Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

World Mental Health Day…

is fast approaching; Sunday October 10th! As per the World Health Organization (WHO), the “overall objective is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. [It] provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide.”

I’d like to share with you some resources that I have found helpful.

  1. Reid Health suggests preforming 9 daily activities to maintain mental health
  2. Tracking your mood over the year with, Year in Pixels
  3. The Positivity Kit: Instant Happiness on Every Page
  4. Listen to a well intentioned podcast focused on mental health and wellness
  5. Keep a gratitude journal; write down three things each day that gave you joy, went well or you are grateful for. I enjoyed going back at the end of the year and reviewing all the good things that happened.
  6. . Winters can be tough; so try an indoor garden
  7. Colouring!
  8. Reading! Not only for pleasure but also reading about mental health and wellness is really eye opening. It allows you to understand yourself, others and puts a lot of thing into perspective.
  9. Make use of one of the many mental health apps
  10. Nourish Your Brain with food

    As always, remember, you are NOT alone, if you are struggling, please seek help! There is no shame or weakness in asking for help. You can access mental health supports (in Canada) HERE.

    We can all be a light for someone; if you are not struggling; you can make a difference in someone’s day, week, month and life –don’t be afraid to offer help or check in with the people in your life. Let’s keep the dialogue on mental health and wellness open and ongoing! Reduce the stigma!
Reflections & Lifestyle

Suicide Prevention Day

I remember getting the phone call.
I remember the person on the other end telling me that our beloved committed suicided.
I remember my heart pounding, my ears ringing.
I remember hanging up.
I remember throwing my phone across the kitchen and sinking down to the floor.
I remember the tears flooding down my face.
I remember going to work the next day and breaking the news to others.
I remember their screams and their sobs.
I remember the funeral.
I remember spending the rest of the year picking up the pieces of broken people left behind.
I remember realizing that none of us would ever be the same.

Far too many people commit suicide to escape the pain.
Far too many people are left behind with the pain.

World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10!

The Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention is one organization that seeks to unite people in 50 countries under the auspices of promoting the understanding of suicide, and to aid in the goal of a world without suicide. If you click on this link (and I sincerely hope that you do); you can find out about the online event that the CASP is hosting, called, “Creating Hope Through Action.” In addition to toolkits available in a plethora of languages. You can also find WAYS TO GIVE.

Reflections & Lifestyle

International Day of Charity

September 5th is the International Day of Charity. This day was established by the United Nations in honor of Mother Teresa. It was established to raise awareness and encourage people to become active global citizens by helping others; whether this manifests itself in the form of donating supplies, money, skills or time. As the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have said, “we can all live a life of service. Service is universal.” Any contribution great or smaller is one step closer to a brighter future. 

Sometimes it can be difficult to know who to donate to/support. A fantastic resource to help research the best rated charities is Charity Watch. This site assigns a grade to each charity, specifies the amount that is spent on programs relative to overhead and the amount spent to raise money (increment of $100).

A helpful source for Canadian specific charities is: Charity Intelligence Canada. This site also assigns a grade to each charity, outlines financial transparency, demonstrated impact, the need for funding and the cents that go to the cause. I used this site to choose the organizations I wanted to highlight.

This year, I am choosing to donate to five charities; ideally I would also like to volunteer my time; however, with remaining pandemic restrictions and still recovering from my accident that isn’t possible. 

1. War Child Canada
2. Canadian Foodgrains Bank
3. Aunt Leah’s Place
4. First Book Canada
5. Indian Residential School Society

How do you plan on celebrating today?

Reflections & Lifestyle

Summer Recap & Reflections

I had been looking forward to the summer for a very long time; basically the second we went back to work in September, I was already counting down the days. I know that sounds bad; but teaching in a pandemic really sucked.

We had gone into closure in March 2020; and stayed closed for the remainder of the semester at this time we were encouraged to work from home and minimize time spent in the school. We adapted very quickly to online teaching. Then we went back to in-person learning in September 2020 with a ton of restrictions and safety protocols. It was necessary but it was hell for us and for the students. We shifted to online learning for four weeks at the end of November; but we were mandated to be in the school building. As numbers continued to climb we were precariously skirting the line of online learning again… and we ended up having to quarantine, ran out of subs and were forced into closure a week before the province implemented a two week closure and shift to online learning once again.

Needless to say everyone was exhausted. As teachers, we were among the last to get vaccinated… which in itself caused a lot of stress.

You can understand why I was looking forward to summer after the topsy-turvy school year.

My summer started off with me catching up on some much needed sleep and chores and looking after the dog, who had surgery to removed a few hygromas on his elbow. I was looking forward to spending lots of time in the garden and breaking in my new greenhouse. And of course, reading! We planned a camping trip so we could do a little fly-fishing and I could “nerd out” at a few historic sites in the area. I managed to catch a fish and almost make it to the historic, Fort MacLeod… but eleven days into my summer; I fell and broke my ankle and required emergency surgery. It ended our camping trip immediately.

So, my summer has consisted of sitting on the couch, watching the Olympics, reading Wilbur Smith novels, prepping materials for the upcoming school year and doctors appointments.

BUT… I have been so incredibly touched by the love and care that my family and friends have given to me. They have looked after me and the dog, got groceries, did the chores I couldn’t do, driven me to appointments and so much more! I am so lucky to have the family and friends that I have. I don’t know how I will ever be able to repay them!

Entertainment Fashion Food & Drink Reflections & Lifestyle

Popular Culture

My best friend came up to visit/look after me while I was healing post surgery; we usually always end up reflecting back on our friendship and our youth; we get all sappy and nostalgic.  Since I am laid up on the couch, with lots of time on my hands and I am procrastinating about school work I fell down the rabbit hole while Googling stuff from my childhood. And of course, it’s easy to get distracted by (and to be frank, a little insulted by) Instagram reels and TikToks that point out the fact that some of my beloved pop culture items and icons are turning 20 years old or older; insert scared face here!

At this stage in my life right now, many of things I loved are coming back into fashion. As they always say; “what is old is new again.”

For those of you unfamiliar with this addictive toy, they are,  “a small alien species that deposit an egg on Earth to see what life was like, and it is up to the player to raise the egg into an adult creature. The creature goes through several stages of growth, and will develop differently depending on the care the player provides, with better care it results in an adult creature that is smarter, happier, and requires less attention.” This was a status symbol among my peers in grade 6; I wanted one so badly, I begged my parents relentlessly. I played with it long after it was no longer “cool.” These devices ended up being banned at my elementary school because they were so distracting –much like phones are today! Having lived through the hype of this, I don’t think any phone app could ever replace this classic egg shaped, key ring pet simulator.

Skip It
Time Magazine actually includes the Skip It on their “100 Greatest Toys Ever” list and it persisted until 2009; however, I had outgrown it well before that time. My Skip It was pink and had the counter; which was pretty advanced because in its original form it looked more like a Wiffle ball attached to rope with an ankle ring. I got mine from my older cousins as a hand-me -down; most of their hand-me-downs were as the kids back in the 90’s would say, “lame,” but this…this Skip It was GLORIOUS in my eyes! I spent hours playing with this thing; it was better than traditional jump-rope. I can still hear the sound of it spinning on the concrete pad in the backyard.

Blockbuster Video Trips
I LOVED going to Blockbuster video to rent movies; first VHS and then DVD. As awesome as Netflix and Amazon Prime are, there was just something about heading off with my friends to pick out a movie or two for a sleepover. You ended up discovering some really great movies (some by total fluke and other by HUMAN recommendations). Blockbuster had snacks as well! I enjoyed slapping down my very own Blockbuster card on the counter each and every time (I don’t know why this was so satisfying, but it was). Renting movies was a cheap alternative to going to a movie theater (you could rent sometimes several movies for less than 5$).

My cousins and I spent a lot of time at this massive entertainment center at the mall. It was and is owned by Cineplex. Some locations are still open but our local haunt was closed down. Basically, this was an enormous arcade; it kind of reminds me of a casino but for youth and teens. You used a “credit card” which was pre-loaded with a set amount or time allotment. You could also pig out on food and even have your birthday party there! I spent hours playing air hockey (and having my butt kicked by my cousins), racing cars, playing pinball, shooting ducks and of course honing my horrendous Dance Dance Revolution skills.  It was an epic time!

Affectionately referred to as “Cords.” This almost velvety fabric makes me happy; I love the way it feels and I still fondly remember the sound it would make as I walked down the hallway to class. It makes my heart happy to see this coming back in the form of dresses, jackets, accessories like hats and even shoes. As HerWorld says, “corduroy is the new denim.”

Butterfly Clips
These were such a big part of my hair styling repertoire (rows, never scattered) that I can’t help but miss it. You saw these clips on all the big name celebrities from Sarah Michelle Gellar to JLO to Jennifer Aniston; who of course we all know was a major hair influencer –everyone had to have the iconic layered “Rachel” hair cut. The clips came in every colour and some were sparkly and some were not. These sometimes tacky clips bring me back to Friday nights with my junior high school friends getting ready for dances.

Now Music CDs
Officially called: Now That’s What I Call Music! is a series of various artists compilation albums released worldwide; for us in Canada the height was 1996-2009; but the first version dates back to 1988. The number of albums vary country to country and edition to edition; for example in Canada the “Current Series” is at 28, there is also a 2 album “Then” series, the “Country Series” features 11 albums. There are 16 albums included in the “Special Editions” series covering a variety of genres and the “Dance Series” has 5 albums. We blasted these tunes ALL the time and sang along heartily! I always got a NOW! CD in my stocking at Christmas.

Rainforest Cafe
This jungle themed restaurant which served delicious food from seafood, beef, and chicken to pastas and pizzas. It opened in 1998 and sadly closed in 2001. There still are some locations open today. I used to love going to have lunch with my friends here; it made us feel grown up. The restaurant is created to look like a tropical rainforest complete with flora and fauna, there was mist and water features, like waterfalls and “pools,” also part of the ambience was the soundscape. You really felt like you were immersed in a rainforest. What would a tropical rainforest themed restaurant be without animals… The animatronics were incredible; there were elephants, gorillas, tigers, leopards, crocodiles, frogs, iguanas, butterflies, and tropical birds, fish! My least favourite of course, were the snakes.

Oh the hours I spent watching: Rugrats, Animaniacs, DuckTales, Doug, Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers, Tiny Toons Adventures, Dexter’s Laboratory, Pinky & the Brain, TailSpin, Magic School Bus, Darkwing Duck, Sailor Moon, Goof Troop and Captain Planet… I can still relive these online via YouTube or other streaming services like Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu and Disney+ BUT there was something about sitting cross-legged in front of the TV on Saturday mornings!

“Primitive” Forms of Communication

I truly treasure my childhood because I was free from the chains of a phone. If you wanted to communicate with your friends you called them on the landline, sought them out at recess or lunch time, you passed notes in class. Now, I see so many kids addicted to their phones; their lives literally revolve around them and heaven forbid the battle you have to fight when you make them put it away or confiscate it during class. Many are not communicating with anyone; they are mindlessly playing games or scrolling on social media. Worse yet, they are sitting right next to someone and texting them. In a time of such technological connection we are so disconnected and isolated from each other –it is truly scary. 

What popular culture items & icons do you miss the most?
What ones do you wish made a comeback?

Design & Decor Reflections & Lifestyle

Country Greenthumb: Yard Tour

It was so good to finally get the garden in! This is the latest we have waited to put it in. We stopped at two new greenhouses this year. 

First was Greenland in Sherwood Park. Oh my goodness it was overwhelming! They had everything from beautiful clothing and jewelry to incredible healthy, diverse and reasonably priced flowers, shrubs and trees to the most adorable garden decor and of course plant care products. This greenhouse also boasts a restaurant!

Our second stop was at Arber Greenhouse in Wetaskiwin. They had a special on hanging baskets; normally I make my own but WOW theirs were just so lush and full that I couldn’t resist… I picked up four of them for under the kitchen window. We also snagged our tomato plants there!

The remainder of our flowers were from a greenhouse in our own community. I loaded up my cart with a ton of flowers; begonias, geraniums and petunias mainly.

My garden hack this year… using a HUGE hanging basket I got from my brother-in-law and niece for my birthday and transplanting it into an equally huge barrel planter in one shot. Next year I’ll be using hanging baskets in our lower deck planters as well by simply snipping the hanger wires off. With the mosquitos being so terrible already it really saved me some time outside. 

And, speaking of those wretched bugs we also got a plethora of mosquito repelling plants such as basil, lavender, lemon bomb, marigolds and mint (but of course; be careful with mint it is invasive so always plant it in a separate planter).

We got a jump on the garden, by using our new greenhouse. You can check out it’s construction on my Instagram stories!

The vegetable garden was planted with potatoes, yellow and green zucchini, yellow and green beans, peas, carrots, onions and spaghetti squash.

It may not be the Chelsea Garden show or an interactive garden designed by Kate Middleton but it’s mine and I love it… Check out my garden!

Reflections & Lifestyle

Parental Loss

Father’s Day will be June 20th this year. Traditionally on these days children celebrate and thank their mothers and fathers for all that they have done for them. Sometimes surprising the revered parent with breakfast in bed or a family dinner out at a nice restaurant. The day is complete with gifts, a nice handmade card or perhaps a bouquet of flowers and a box of their favourite chocolates. For me; these days are bittersweet. These days, in addition to my father’s birthdays, death day and really every special occasion in my life. Instead of thanking him, I am remembering him, and wishing he was still here. I know I am not alone in feeling so. Feeling nostalgic, I wanted to share my experience of parental loss with you.

My dad and I shared a very close bond; the memories I have of him are too numerous to even begin to start sharing. I was the typical ‘Daddy’s Girl.’ His death on June 13 2002 hit me HARD. He had been diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, three years earlier when I was in seventh grade. Like many children, I figured he would simply live forever. I didn’t really understand how this illness could take him from me; he had survived so much already in his short 48 years on this Earth. From a horrible industrial accident that required over 15 surgeries, then of course complications from those surgeries, thyroid issues and in general immense pain on a daily basis. He endured all that while running his own business and looking after my mother, myself and his own mother who suffered a massive stroke and was paralyzed on the left side. He endured without complaint.

I spent a lot of time with him at the Cancer Clinic; sitting with him while he had chemotherapy. Again my junior high self didn’t really understand; we had spent lots of time at the hospital over the years even prior to ‘The Big C’ and he always came home… I will never forget the night he died; the phone rang… CODE BLUE, the nurse told my mother. She came into my room and suggested I get dressed because there was a chance that “Dad may pass away.” By the time we arrive at the hospital he was gone. I was sick to my stomach. 

As a teenager, just freshly 16 years of age I felt isolated in my grief. I didn’t feel comfortable asking for help or talking to anyone; even my own grieving family. It is safe to say that I wanted to suffer in silence; swallow my grief. It wasn’t healthy and that’s definitely why I became angry. I slammed a few doors, became self-destructive and lashed out at people who were simply trying to help. Basically I spiralled. This huge traumatic event in my life brought a lot of unwanted attention to me and my family. Don’t get me wrong; I can’t even begin to thank those who stepped up to show us kindness and compassion at that difficult time, but as a typical teenager it was overwhelming. I just wanted to be normal, I wanted everyone to think that I was okay, that I was a strong mother-fucker (excuse the language) because I was 16 and all 16 year old think they are invincible (and that we know better, when clearly we don’t). It irked me incredibly to be known as the “girl whose dad just died,” that label made me burn with embarrassment. My dad died around the time that MSN Messenger was super popular; so I spent hours locked away downstairs in the office ‘talking’ to my friends completing ignoring my own suffering family.

As I was reading up about grief during adolescence, recently, I found my aforementioned behaviour was extremely common. While I clacked away on the keyboard; chatting, I thought about my life. I thought a lot; I thought a lot about a lot of things. I thought about all the activities I used to do with my dad and that I would NEVER be able to do them with him again. I thought about all the things in my life that he would never be apart of. I had never been a religious person, but this grievous, life shattering event even made me think that there couldn’t possibly be a God –since he had let this happen to me and my family. And of course I thought: “What the fuck am I going to do now?” But, the memorial service happened, the ashes were scattered, life went on: high school graduation, university, teaching, marriage…

We all survived the grief. It did get easier as the years went on, however I have shed quite a few tears composing this post but I didn’t fall to pieces like I did back then. I am thankful that I had a dad like him and that I was able to cultivate 16 years of awesome memories with him. I miss my dad and I wish he was still here. But I think the life I have led up to this point would have made him proud and that makes my heart happy. 

Reflections & Lifestyle

36 Before 36

Since today is my 35th birthday, I wanted to challenge myself to accomplish 36 things before my 36th birthday because getting older should be fun and something you shouldn’t be dreading. So here’s to a year of new experiences!

1. Try water therapy
2. Visit the Royal Alberta Museum
3. Attend a conference led by one of my teacher/educational idols
4. Go to Fort MacLeod
5. Successfully make one of my Grandma’s Hungarian dessert recipes (Walnut Roll)
6. Go to a movie by myself
7. Go on a fishing trip 
8. Find the perfect pair of jeans
9. Take a course 
10. Host a cookie exchange
11. Go to the Art Gallery of Alberta
12. Have my makeup professionally done
13. Complete a fitness challenge
14. Make my own signature drink
15. Attend (another) Cirque Du Soleil show
16. Get a manicure
17. Start seriously saving for retirement
18. Do a charity walk
19. Watch the sunrise and sunset in one day
20. Name a star
21. Lose 10 pounds
22. Go bowling
23. Have High Tea at the Hotel Macdonald
24. Take a cooking class
25. Get a new hairstyle and colour
26. Go to Fort Edmonton Park
27. Observe Lent
28. Find a new author that I love as much as Agatha Christie
29. Sleep under the stars
30. Go on a girl’s trip with Megan
31. Send my husband on an epic hunting trip
32. Update my kitchen cabinets
33. Eat at Calcutta Cricket Club in Calgary
34. Get a tattoo
35. Improve my home office
36. Cut out swearing

Reflections & Lifestyle

School’s (Almost) Out for the Summer: How to Survive

May and June are always hectic; and literally every teacher meme about ‘getting to the finish line’ is true. However, at least for me, it is a sad time. We say goodbye to our students, some for the summer and some forever as they embark on their post-secondary adventures. At the same time as we are wrapping up we are also gearing up for the next school year. There are a few things us educators can do that can make this time of the year better.

Teacher Wellness/Self-Care
This is increasingly becoming a popular topic. Compassion fatigue is real. Teacher fatigue is real. We can’t possibly be effective and look after others if we don’t look after ourselves. We may think to ourselves that we can just burn the candle at both ends and then ‘recover over the summer.’ But let’s face it…we never actually do…we just keep going. Attending PD sessions, planning lessons, buying supplies, adapting curriculum, preparing materials, decorating our classrooms, etc. Never underestimate the importance of sleep; make it a priority, not something you do for a few hours each night after working. Set a timer; once it rings put away what you were doing whether you finished it or not and “go the fuck to sleep!” We always stress how important it is for our kiddos to sleep but we don’t always practice what we preach. You can avoid the June burnout and pre-summer cold simply by getting a good night’s sleep on a CONSISTENT basis.

Have Fun With Your Colleagues
Some people subscribe to the belief that the people at your place of employment are co-workers and nothing more; but I strongly disagree. You walk into any school or staffroom and you find a family; a number of adults (from custodians, to educational assistants to secretaries to administration staff to teachers) who are all heavily invested in “their kids.” We are all riding the same emotional rollercoaster together, we are the ones in the trenches fighting tooth and nail to make sure the kids get the best possible education, feel safe, are supported and set up for success. There are elements of confidentiality associated with working with young people so technically we only have our colleagues to talk to about what goes on. Our colleagues are special! As much as we need to take care of ourselves we also need to make sure our “work family” is taking care of themselves. Leave the comfort of the staffroom behind and have some fun; take advantage of the nice weather. This will help you all re-charge and finish the year off on a strong note.

Find the Joy/Celebrate Success
There are lots of stakeholders in education and they all have differing opinions on what is being done, what should be done, and how you and the students have been doing. It is very easy to internalize and take things personally; a low test score, an interaction with a stakeholder than didn’t go as planned, a lesson that flopped, a new initiative launched by central office or the Minister of Education. We let those define our days, months and school years as a whole; we let them pile up over the school year. Let’s stop with the negativity. Re-frame your mindset: if something didn’t go what, come up with at least one way in which you can plausibly work toward fixing it for the next school year. Find joy every day; no matter how small it may seem. And do this overtly; reflect with the kiddos, your colleagues and your loved ones. 

When the school year does end…

Don’t Let Work Take Over Your Summer
Don’t ever feel bad for taking a break; I know I struggled with teacher guilt for a while. I am getting better and making sure I have some ME time. I force myself to take the first week of July off with ZERO school work. Then I only do maybe an hour (or maybe 2) Monday-Friday. I have been scheduling more and more mini-trips or activities throughout the summer to make sure I actually get out, get moving and have fun.

Reflections & Lifestyle

Healing Through Hunting

I spent May long weekend 2018 turkey hunting with my husband, since he had finally been drawn for his Merriam’s Turkey after an 11 year wait. It was a welcome mini vacation to southern Alberta after the traumatic experience our community suffered earlier in the month. 

Many of us have bounced between the emotions described by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and at the same time had to help others who are in different stages to grieve; hoping that you all get to a feeling of catharsis and that you are able to establish a new normal. However, along the journey you not only deal with gut wrenching emotions and thoughts you also have to be cognizant of and deal with the physical manifestations of grief which include: fatigue (constantly feeling exhausted since sleeping seems impossible), tightness in the chest, shortness of breath (which can scare the shit out of you!!), headaches, forgetfulness, being totally and utterly distracted, stomachaches, feeling nauseous or even ravenous. Then to top things off grief makes you super susceptible to getting sick more often.

I sort of felt like I was sinking. While grieving myself I also had to be a bottom hand for vulnerable individuals who were grieving. Which is why I invited myself on my husband’s hunting trip. I needed to get out, to do something fun. Don’t get me wrong (I am always welcome to go hunting with him and I don’t have to twist his arm to let me go); my husband was an incredible support to me during this time .. I am lucky  I have him to hold my hand in this life. 

Hunting has many health benefits; not only for physical but mental health as well, as outlined by, Health Fitness Revolution. I figured a hunting trip would help me get out of my grief funk. And guess what… it did! 

* Connection with friends and family: you can relax and enjoy quality time with family and friends.
* Physical balance: core muscles are engaged and helps with posture; reducing aches and pains in your back and your balance
* Is physically demanding: Lots of work goes in to hunting even in the prep stage; it is a pastime that gets you off the couch…
* Exercise: not just from walking/hiking but using a bow and rifle can lead to the development of  bicep and forearm muscular endurance.
* Enjoying nature:  Science has proven time and again that,  outdoor exercise decreases tension, confusion, anger and depression. Even a short period of time outside can do wonders for mood 
* Nutrition: hunting allows you to harvest lean and organic meat. You also feel lots of pride when you can provide for yourself and your family
* Increases mental discipline: hunting is as much of a mental pursuit and it is a physical one. You have to concentrate and engage in problem solving which requires both critical and creative thinking 
* Mental Relaxation: Nature has the uncanny ability to clear our minds; everyday stresses just melt away. You can’t worry about your schedule when you are marvelling over Mother Nature.
* Gives the body an adrenaline boost: . Increased levels of adrenalin = the break down glycogen = muscles get glucose = a fueled body (in a nutshell at least) 

I also was able to embrace the history of my province; driving the Cowboy Trail and seeing the breathtaking ranches where hardworking Albertans endure. The Burmis tree standing tall after 650-700 years, the monuments honouring the Hillcrest Mine disaster and Frank Slide. And of course eating at the Rum Runner. As a social teacher I never miss an opportunity to nerd out. It is incredible to think about the hard work, determination and sheer grit of the people who lived in this area… who started from nothing in a fairly hostile environment. Think of the women who lost husbands in Frank Slide who dug deep, picked up and soldiered on —the resiliency and ingenuity is mind boggling. 

We saw of course turkeys, moose, elk, deer, Canada geese with their goslings and other smaller birds of prey, skunks and squirrels. In amongst the snow covered trails there were beautiful yellow and purple wildflowers… reminding me that there is hope, there is happiness there are new beginnings after loss and hardship!