought lights to string along the driveway fence)
128. Rapping  the clean version of “Lose Yourself” with Kim for the 7s
129. Grade 7 comic strips are looking so awesome
130. Drinks with Jess
131. Epic band concert
132. Purdy’s orders came in and was right
133. Andrew’s Christmas sweater
134. Receiving and reading the first Christmas cards of the season
135. Decluttering
136. Cousin in law becoming a nurse practitioner
137. Fixed a really special Christmas ornament finally; that broke like 6 years ago
138. Watching Home Alone movies while Aaron brines whitefish (smells soooo good!)
139. Crazy good sales at Indigo
140. Incredibly thoughtful and beautiful gifts from one of my students
141. All the treats in the staff room
142. Survived Monday before winter break
143. Lose Yourself was on the radio on the way to school
144. Chinese food
145. Secret Santa gift
146. Google Meets with the 8s
147. Charlie Brown Christmas Mural
148. Watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation while enjoying a cup of coffee

Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

Dear Loved Ones…

When I started my career I went to a “Beginning Teachers Conference,” the excitement, hope and energy permeated the air. Fresh out of university I was one of those eager beavers ready to embark on my first contract. In one session they told us (and showed us with a fancy little graph) that our first year would be a roller coaster of: anticipation, survival, disillusionment, rejuvenation and reflection. After twelve years of teaching I have found that this cycle is not restricted only to year one; it is every year. This is a career of high HIGHS and low LOWS. It is rewarding, it is exhausting, it is heartbreaking, it is exciting. I regarded my teachers; the ones who I remember vividly, the ones who made a lasting impression on me, as saints. I wanted to be just like them –to make a difference! It has taken over twelve years (and a pandemic) to realize one very important lesson.


Ultimately, your ‘tank’ needs to be full and constantly replenished before driving along the road of teaching and learning with your students. As teachers, we constantly worry about our students emotional and physical wellbeing but we are reluctant to think about or worry about our own; because we feel guilty. We feel guilty for taking an hour long break from our marking to go and take a Yoga class with a friend or we feel guilty for declining to coach a sports team because we need some extra time at home with our own families. So we acquiesce and give too much. Sometimes I feel like I am doing a crappy job at 100 things but I really want to be able to do an excellent job at 10 things. We have to start practicing self-care. Otherwise, we will burnout out, we will leave a profession we love (minus the bureaucratic BS), we will end up damaging important relationships in our lives, we will sink into depression and we will fall victim to compassion fatigue.

The longer your tank is on empty the longer that disillusionment stage will last. It will never completely go away because we will get frustrated. That is understandable, we work with so many children, parents and policymakers all with different ideas about what education (and your job as a teacher) is and should be. We are forced to reconcile all those ideas on top of all the other tasks we perform both inside and outside of the classroom. If we focus on wellbeing as part of the process of teaching rather than at the end when we are in a negative, broken place we can mitigate the disillusionment.

For a stark wake up call about the state of teacher mental health, feel free to check out this article: How COVID-19 Has Influenced Teacher’s Well-Being

For teachers looking to manage their stress and invest in themselves and prioritize their well being check out Natalie McCully’s Pinterest Board

Reflections & Lifestyle

From: A Shiftworker’s Wife

You may recall from my post on July, that I had a list of 10 things I endeavour to do or remember to keep in mind when I miss my husband while he is working away. Some of my friends who don’t have spouses that work away have asked me, how we do it? Or how do I stand it? It is simple, first of all …

1. Surround yourself with family
This seems self explanatory and I don’t just mean your own family but his as well.  His family helps make it seem like he isn’t gone. We both miss him terribly. My husband’s family is truly amazing. They have stepped in to help me with absolutely anything and everything. I absolutely love being apart of their family and can’t thank them enough for all they have done for my husband and I. 

2. Communicate as much as possible
Text or call or email every morning and every night and of course when you can throughout the day; we say good morning and good night every day. It starts us both off on a good footing, because the first thing I read is his message and it is the last thing I read before bed.

My husband always says that he is there to work, eat, sleep, repeat with little interaction with others; after all shiftmates end up on different sites and contractors come and go. With that kind of isolation at work, communication with your partner back home becomes super important to actively foster. Plus, it has allowed me to get a greater understanding and appreciation of what he does. The interest I show (and what he shows in my work, and I’m sure he has had to Google educational paradigms, curriculum initiatives and teacher acronyms to understand me) helps us feel better about being apart.

3 & 4. Get off the couch & Hobbies
And this has definitely been a priority for me as it aligns very closely with my New Years resolutions. I found it easy to fall into a bit of a depression when my husband is gone. Partly, because I miss him like crazy and also because we share the same hobbies so all the things that I derive joy from doing are very much tied to him and I didn’t feel like doing them unless he was around, it felt weird. I will admit, reluctantly that there have been weekends where I have gotten up and then just basically layed on the couch in pajamas till noon (or occasionally sometimes all day), just staring at the television like a zombie. Lately, instead of lazing on the couch and missing out on life, I have been putting in a workout DVD.

It is important to find yourself some hobbies; hobbies that are independent from him. It also helps you get off the couch; it takes your mind off missing him. I knew that I had to really work hard to figure out other things to do on my own and that were nearby otherwise I wouldn’t want to drive the hour into Edmonton. 

5. Lists
I make a lot of lists of what I need to do when my husband is away.  It keeps me motivated and it keeps me distracted. It also helps make sure that I get everything done that I need to, so when he is home we both have fewer chores to do and can maximize the amount of fun we can have together.

6. Clean House
In terms of the division of labour in our household, the housework is under my domain. I know that I may get criticized for this, but I prefer it this way. I grew up in a household with a traditional blue/pink – male/female job dynamic. My husband not only works away a week at a time, swinging nights to days but he also runs our business on top of doing innumerable things around the house. He doesn’t demand a spotless house; he understands that occasionally I might let the dishes pile up, the dust accumulate, the grocery shopping is overdue and that I have once again left the laundry in the dryer (especially during report card time). However, after living in camps or in a rented room I can only imagine that coming home to a clean house feels fantastic. Making sure I stay on top of it makes me happier, makes me feel like I am contributing and the less time I spend cleaning when he is home, the more time I can spend with him.

7. Meal Planning
If it was up to me and I hadn’t made a resolution to eat better, I would simply just eat crap while my husband is away. Meal planning has allowed me to eat better, and as a result feel better. I like planning out what I will cook for us when he is home.

8. Make Gestures
Even though I hate it when he has to leave, I try to do some things to help make it easier on him.

-make meals for him to take to work (I like doing this so he doesn’t have to worry about preparing meals himself and that way he doesn’t have to resort to convenience food)
-fold his laundry and help him pack
-stock the house with stuff that he likes (make sure he has his favourite coffee and snacks)
-wait up for him when he comes home

9. Don’t Cry
My husband knows that I cry when he leaves. I try not to pout or cry in front of him though; because it is hard enough on him already. Although I am sure he is touched that I love him that much but I know that he HATES seeing me cry…and he definitely doesn’t want to be the reason that I do.

10. Love
Don’t forget that bottom line; he is working his butt off for the family. Out of necessity. Out of love. Don’t forget to make time for love.

Reflections & Lifestyle

Challenging Stereotypes

My best friend and I lightheartedly refer to each other as “Country Babe” and “City Babe.” I grew up in Vancouver and traded the city for country life in rural Alberta. She grew up in a very small town but relocated to the big city of Calgary. We both have traits that are a little country and little city.

There are a few stereotypes that go along with these identities of “Country Babe” and “City Babe,” however, we don’t always fit the mould.

Outdoors & Hobbies: Typically it is thought that country babes in general live for camping, fishing, quading, mudding and hunting. And while I love all of the above (except for mudding) I also enjoy going to the theatre to see musicals and ballet. I am also a HUGE Cirque du Soleil fan. Trips to the Art Gallery and museums are also on my to do list.

Lifestyle: Typically it is thought that country babes in general are sassy, “work hard & play hard” and love animals. True to fashion; this does describe me, however, my love of animals are limited to cats and dogs…Having never experienced farm life, I have NEVER ridden a horse, milked a cow or tended chickens.

Music: Typically it is thought that country babes in general rock out to the likes of Carrie Underwood, Reba MacIntire, Luke Bryan, Garth Brooks and many other talented country music artists. While I do appreciate this genre of music I also have 90s pop, rock and metal radio stations on my presets list.

Clothes: Typically it is thought that country babes in general don the following articles of clothing… cowgirl boots, jeans, flannel shirts, big belt buckles and camouflage. True to fashion; I do own A LOT of camo used for both hunting and for occasional day-wear BUT I spend most of my time in formal clothes for work. I enjoy getting all “gussied up” in “fancy clothes” to have a night on the town at a hot new restaurant in city with bestie. Also, this country babe doesn’t own boots and a big belt buckle.

Attraction: Typically it is thought that country babes in general fall for men who have strong family values, are fit, often have a farmer’s tan and drive a truck. Even though Mr. Country Babe does tick these boxes there are so many more wonderful qualities he possesses; and the previously mentioned traits were not the only reasons I fell in love with him in the first place.

Vehicles: Typically it is thought that country babes in general drive lifted vehicles like a truck with big tires. But, I have a plain jane SUV that is automatic…I can’t even drive a stick. And, I have only driven a truck a handful of times.

Nightlife: Typically it is thought that country babes in general like to party it up and chug beers and dance the night away. While I do enjoy sitting around the fire with friends having a few drinks (not limited to beer) I am not attending  (nor have ever attended) country dances in barns. Secret: I doesn’t even know how to two-step! However, I did enjoy square dancing lessons in high school gym class.

Reflections & Lifestyle

Online Dating

Dating is tough, online dating adds a whole other dimension! This month marks EIGHT years since I met my husband through eharmony. I offer you some personally tried and tested tips to help you navigate your way online to a successful relationship.

Since I have re-watched every Iliza Schlesinger special on Netflix during this pandemic, I can’t help but quote her Elder Millennial special: “you gotta kiss a lot of frogs to…” get your happily ever after (ultimately).

Several of my friends have also turned to online dating and I have realized that it is super common for our generation. It is definitely an interesting journey but along the way we learned some very valuable lessons. Sorry, this is a LONG post; but it took me two years to find my prince!

1. The Right Mindset
Perhaps the most important is make sure you do what is comfortable for you! This means having a clear idea of what you want, what is important to you and what you expect from the other person, if you know, you are less likely to put yourself in a position or select a match that makes you unhappy. This also helps you focus on compatibility beyond physical attraction. Never operate from a place of uncertainty, never operate from a place of fear (fear of an activity or fear of being single for the rest of your life). Yes, it is important to be open-minded, flexible and try new things; without being super judgemental, however everyone (both you and your date) have non-negotiables/boundaries If you expect the other person to honour yours then you have to honour theirs as well. 

2. Finding The Right Site/App
Make sure you find a reputable dating site; there are some meant for people at certain stages of their lives, some that are faith based, some that are focused on helping you find a hook-up and some that are focused on helping you find a relationship. Your chances of getting what you want increase when you are on the site that matches your end game or situation. Don’t pick one because of the price tag/sale/promotion; invest in yourself

3. Setting Up Your Profile
Now that you have the mindset and set up an account on a site it is time to create your profile. What to do? What not to do? Those are the questions…

Post current photos of yourself...Trust me, it is natural to want to post some older photos where you may look better. But your potential suitor is not dating who you were (physically or emotionally) 5 years ago; they are dating the current you…Don’t deceive them or yourself. It goes both ways. Also, post what I call “action shots,” these are photos of you doing what you love to do…in these photos you also look happy…and that is attractive and provides back-up to what you outline in your profile. It also helps get the conversation started!

Create a profile of substance…I’d be lying if I said that photos weren’t the number one reason why people get drawn to a profile but ultimately it is. But it is the content you put in the profile that makes them ‘stay,’ ‘consider you,’ ‘send you a message,’ etc. Which means the information you include must be truthful. Say what you mean and mean what you say (applicable not only to profile creation but also when conversing with your matches)

4. Navigate The Site/Your Matches
Be active; don’t wait for them to come to you…if you see someone you like then go for it; send a message. They are probably just as nervous as you. This whole, ‘wait to be discovered or chosen’ is total crap. You are responsible for making yourself happy! 

I will admit that it is easy to swipe ‘No’ (I believe we are judgmental by nature). The perfect match is not truly ‘perfect’ no one is perfect; hopefully prior to registering on your dating site of choice you have debunked the myth of perfection. There are those who are obviously wrong for you and those can be easily weeded out. BUT don’t be afraid of the only 75% compatible rating; start a conversation first…just because you talk to them doesn’t mean you have to actually date them!!!!!!!!!! You owe them nothing. These sorts of matches/compatibility levels can give you a chance to refocus what you want it is also good for the practice of being open-minded. Dating sites use algorithms devoid of human emotion; there are things that you can assess that the site can’t. You never know that 75% on paper may actually be closer to your ideal than a 99% but of course don’t to try and make them someone they are not just to make it work.

Personally, I was utterly disheartened when match after match didn’t work out. The messages that went unanswered or the conversations that fizzled or the dates that didn’t pan out really got to me. There were definitely times where I thought that there was something wrong with me or that I would be single for the rest of my life; basically I felt like I was incompatible with every guy…unmatchable. Yes, I realize that was a total spiral; hopefully a little comic relief in a fairly serious blog post. My point is: DON’T BE DISCOURAGED! You won’t find him or her the first may be on the site for a while (reconcile yourself with that fact). Anyone who is worth your time and affection is worth waiting for

5. Interacting/“Conversing”
Communicating online is tough! We all need to have a bit of patience. Give your match a chance to get the conversation going…the number of “Hi, how are you?” messages you will get can seem tedious but in person, you’d start the convo the same way. Not everyone is their naturally witty or engaging self over DM.  They are not going to open with: “Tell me everything about yourself!” “Let’s date,”  or “Will you marry me?” Be realistic!

Okay, so you took my advice about being active during your search; be active during the conversation. Never be afraid to ask questions. Conversations are two way streets; they will ask you stuff if you ask them stuff! I know that is revolutionary advice but for some reason we seem to forget this. It is important to give them something to talk to you about (which you have also done by including substance in your profile). For some weird reason, some women feel the need to be shy or coy as a way to be a demure damsel *insert eyeroll here* Those one word answers and being overly shy or coy can be read as not interested.

Take a look at your text messages; what do you see? EMOTICONS…use these sparingly…especially with those you are just getting to know. However, they can be helpful especially because we ALL suffer from the inability to ascertain tone during online communication BUT….double edged sword… they can be irritating if overly relied on.

Ever dated someone who was a “negative nelly”? I guess my question should really be: ever dumped someone who was overly negative? Well, as self explanatory as this may seem, use positive language as much as possible. Being overly negative is one way to ensure that the conversation wanes.

Yes, it is okay to be flirty but your opener should have more to it than “You are cute *winky face*  Remember to talk about both the superficial and deeper stuff. And while it is okay to be flirty it isn’t okay to talk about your ex too much…we all know why…

Now, that you have become comfortable with the dating site and messaging with your match, don’t spend all your time talking online. It is important to ACTUALLY meet and talk in person. You have to shelve your fear of rejection (as sucky as it is to be rejected after a date) you do have to put yourself out there…put your heart on the line a bit.

Okay, so maybe I lied earlier in the post… THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT piece of advice I can give you! Meet in a public place, have an arrangement with a friend and check in with them. 

Reflections & Lifestyle

Childhood Memories: Appreciation Post

Childhood has a profound effect on adulthood; I had the incredible good fortune of having a very happy childhood, something I realize not everyone has the luxury of enjoying. This blog post is not meant to brag rather it is meant to give you a glimpse into my life as well as express my gratitude. It also stems from the fact that I recently spent time at my childhood home…. and of course the photo albums came out therefore stirring up very fond memories.

For me, any moment with my dad is a treasured memory. I am not sure if I can limit myself and chose only one or even do it justice so I selected something else.

Although, I don’t quite remember meeting my cousin for the very first time because I was so young; but the number of photos I have of us together when he is only a few months old abound. Overall, it is difficult to find a photo without him in it.

I am an only child so perhaps this is why being with my cousin literally from the get-go is such an important time of my life. I never got the opportunity to be an actual ‘big sister,’ I never got to experience that excitement of mom and dad bringing home a new baby. However, I did feel that “big sister” responsibility and I was very protective over him.

We lived across the back lane from each other most of our lives and were babysat by our grandmother and each other’s mothers meant we were inseparable growing up. He really is like a brother to me. From sitting together in my dad’s recliner chair, opening Easter baskets on the living room floor, to running across the yard kicking a beachball and sitting on the swingset, to playing with our freshly unwrapped Christmas present on Christmas Eve, wearing matching outfits, always being invited to each other’s birthday parties, and  getting into trouble (usually because we were ganging up on his younger brother)….it was a wonderful time.

It is because of our childhood that we are still close today; I still feel like he is my brother rather than my cousin and I am so incredibly lucky to have him in my life. 

Fashion Reflections & Lifestyle

Sitka Stockpile

Every hunter or outdoor enthusiast needs good gear; otherwise enjoying your beloved hobby or pastime can become a miserable experience due to weather and the elements. I have turned to Sitka gear; although it can be pricey it is worth every penny. The company has been working on increasing the gear options for women; which is a huge relief because I don’t know about other women hunters but I struggle to find gear. Anyways, since I just put in another order I thought I would share with you my Sitka stockpile…

Jetstream Beanie
My go to beanie for hiking and hunting in the fall. The “lofted micro-grid fleece backer delivers warmth, while the WINDSTOPPER® membrane blocks frosty drafts. A ponytail port keeps things streamlined and a four-way stretch, air permeable band warms the back of your neck and ears without impeding hearing.” Colour: Optifade Subalpine.

Fanatic Beanie
The perfect winter headwear. Just like the Fanatic Jacket it is made of Berber fleece. Designed with women in mind, this beanie has a ponytail port. It keeps your head, neck and ears warm and you can still hear the deer moving through the trees. Colour: Elevated II

Ascent Glove
Also known as my “bow hunting gloves!” I say this because the gloves, “provide essential protection and ultimate precision. This lightweight technical shooting glove features an Ax Suede™ synthetic palm for maximum stealth and conductive technology in the index finger and thumb for one-handed operation of a touch screen GPS or phone. Cordura/Nylon back is breathable and durable.” Colour: Optifade Subalpine

Traverse Glove
I haven’t had a chance to test these out; I got them from my husband because of a sizing issue. However, I do know that these gloves can be worn on their own or with other gloves. Just like the Ascent gloves; the index finger and thumb have conductive technology. Colour: Optifade Subalpine

Mountain Jacket
I must confess that this item hasn’t made it into my hunting tote yet. I have been wearing it when I am out and about; mainly because it fits me really well and is surprisingly flattering…which I wasn’t actually expecting from hunting gear. The jacket offers protection from the wind and light rain. It comes with zippered chest pocket, and two zippered hand pockets. The Sitka site claims that it won’t bunch up when wearing a backpack with a waist belt. Colour: Optifade Subalpine

Fanatic Jacket
Perfect for those November days here in Alberta when the temperature drops to -40 with the windchill. Since it is made of Berber fleece it doesn’t make annoying swishing sounds when walking to the hunting stand or blind. The Primaloft Silver Insulation technology traps body heat; keeping you warm but not overheated. A unique feature is the diagonal zipper design which keeps the wind out. I have to say my favourite part of this item is the front muff… it is so freaking soft! It also comes with a removable hood, a pocket with magnetic closure, safety harness pass through port and internal gasketed cuffs. Colour: Elevated II

Fanatic Hoody
I wore this heavyweight fleece piece when my husband and I journeyed to southern Alberta in May for a turkey hunt and it did all that Sitka promised; it was comfortable, allowed me to hike and scale the steep hills without feeling constricted, I didn’t overheat or sweat excessively. The face mask stayed in place allowing me to stay concealed (did you know that turkeys have really good eyesight?!?). The flip-over hand mitts (with thumb holes) came in handy as well! I know I am mixing two different types of camo but I have worn it under the Mountain Jacket; it is a piece that works great for layering. Colour: Elevated II

Core Lightweight Hoody
Originally this belonged to my husband but he ordered the wrong size so I inherited it. The long sleeves end with thumb loops; I LOVE sweaters and shirts with thumb loops. I don’t know why but I do. Often times I wear it in the bush when I’m helping put up tree stands or ripping off the beaten track on the quad to put up trail cameras before hunting season starts. The hood is form fitting which is greatly appreciated because it actually stays up and doesn’t flap around. I really like the built in face mask as well.The front zipper allows for ventilation; it also has a small chest pocket. Colour: Optifade Subalpine

Grinder Pants (mens)
My husband raved about these pants! He literally lives in them for the months of September and October. So I had to order a pair. I haven’t had great luck with women’s camo pants from other brands so I went with the men’s because I knew how they were cut and how they would fit based on trying on my husband’s. These pants “feature a 4-Way stretch nylon outer fabric that improves durability while remaining lightweight. Articulated patterning optimizes mobility, and an offset waist button reduces bulk and bunching when worn with additional layers or a belt. Doubling as a comfortable insulation layer under waders and bibs.” Colour: Waterfowl Marsh

Equinox Pants (mens)
These are my deer hunting pants. They are comfortable to wear while sitting in the stand or blind and comfortable to trek through the bush in because the fabric breathes but keeps you warm. They also don’t get hung up on trees and brush. Colour: Elevated II

Five Feathers Tee SS
Literally THE MOST COMFORTABLE T-SHIRT I have ever owned. I loved the material so much I am ordering the four other women’s shirts they have available. The Drirelease technology wicks away sweat and moisture and dries 4 times faster than traditional cotton tees. Colour: Lead Heather

Reflections & Lifestyle

Outfitter Wife Musings

Some of the MANY things you come to realize or become part of your life when your husband is a professional outfitter and hunting guide…

1. You need to be prepared that a simple shopping trip together can turn into a spontaneous scouting expedition for the next great shoot; and the binoculars better be in the console!

2. Every time you drive passed a field and see birds, you pull over and drop him a pin.

3. His eyes light up like a kid on Christmas when you tell him that you found a ‘Landownership Map’ for the counties in your allocations; online…and for free!!

4. When you hear geese or ducks at home… it’s probably your husband practicing his calling…don’t go running to the window with excitement to see if a flock is flying over…you have been fooled many times before… and will continue to be fooled.

5. You enjoy hearing the stories of your incredibly kind landowners; some who proudly still live and farm on generations old land. You also look forward to meeting and getting to know your clients.

6. Your heart melts when you watch your husband passing on his love of hunting, the outdoors and conservation to your young nieces and nephew. Whether it is explaining how to process birds, sharing the delicious meals and jerky he makes from wild game or letting them quack and honk away on a spare call.

7. Never try to tune his calls…ever… They won’t sound the same after that… (Or so he says).

8. You will never be rid of the feathers and down after processing hundreds of birds for clients…it gets everywhere …just deal with it till the season is over.

9. He meticulously searches for the ‘right’ camo to use…for clothing and for the blinds…And as a result you have been educated on all the types available…Realtree MAX-5, MAX-4, Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Blades, Duck Blind, Cabela’s Seclusion Backwater….and the list goes on. Sometimes it seems like he is the Goldilocks of Camoflague: ‘This one is too dark for corn, this one is too light for peas…but this one is just right for barley.”

10. When setting up you will hope that your ‘brushing in’ abilities pass muster. You will be amused when he curses over there not being enough stubble straps on the flaps of the blinds…and then you realize he’s got a point.

11. That small deceiving looking box wrapped so nicely at your birthday will never be a piece of jewelry…instead it’ll be kickass Lynch Mob Goose Call. Also, the standard gifts you get each other will be gift cards to hunting stores. Everything on your registry for your wedding will be from Cabela’s. He’ll also buy you your own 12 gauge Mossberg as a Christmas present. (To be honest, you are MORE than okay with this!!!)

12. He makes you a better hunter, each and every time he takes you out; and he will ALWAYS, ALWAYS have time to take you hunting even if he is exhausted from back to back groups of clients.

13. You thought he was obsessive compulsive about the camo….just wait till he sets up the decoys, and then continually tweaks the set up…he is up and down out of his blind like a Yo-Yo! But he wants to make sure that everything is perfect!

14. He will be gone before you get up for work in the morning; because he has to get the jump on the birds –sometimes it seems he lives in his truck.

15. You wouldn’t trade this lifestyle for any other out there.