Reflections & Lifestyle

Accountability Post: December 2023

Today, brings my “three goal a month” series to a close. I have managed to make some positive changes in my life, and as much as I hate to admit it; I have also fallen short this year. BUT, I never gave up and that’s what matters.

For December I wanted to “finish the year strong,” by…

1. Brushing up on my Spanish

-This is one goal I managed to knock out of the park, I am absolutely loving Duolingo. It is like riding a bicycle!

2. Implementing “No Phone Friday”

-This one didn’t turn out; mainly because I sort of forgot about it; I got 100% distracted by an upcoming project.

3. Doing an end of the year purging

-The purge was not as far reaching as I had hoped but of course I did manage to do a big pre-Christmas house clean, and it felt SOOOOOO good.

I am not sure what sort of goals I will set for myself in the New Year, but I am very much looking forward to what 2024 has in store for me. I wish you all happiness and health in the coming coming year.

Reflections & Lifestyle

Finishing the Year Strong!

2023 was all about accomplishing three small goals each month; it was a bit of the mixed bag, but all is not lost. I had a lot of success and I definitely learned a lot. To finish this series of posts I am setting my last three goals!

  1. Brush up on my Spanish
    -I spent most of my teens learning the language and I took it in university; in fact that is my minor. I have lost my fluency. I enjoyed knowing a second language; but without using it –you lose it!
  2. No phone Friday’s
    -Rather than checking out and being a phone zombie; I’m going to relax and check out sans screen. No falling down the Instagram rabbit hole for me.
  3. End of the year purging
    -Even though I did a massive house cleanse; we seem to have accumulated more junk (stuff that doesn’t bring us joy). There are a lot of people who may need it. To de-clutter our home and ultimately our minds; we can head into the new year in a better state.
Reflections & Lifestyle

Accountability Post: Mental Wellness Challenges

Instead of three small goals for the month of November; I participated in a bingo card style Mental Wellness Challenge –which had 20 tasks. I really enjoyed it; I liked the flexibility of having 20 tasks rather than 1 each day because if I got behind or life got in the way I wasn’t panicking to finish it. I did have to make some modifications to some of the tasks. This is how I did….

1Went to bed at 7:30 pm11Enjoyed WALKING AROUND in the sun in Banff
2Grateful for: feeling better, friends, a chance at TSwift tickets, got caught up, business season was successful, family, new books, got snow tires in time, no drama, having the best husband!12Unsubscribe from emails
3Walked up and down the driveway with the dog13CHECKED IN on 5 people
4Called my husband14Woke up 30 minutes earlier to REFLECT
5De-cluttered my desk at work15Planned a DINNER date with my bestie at El Corazon
6Took one day of social media16Went the entire day without complaining
7Set short terms goals to start journaling again, walking more, increase water intake and cut down on junk food 17Bought myself BOOTS WITH FLOWERS ON THEM
9Watched the sun set19Cleaned the bathroom; which I had been putting off for a long time
10Got rid of all the old pots & pans and living room lamp20MEDITATED; in order to be more present

How was your month?

Reflections & Lifestyle

October Accountability Post

I spent this month “Fighting Fatigue” with my three goals.

1. I lightened my load by reducing the number of posts I had to prepare and that definitely made a difference because I had a lot of extra responsibilities this month. I was able to do all of them, and do them well. I can’t wait to get back to posting three times a week; especially because I start a lot of my Christmas prep/planning in November.

2. I changed the supplements that I was taking by signing up for personalized vitamin packs. I felt so amazing for the first two weeks of the month and then I got really sick. I decided to stop taking them because I wasn’t sure if I was experiencing side effects from the vitamins or whether it was a nasty flu coupled with stress. I did maintain my multi-vitamin. I am going to resume the vitamins to see what other changes I need to make for next month. The vitamin packs included…

-Magnesium -Magnesium
-Vitamin D -Probiotic
-Vitamin B6 -L-Theanine

3. I took in some art therapy and lunch with a best friend. It was so nice to just take a break from everything. We viewed Second Skin, Boreal Barometer, Between Things (AB Ceramics), and A Link With Nature.

Reflections & Lifestyle

Fighting Fatigue: Fall Goals

One month into the school year while maintaining a growing business and balancing all the other important people, relationships, responsibilities and things in my life has worn me down. I need to make some changes to preserve my mental health.

  1. Lightening my load…

    -To reduce some pressure; for the month of October I am modifying my posting schedule. Instead of regularly posting on Monday, Wednesday & Fridays. I am decreasing my posts to TWO days a week: Monday and Friday. It’s going to be a little weird since I love writing posts and sharing with you all. Monday’s posts will be a mixture of recipes, current addictions and outfits. Friday’s posts will consist of sharing my journal entries with you. Friday is the new Wednesday basically.
  2. Supplements…

    -I have relied on caffeine for energy and to make up for the lack of sleep I have been getting. Although I take a generic multivitamin; my body needs a bit more assistance (and more water). Since I am almost out of my multivitamin I am going to replace them with a personalized regime. I took the VTMN Packs Health Assessment. I was a little shocked at the cost at first but I figured I would give it shot for October; and if I were to buy them myself from the store it really isn’t that big of a difference.
  3. Art Therapy (so to speak)…

    -A much needed trip to the AGA is on my calendar for this month. It’s an appointment I really hope to keep.
Reflections & Lifestyle

September 2023 Accountability Post

I blinked and September was over; its time to reflect on the three goals I set for myself. I am glad I set simple goals, otherwise I don’t think I would have been successful. I hope you all had a much calmer month than I did.

  1. Take the night off and do something fun with a friend.
    –I went to see The Importance of Being Earnest and it was such a fun night! I highly recommend the play!
  2. Pack a lunch everyday.
    –I filled my Bento box each night before school with healthy snacks to keep me going throughout the day!
  3. Walk everyday.
    –I minimized how much I sat during the day; the reminder on my FitBit definitely came in handy. I walked everyday at lunch; but it also helps that I HAD to since I asked for extra supervision.
Reflections & Lifestyle

New School Year, New Goals!

It’s a brand new school year and we are settling back into a new routine. Many of my goals thus far have been centered around mental and physical health and this month is no different because it is very easy to get overwhelmed!

1. Take a night off and do something fun with a friend

2. Pack a lunch everyday!

3. Walk everyday

Reflections & Lifestyle

August 2023 Accountability Post

And with that, summer has come to a close. It is time to reflect on the goals that I set for this month and start thinking about ones for September.

My goals for this month included…

1. Finish Home Renovations
-Guest room is finished, cleaned and set up
-Bathroom is finished, cleaned and set up
-Pictures and other decor are hanged
-Floor has been painted

2. Finish Summer Reading List (composed of 20 books!)
-The Bombay Prince by Sujata Massey
-A Murder at Balmoral by Chris McGeorge
-A Botanists Guide to Parties & Poisons Kate Khavari
-A Botanists Guide to Flowers & Fatality by Kate Khavari
-The Housekeepers by Alex Hay
-The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz
-Our Hideous Progeny by C.E McGill
-Moriarty by Anthony Horowitz
-Murder at the Mayfair Hotel by C.J. Archer
-Murder at the Piccadilly Playhouse by C.J. Archer
-Murder in the Drawing Room by C.J. Archer
-Murder at the Dressmaker’s Salon by C.J. Archer
-Murder at the Debutante Ball by C.J. Archer
-Murder at the Crown and Anchor by C.J. Archer
-Jane Austen Made Me Do It (editted by Laurel Ann Natress)
-The Mistress of Bhatia House by Sujata Massey
-Book Lovers by Emily Henry
-Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James
-A Socialite’s Guide to Murder by S.K. Golden
-The Benevolent Society of Ill-Mannered Ladies by Alison Goodman

3. Back to School Personal Prep
-Although I didn’t manage back to school clothes shopping, I did manage to get a hair cut and I love it!

Reflections & Lifestyle

August Goals: The Month of Miscellaneous Goals

One month left of summer vacation for me and I spent the first half working on school related tasks and chores around home. August for me has always been about “getting my shit together.” This list of three goals is quite a mish-mash.

  1. Finish home renovations!
    -The new guest room and bathroom need to be completed; the common area downstairs needs to be set up. The basement needs to be cleaned of all the construction clutter. This may be tough since it hinges on other people. I hate being in the middle of renovations; it makes me anxious!
  2. Finish my summer reading list!
    -I have five books left to finish from my list; somehow I don’t see I’ll have a problem with this one.
  3. Back to school personal prep!
    -I need to carve out time to go shopping (with my niece) for our back to school clothes and I need to get a haircut –BADLY. I always wait too long and never get an appointment BEFORE school starts and sooner enough it becomes a “Christmas cut.”
Reflections & Lifestyle

July 2023 Accountability Post

We are half way through summer and my goodness has it ever gone fast! Since January I have been setting three small goals to accomplish each month; just because it is summer I didn’t take the month off from my goals; I kept going!

  1. Work Life Balance
    *I have gotten so much done this month and I am really proud of myself. I have stuck to the time parameters of when I work but I still feel like all I have done so far this summer is work; which isn’t great.
  2. One Vacation
    *I spent a couple days in Calgary with a friend, while my husband stayed home to work on home renovations; the guilt was extreme!
  3. De-Clutter
    *I have made two trips to the dump and I feel like 30 pounds lighter after purging our home of all the stuff we no longer use. I only have two bedrooms, a linen closet and downstairs storage area left to go through!

    What about you? How did you make out this month?