Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

February Goals: Mental Health

Having bid 2022 a long overdue “adieu,” I spent some time thinking about what I wanted 2023 to be. Every year I tell myself that “this is my year, this is the year I’m going to get started.” Started on what?, I am not sure. 2022 was another tough year, the heartbreak often overshadowed the incredible moments. I lost momentum a lot in 2022; it seemed like the second I dusted myself off, something else hit me hard. Two steps forward, one step back. Most resolutions have been abandoned by now, so I didn’t make any. Instead, I decided that each month I am going to set a series of THREE different challenges or goals.

The focus of January was Physical Health: moving my body more, drinking more water and snacking less. I am going to try and continue on with those goals but I am going to add the following…

February 2023: Mental Health

1. Journaling
-I’m going to spend about 5 minutes each morning filling in a writing prompt.

2. Reading instead of Scrolling
-To quiet my brain before bed; I am going to read at least ONE chapter of a book instead of scrolling on Instagram for extended periods of time.

3. Meditation
-Each day I am going to do a breathing exercise; I really don’t have any excuse –I can access this on my Fit Bit. Ideally, I’d like to do one in the morning and evening.

Wishing you all the best this month!

Reflections & Lifestyle

Waging War Against Weeds

Our vegetable garden is huge and we have MANY flower beds; so my war against weeds is a never ending battle. Between the unusual amount of rain and scorching heat it seems like the only thing growing is weeds. Weeding is a pain in the butt and it is made worse because of all the mosquitos who seem immune to anything that is designed to kill or repel them. Our next door neighbour has a green thumb beyond compare. I have been trying to pick her brain about how to fight the pesky weeds.

1. Stop pulling them!
-It is better to slice and sever the roots rather than disturbing the weeds. When you pull weeds you wake them up.

2. Use mulch!
-I often use mulch to help my perennials survive over the winter. But I didn’t realize that mulch creates a dark atmosphere which prevents the growth of weeds and using mulch in your flower beds actually supports the lives of insects that eat weed seeds.

3. Fabric does work!
-It prevents the seeds dropped by birds from getting into the soil. Using fabric between the rows in a vegetable garden with cut down on the time you spend weeding.

4. If you are going to pull weeds, it is a important to adhere to the age old adage of “pull when wet; hoe when dry”

5. Get to your weeds BEFORE they go to seed!
-Don’t wait! But if you don’t have time or your soil is too dry then it is crucial that you cut the heads off any weeds; otherwise the battle is lost before it even begins.

6. Spacing is everything!
-I used to leave lots of space between my rows and plants so that we could get the rototiller in. Since we have gotten the tiller, it has cut down my time BUT this summer in particular was incredibly wet. So wet in fact the garden flooded several times. My neighbour told me that if you don’t/can’t till it’s better that you space plants close together. Just like weeds can choke out plants; plants spaced closely together can choke out weeds.

7. Don’t water your weeds!
-As convenient as it might be to just put the sprinkler on to water the whole garden; you are actually aiding the enemy. Water only what you want to grow!

Design & Decor Reflections & Lifestyle

Get Growing…

Just a little garden check in!

Reflections & Lifestyle

Being Intentional –WTF?

There has been a lot of talk this year about “being intentional,” so far in all the professional development sessions I have attended. It comes up in sessions about teaching practice, mental health, self care and achieving goals. It’s such a lofty topic. The most common definition is that “when you are intentional, you choose to make decisions and take action on what’s important to you. Being intentional means getting clear upfront about what you want to achieve. You intentionally set an intention to achieve a specific outcome or result in the future that is important to you.” That’s great but how do you accomplish that? It’s so difficult to put into practice; however, I have been introduced to some really great resources. So, for those of you who are wanting to be more intentional in your daily life, you may be interested in some of these too!

  2. Gretchen Rubin’s podcast: Happier
  3. Rachel Kable’s podcast: The Mindful Kind
  4. Before You Know It by John Bargh, PhD
  5. Rest, Refocus, Recharge: A Guide for Optimizing Your Life by Greg Wells, PhD
  6. Mantras
  7. Strides app
  8. Science of Well-Being offered through Coursera

Summer is coming and I am really trying to be “intentional.” I am trying to be productive and have fun. Sometimes, I get into a bit of a funk when the school year ends. I “take a break” but then it becomes a slump and I end up spending way more time on the couch “vegging out” than actually having fun and doing something with my time. This has really become an issue the last couple of years; maybe it’s my age or just the circumstances going on in my personal and professional life.

So much of my time is highly “routinized” externally to me; so maybe I just struggle being in charge of my own routine.
Or perhaps, it is because I am so emotionally and physically burnt out that I “simply can’t” whenever I do have free time.
Or maybe it’s because I just don’t know where to start because I am not used to having much down time for 10 months out of the year.

Whatever the case may be, I sat down and made a list of all the things that I want to do this summer (in addition to camping/fishing with my husband of course) and I brainstormed what that could look like. From this I’ll make a weekly schedule for myself.

Things I Wanna DoWhat Could This Look Like?Commitment
Start my day off outsideCoffee on the deckEveryday; except on rainy days
Stay on top of the gardening/ weedingOne row/planter per day
Upgrading the rototiller to make it easier to do so it’s not overwhelming
Everyday; 30 minutes during the coolest part of the day
Deep clean & decluttering the houseOne large closet or 4 cupboards at a time
Take discarded stuff to the dump or thrift store at the end of each week so it doesn’t pile up and sit
Everyday; 30 minutes during the hottest part of the day
Spend more time with friendsMeet for coffee
Some activities could include: Shopping, invite them to pick veggies/fruit, High Tea, museums, crafting, swimming, see a movie, try a new restaurant, farmer’s market
Once a week
ReadCombined with coffee or
before bed
Every other day; 100 pages of a book
JournallingCombined with coffee
Before bed
Every other day; One prompt 
ExerciseUse NTC app, find workouts that don’t require a lot of equipment15-20 minute workout
Start 3 times a week, then increase to every other day.
Be ArtisticMake a list of projects & source materials
Can be done independently or host a “crafting party” with friends
Once a week

Sample Weekly Plan (July 3-9)…

Coffee on the deck
Coffee on the deck
Coffee on the deck
Coffee on the deck
Coffee on the deck
Coffee on the deck
Coffee on the deck
Go to Sweet Capone’s for Cannoli
Meal planning
Meal planning

If you have any great resources, feel free to share! Comment below.

Entertainment Reflections & Lifestyle

World Art Day

According to, World Art Day, “is an international celebration of the fine arts. Sponsored by the International Association of Arts (IAA), the goal of this day, is to appreciate art  in general, and to spread world-wide enthusiasm and awareness for the arts… April 15th was chosen as it is Leonard da Vinci’s birthday.”

As an art teacher, I thought it would be a fun day to celebrate not only with my students but also my awesome readers. 

Some ways to celebrate as suggested by include the following…

1. Take a trip to a museum or art gallery.
=The Art Gallery of Alberta

Exhibits include…
Tiffany Shaw: Edmonton River Valley
Byron Samson (Mistikonȃpȇw): Place of Honour
Maud Lewis
Animal Architects
Damian Moppett: Untitled Abstract Drawing in Space
Water-Wise, River Breath: Reframing design’s role with water
Sidney Kelsie: Right in Your Own Backyard
Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From

The AGA also offers many educational opportunities for students which include, in-person tours, in-person studio sessions, full day programs, virtual conversations about exhibits and virtual studio sessions. 

2. Participate in the creation of art.
=I usually like to give my artists choice in terms of the projects and media they use. This year the kids are going to make Pablo Picasso Portraits.

3. Teach kids about art.
=My classes always love the ‘Art Thief Webquest’ activity; they get to do some research. I usually pair this activity by showing them a video about the “World’s Most Expensive Paintings” (This one is from 2014 but other updated versions can be found on YouTube, or you can have the kids look up current prices)

4. Purchase a piece of art.
=Since we just did a renovation in our basement and are still decorating; this suggestion is right up my alley. There are lots of great pieces by local artists available at spring markets, which I look forward to frequenting but until then I found this cool print at Ikea; Pjätteryd

5. Appreciate ‘art’ all around you.
=We can all do this everyday; find the beauty in the chaos. Art comes in all shapes and sizes and sometimes can be found in the most unexpected places.

6. Help support the arts/artists.
=You can donate to local artists and facilities by accessing or larger nationwide ones like..

Art Canada Institute
Federation of Canadian Artists

Reflections & Lifestyle

Am I Ready For Another Dog?

Today is National Pet Day; there is nothing in this world I love more than my fur babies; my three cats and my beast of a black lab. I noticed that my dog is going grey around his mouth –it really hit me that he is 5 years old… he is no longer a puppy. 

We have always talked about getting a second dog; we want to have another bird dog trained by the time our current dog retires, not dies, but retires. After seeing his breeder at the Outdoor Show last month; adding to our family has been constantly on my mind.

Are we ready for a new puppy?

I spent some time on the American Kennel Club website to find out. They encourage you to reflect on the following questions…

1. Is your current dog out of puppyhood and completely trained and bonded to you?
=Our dog is out of puppyhood and completely trained; he spent 5 months with his breeder learning how to be a solid waterfowl dog and an obedient family pet. He is 100% bonded to myself and my husband –my husband moreso. We feel that since our dog is at a good age where he would tolerate an energetic pup and continue to fulfil his role in our business and family while still maintaining his connection to us.

2. What’s the age of your current dog?
=The suggestion is that a dog be around 1-2 years of age before adding a second. He is still in very good shape and still ‘young at heart.’ I feel like the longer we wait he won’t be as tolerant of a young pup.

3. What kind of dog do you want to add to the pack?
=We want to add another waterfowling lab (preferable black or chocolate) to the pack. We would love to actually have him bred; it would be really cool to have a pup that is related to our current dog. We would go back to his breeder and make sure that she picks a dog that suits our needs. It is recommended that you get dogs of opposite sex however, we would have to be careful because our dog is “in tact.” On the other hand, two males could potentially result in a different dynamic to deal with as well.

4. Do you have any big events or projects coming up?
=I have summers off and breaks throughout the year; my husband works 1 week on and 1 week off. Between the two of use our dogs wouldn’t be alone often–they would have our love, attention, the ability to provide fairly consistent training and socialization.

5. Is your family onboard?
=Yes, however, I think it is hard for my husband to think about our dog getting older and retiring.

6. Can you handle the additional cost?
=Yes, we have equipment from when our first dog was a puppy and training. We purposely built our dog run larger so that it would be a comfortable space for multiple dogs. Vet insurance makes procedures cheaper at the vet. We also realize that our budget for food, will double. We have already talked about sending the new dog to the breeder for training; this is expensive, however, it is a major benefit to us, our current dog and our business. It is a worthwhile investment to have a well trained dog.

I also took a quiz at “The Dog People,” and we are ready!

Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

Morning Routine: Before & After

Are you a morning person? Mornings can be tough for me; but I have made some changes to my routine and it has been paying off.

Wake up to the most obnoxious alarm possible!Changed my tone; I set a gentler alarm sound at 6am and then the obnoxious one 5 minutes later (as a back-up).
Shower –get in and get out as quickly as possible.Shower –with an invigorating shower steamer scent; I spend more time in the shower so I have implemented a better skin & hair care routine.
Brush my teeth.Brush my teeth, floss & mouthwash, while listening to music.
No make-up; I stopped bothering because of having to wear masks.Moisturize, use my amethyst roller and do my eyebrows.
Scramble around to find clothes to wear.I started picking out my clothes the night before.
Play a game on my phone & check email.I try not to ‘play’ on my phone; if I do I participate in a group message thread with my work besties; we send funny teacher memes, motivational sayings or random gifs. I now only check my email once I get to work.
No breakfast; but sometimes remember to take my multivitaminBreakfast! The difference a piece of toast or yogurt or oatmeal makes is huge. It also gives me time to make sure I take my multivitamin consistently.
Leave the house without lunch.Grab my water bottle & lunch that I prepared the night before. 

What is your morning routine like? Share in the comments!

Entertainment Reflections & Lifestyle

Stepping Into Spring: Garden Planning

I absolutely love gardening; we have a huge vegetable patch and a greenhouse. We also have tons and tons of small planters and hanging baskets adorning our house and yard, in addition to large barrel planters and two flower beds. Both my husband and I can go overboard when it comes to buying plants. Last year was our first growing season with the greenhouse so I grew a lot of our plants from seeds –I am hoping to grow even more this year. I have already started designing the garden.

Barrel Planter 1
-Shasta Daisy

Barrel Planter 2
-Sweet William

Cover Planter
*various colours, heights and types

Front Bed (House)
*arranged; so that when they bloom it’s like rainbow blanket

Front Bed (Yard)
*all in various shades of purples & white
-Alpine Aster
-Bearded Iris

Reflections & Lifestyle

Teacher Musings

teach dice ornament on table
Photo by Pixabay on

Being a teacher is challenging and amazing at the same time! I am sharing some teacher musings with you today.

Stuff My Students Say…

1. “Even though you are really old; probably too old to have kids of your own, I think you’d make a good mom!”
(Such a wonderful back-handed compliment. Also, I am only 35… how old do they think I am?!?!?!?)

2. S1: “I am bored”
    S2: (without missing a beat) “She’s not our cruise director!”
    Me: *turns around with a completely caught off guard look on my face*
    S2: (with a wink and finger guns) “My mom’s a teacher; I got you!”

3. “Morning, Mrs. Teacher, do I have some facts about cheese for you!”
(This was literally the first thing this kid said to me as he walked into the school; we had never talked about cheese before that –but we did for the next 15 minutes. Gotta say, he should host a podcast! It was AMAZING! Also, he has no idea that I  LOVE cheese)


1. Wordle Warm Up/Reward
Capitalizing on the popularity of this site/game; we start our ELA period with the Wordle. If we are too chaotic during the day (three strikes) we don’t get to play the next day. OR, in non-ELA classes, you can also create your own with Wordles using key vocabulary from the unit you are studying. Each time you introduce a new word, get the kids to write down the definition, come up with an example, an ‘anti-example’ and draw a visual. They can create a master vocab list to study off of throughout the unit.

2. Hall Pass
Our students are notorious for LONG bathroom breaks; they just love to wander the halls. So now they have to carry around something large and seasonal. Example: a pumpkin in October, a sled in December, a pot of “gold” in March, etc. They hate it, but we enjoy it.

3. Getting Rid of Annoying YouTube Distractions
I don’t know which genius to thank for this; or even if I am super late to the game on this one, but; if you add a hyphen to the YouTube link (ex: yout-ube), students will be able to view the video without being interrupted by advertisements or get distracted by the inappropriate or extraneous video suggestions.

Latest TPT Buy…
The Princess Bride Movie Guide Activities & Answer Key
*I made the questions from the quiz into a Kahoot and the top three players got movie candy to enjoy during the next movie we watched in Film Studies. The kids LOVED making their own Fire Swamp Signs and creating a Miracle Max inspired recipe.

Rewarding Story…

I try to bring economics to life for my students; we do a scarcity activity with food; in the hopes that they take only enough for themselves to ensure that everyone gets some; recognizing that the amount of our resource (the food) is limited, why it may be limited and what is the best way to achieve public good (cooperation or individualism). Sometimes we play Monopoly and discuss capitalism, rules and regulations in the economy, consumer fairness, supply & demand, competition, pros and cons of monopolies. Yesterday, we wrapped up our Monopoly game and a kid who really struggles, yelled out to everyone: “SOCIAL IS THE BEST CLASS.” Watching the kids play really warmed my heart. Everyone was engaged, having fun, learning (even though they won’t admit it) and even kids who had conflicts with each other were able to forget them and  come together and connect. It’s always nice when a lesson works as you intend.  

Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

Daylight Savings Time: Coping With It

white bedspread beside nightstand with white and copper table lamp
Photo by Burst on

The clocks are changing March 13. In October 2021, we got to vote on a referendum question concerning Daylight Savings Time; however, nothing has been acted on with regard to it –so we continue to fall back and spring forward, even though this messes with our circadian rhythm.

If you are like me and find the transition in the spring more difficult than the one in the fall; here are some helpful tips.

1. Ease into it…
-Start the transition 10-15 minutes earlier (6-4 days) leading up to DLS
-Start DLS on Saturday instead of Sunday; this gives you a full day to live in your new reality

2. Consistency is key…
-I was able to figure out my optimum sleep window by tracking my sleep schedule and level of restedness on the Weight Watchers I app. I go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day –EVEN ON WEEKENDS! Obviously, things come up but I adhere pretty strictly to it.

3. On the dreaded DLS Sunday…
-And this may be a tough pill to swallow…wake up at your set time (RESTED OR NOT) and don’t nap (unless that is part of your pre-existing routine)

4. It’s all about the lighting…
-Natural over artificial because sunlight helps to reset our internal clocks. Enjoy the beauty of the sun; inside your home and outside!

5. Exercising…
-Try to exercise outside if possible. You don’t have to go hard core, simply taking a walk in the evening after dinner is super beneficial not only for digestion but also your sleep schedule. 

6. Disconnect…
-Put your phones, computers, tablets away! It is highly recommended that you be free of screens for at least 2 hours prior to bed. If you like to watch TV before bed or even in bed; DON’T! It is highly recommended that you turn off the TV at least an hour before bed.