Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

Books That Make You Think: Mindset Change


1. the established set of attitudes held by someone.

Spring Break and Easter weekend were spent soaking up the wise words of Dr. Jody Carrington and Dr. Greg Wells. Their books made me examine and challenge my mindset both as a teacher and individual. Sometimes we get stuck in our ways however, it is important to hit the pause button and re-evaluate. 

I was introduced to Dr. Carrington and her work at a professional development session last year and I participated it her Re-Connection Challenge during the month of December which I wrote about here. I even still keep a list of three things each day that brought me joy. The second her book, Kids These Days: A Game Plan For (Re)connecting With Those We Teach, Lead, & Love was available I ordered a copy. Dr. Carrington is an Alberta based clinical psychologist who speaks very frankly on a variety of topics including: relationships, parenting, compassion fatigue, grief, leadership and trauma. 

Her book of course reminds us about how disconnected we really are and how it is so crucial to bet back to basics and reconnect with those in our care and in our life. She offers practical advice on how to do this so that we can all “keep our lids on” and when we can’t, how to get them back on again. She turns some long standing education philosophies regarding classroom management, rewards/punishments, coding/testing and behaviour on their head. I shed some tears especially with respect to her chapters on trauma and grief and I did a lot of reflecting on my classroom practice and thought a lot about my students to further understand their situation and the relationships we have built and how to be better at it. 

As for, Dr. Wells; he was a keynote speaker at our Teachers’ Convention in Edmonton in February. He is a health and performance physiologist; after a stint in the hospital for a heart infection he started to think about life choices and the interconnection between sleep, diet, exercise and mindset and how by making even 1% changes in each can maximize your dreams; your health and your life. His session and book, Ripple Effect couldn’t have come at a better time in my life –I wanted to make changes and this really forced me to wake up and do it now. I also realized just how simple the changes he suggested really were and too be honest I felt a little guilty that I hadn’t done them before. Most alarming for me was just how little I knew about food and nutrition. We really are the product of our environment however we should never be resigned to that lot in life; if we do (or are) then that environment can severely harm us. The lessons contained in his book can help me and can work wonders for my students.

After reading I committed to following in each of the areas…


  • Saving caffeine for the morning
  • Getting off the screen for at least an hour before bedtime
  • Lowering the temperature in my bedroom
  • Getting at least 8 hours of sleep


  • Get moving more
  • Get outside more


  • Drink more water
  • Learning more about nutrition so I can revise the choices I make regarded fats and carbohydrates (ultimately this is where I falter the most)

Mental Health/Mindset

  • Focus rather than multi-task
  • Document and optimize my ‘in the zone’ time
  • Utilize positive self talk
Health & Beauty

Workout Favourites

One of my new favourite apps is the Nike Training Club (NTC), this app has helped me make positive changes in my life. I can find a variety of workouts that target specific body areas and of differing lengths which are suitable for my level of fitness and ones that match my limited equipment inventory. I haven’t gotten bored of working out; which I normally do. I have ZERO excuses not to workout everyday and to be honest… I have discovered I actually enjoy it. I have noticed changes in mood and my clothes fit better!!!! Here is a list of my all time favourite workouts from the app so far. They pair very well with our workout playlist.

-Tank Top Arms

-Back & Bicep Burnout

-5 Minute Plank Finisher
-Ab Burner 2.0
-Abs & Arms
-Quick Hit Abs
-Back It Down
-Ab & Butt

-Leaner Legs 2.0
-One Leg At A Time
-Leg and Glute Burner

-Glute Toner
-Glutes & Glory

-Sweat and Shape 2.0
-Full Body Goal Crusher

-Full Body Strength Yoga
-Length & Flow Yoga

Health & Beauty

Migraine Hell

This blog post was originally supposed to be about something fun and lighthearted but just before I sat down to write, I started getting the warning signs of a migraine. I know that of all the medical afflictions out there, migraines are modicum in comparison. I have been suffering from migraines since age eleven; in fact I still vividly remember my first one. It was excruciating and they continue to be to this day. I know there is some debate over whether or not migraines are hereditary…in my case I honestly believe it to be true; both my mother and father suffered from them. In addition, I fully acknowledge that there are lifestyle and other factors that come into play like food, alcohol, sleep patterns, stress, hormones, environment, etc. 

For anyone who has not experienced a migraine, I envy you. And, in case you are unfamiliar, migraines are as complex as they are painful; they have four stages which include: prodrome, aura, headache and postdrome.

Prodrome — For me my warning signs of impending migraine are mood swings (I go from weepy to happy with little rhyme or reason), food cravings (for fast food in particular a greasy cheeseburger from McDonald’s), neck stiffness, thirst and increased urination.

Aura — Perhaps the oddest feeling and hardest to explain to other people. For me I lump this in as part of the prodrome since it starts before the headache; before the pain. My auras are flashes of light; I liken it to driving during an intense snowfall at night.

Headache — Migraines can last from anywhere from four to 72 hours. For some people they can be rare occurrences but for me at my worst point they occurred several times a month. With my migraines I have experienced pain on only one side of my head as well as on both sides of my head. The pain is throbbing, even pulsating. During this stage I am super sensitive to light, sounds and occasionally smells. I suffer from bad nausea during the headache; and of course the vomiting makes the headache even more painful. The aura will sometimes subside but usually when it does, it is replaced with blurry vision.

Postdrome — This is the light at the end of the tunnel portion of the whole ordeal. At this point in time I am utterly drained, sometimes confused and still fairly sensitive to light and sound. I’m back to feeling like myself the next day.

I know it probably seems silly to blog about a “headache,” but they majorly affect my life. After being hospitalized numerous times for migraines during my mid twenties; I knew I had to try and get a handle on this condition and trust me, it took a long time. Maybe in sharing, I can help bring some relief to other sufferers; keeping in mind that I am NOT a doctor, so please consult yours! Some of the things I have found successful include…

1. Maxalt (aka Rizatriptan)
This is the prescription medication I have been using for years. However, it is only effective when I take it as soon as the headache begins. According to my physician, this triptan works by narrowing blood vessels around the brain. It reduces not only the pain but also the nausea.

2. Lifestyle Adjustment/Avoiding Triggers
I spent many years figuring out what my triggers were and the thresholds; tomatoes, processed meats, red wines (even the smell) and chocolate especially get me; although there are others. Drinking more water has helped. A student of mine a few years ago who suffered greatly from migraines told me about Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo’s book Eat Right For Your Blood Type.

This book helped me make different dietary choices and I found that a lot of the food that was labelled as ‘AVOID’ for my blood type; were actually on my triggers list. Despite cutting out those foods and making better/different lifestyle choices, my migraines do still persist however, but it has allowed me to reduce their frequency and intensity and take back some control over my life. 

3. Listening To My Body
When I get busy or stressed I forget to stop and check in with myself; I forget to listen to my body. Unfortunately, there have been times when I have run out of my prescription as well. Making sure I am cognizant of the warning signs from my prodrome and then taking immediately actions can make the difference between a shorter less intense migraine or a debilitating one. I have over the years had to keep migraine journals to help me track and pay attention to my body.

4. Acupuncture & Chiropractics
I did a lot of research about alternative ways to treat my migraines because I was afraid that the more I relied on my Maxalt the less effective it might become and then where would I be? I found several scientific articles that highlighted the benefits of chiropractic care in reducing the body’s reaction to stress and since stress can be a cause of migraines it was worth a shot.

I found when I was going regularly to the chiropractor I experienced less migraines. It was actually my chiropractor who introduced me to acupuncture; which helped to reduce my migraines even more. Unfortunately, since my move to the country I have had a hard time sticking to my regime of acupuncture and chiropractics and therefore have had more migraines; so I’ll be jumping back on that bandwagon.

5. Mint Oil
My acupuncturist introduced this to me. Whenever I get a migraine I put a little dab wherever the pain is, then where my maxillary and ethmoidal sinuses are. My husband knows I have a migraine when the mint oil comes out; they have become synonymous with each other.

6. Lights Out
If I am at home I usually retreat to the darkness of my bedroom and sometimes I wear my sunglasses in the house if it isn’t dark enough; which I am sure my husband finds ridiculous, funny but ridiculous. 

7. Sleep
The best thing for me is to try and sleep through the whole ordeal, if that’s possible, sometimes the pain keeps me awake. When I get a migraine at work; sleeping is impossible of course.

8. Coffee & Tylenol
In a panic, when I am out of my Maxalt or unable to get to it in time a cup of black coffee and two extra strength Tylenol can take the edge off, if it is early enough in the headache. Why does coffee help? Well, it helps to narrow blood vessels. According to the National Headache Foundation, “when caffeine is added to the combination of acetaminophen and aspirin, the pain relieving effect is increased by 40%.”

Health & Beauty

ESSENTIAL Essential Oils

Essential oils are natural oils obtained through distillation and they have the characteristic fragrance of the plants (or other sources) from which they are extracted. There are many brands and companies which espouse the benefits of using these products in a wide range of applications. The sheer volume of available essential oils is mind boggling but over the years I have found a few that WORK and I can’t live without! 

1. Japanese Mint Oil (Hagina)
My acupuncturist introduced me to this and it has truly been a life saver. I was suffering from horrendous migraines and this was one of the few things that got me through it; just a few dabs to my temples and the back of my neck. In addition to headache relief this miracle oil also helps promote circulation, soothes tight muscles and is ideal for cramps, sprains, strains, swelling and dislocations when rubbed on the site. Being a teacher, I am prone to the occasional plague; for sinus congestion simply add a few drops into a basin of hot water, inhale while keeping your eyes closed.

2. White Flower Oil (Hoe Hin)
An analgesic balm that is a blend of several essential oils including eucalyptus oil and lavender oil. I use it externally for relief from minor muscle aches and pains. It can also be used for relief from minor skin irritations like mosquito bites. My father who endured over fifteen surgeries, years of pain and cancer used this product. The smell also reminds me of him.

3. Malaleuca/TeaTree Oil (Doterra)
This essential oil is known for its purification benefits. It is a really good skin cleanser. I am prone to bad breakouts so when those hit I apply a couple of drops to the affected areas (generally along my jawline, chin and beside my ears). Applying this oil to fingernails and toenails following a shower will help keep them looking healthy. This oil may be strong for some so it is recommended to dilute it with Coconut Oil.

4. Roman Chamomile (Plant Therapy)
I have trouble sleeping when my husband is away working. And, sometimes I have trouble letting go of my anxiety. When this is the case I sprinkle a little bit into the bath/shower or diffuser and let the Sweet, “green”, herbaceous apple-like scent envelop me and soothe my weary soul. It also pairs really well with oils like bergamot, jasmine, lavender, lemon, patchouli, tea tree, ylang ylang which are also very nice.

5. Lemon (Plant Therapy)
This zesty scent is perfect for those suffering from the winter blues; including myself. Diffusing this in the morning is sure to refresh, energize and uplift you. It is also known to support a healthy immune system and be a great addition to household cleansers. 

Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

Dear Loved Ones…

When I started my career I went to a “Beginning Teachers Conference,” the excitement, hope and energy permeated the air. Fresh out of university I was one of those eager beavers ready to embark on my first contract. In one session they told us (and showed us with a fancy little graph) that our first year would be a roller coaster of: anticipation, survival, disillusionment, rejuvenation and reflection. After twelve years of teaching I have found that this cycle is not restricted only to year one; it is every year. This is a career of high HIGHS and low LOWS. It is rewarding, it is exhausting, it is heartbreaking, it is exciting. I regarded my teachers; the ones who I remember vividly, the ones who made a lasting impression on me, as saints. I wanted to be just like them –to make a difference! It has taken over twelve years (and a pandemic) to realize one very important lesson.


Ultimately, your ‘tank’ needs to be full and constantly replenished before driving along the road of teaching and learning with your students. As teachers, we constantly worry about our students emotional and physical wellbeing but we are reluctant to think about or worry about our own; because we feel guilty. We feel guilty for taking an hour long break from our marking to go and take a Yoga class with a friend or we feel guilty for declining to coach a sports team because we need some extra time at home with our own families. So we acquiesce and give too much. Sometimes I feel like I am doing a crappy job at 100 things but I really want to be able to do an excellent job at 10 things. We have to start practicing self-care. Otherwise, we will burnout out, we will leave a profession we love (minus the bureaucratic BS), we will end up damaging important relationships in our lives, we will sink into depression and we will fall victim to compassion fatigue.

The longer your tank is on empty the longer that disillusionment stage will last. It will never completely go away because we will get frustrated. That is understandable, we work with so many children, parents and policymakers all with different ideas about what education (and your job as a teacher) is and should be. We are forced to reconcile all those ideas on top of all the other tasks we perform both inside and outside of the classroom. If we focus on wellbeing as part of the process of teaching rather than at the end when we are in a negative, broken place we can mitigate the disillusionment.

For a stark wake up call about the state of teacher mental health, feel free to check out this article: How COVID-19 Has Influenced Teacher’s Well-Being

For teachers looking to manage their stress and invest in themselves and prioritize their well being check out Natalie McCully’s Pinterest Board

Health & Beauty

Quarantine Make-Up

Typically I prefer a simple, no fuss-no muss make-up routine and I pretty much stick with the same products and palettes from day to night. With the exception of the addition of a bold eyeliner for a fancier look for “date night.”

Since COVID-19 hit and we went into closure; I stopped wearing make-up completely; I just couldn’t be bothered to get all dolled up to go to the kitchen table, regardless of whether or not I had to be on Google Meets.

My skin was in for quite the shock when I went back to work. Like most people, I have to wear a mask all day, and I quickly realized not only would I end up with “maskne” I also ended up with make-up smeared on the inside of mask. The solution: only apply make-up to the parts of my face that are visible.

This sounds really odd and that it may look odd, but no one notices because I literally NEVER remove mask during the day and even if I do, due to physical distancing, no one would ever be able to notice that foundation isn’t applied to my whole face.

What make-up do I love to wear/use??

Lancome Teint Idole UltraWear 100 IVO N Foundation
Bobby Brown Under Eye Corrector (Light Peach)
Sephora Brush #206
Sephora Collection Eye Love Eye Shadow Palette (Light Warm)
Laura Mercier Caviar Volume Panoramic Mascara
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Powder Duo (Ebony)
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brush #14
Anastasia Beverly Hills Primer
Anastasia Beverly Hills Clear Brow Gel
KVD Vegan Beauty Lock It Make-Up Setting Mist
Sephora Coconut Lip Balm
Maybelline Kajal Eyeliner Onyx

What make-up do you love to wear/use?

Fashion Health & Beauty

Workout Outfit

To go along with my new workout routine, I treated myself to a new outfit. I wanted to feel good while embarking on my new fitness journey.

Tank: Lululemon Swiftly Tech Racerback 2.0 (white)

Pullover: Lululemon Swiftly Breathe Long Sleeve  (slate/white)

Leggings: Lululemon Align Pant II 25”  (incognito camo multi grey)

Socks: Nike Spark Lightweight No-Show Socks (white)

Shoes: Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 37 (pink)

Health & Beauty

New Exercise Routine

I still very much love using the Nike Training Club app on my phone to workout with at home; because they are doable for my fitness level, there is a variety of workouts, the length of each workout fits in nicely with my schedule and best part: the app is free!

However, I wanted to try out more features of the app; you can of course browse for workouts based on muscle group, workout type and equipment. You can also exercise using the numerous collections of workouts for example there are 10 workouts in the “Elevate You Game” collection, 6 workouts in the “Simple Routines For Better Runs” collection, etc. Or, if you answer a few questions about yourself the app will put together a multi-week plan for you.

My new fitness routine is 5 weeks in length and goes a little something like this…

Week #1
Endurance: Shape & Sweat 2.0 (30 min)
Endurance: Go, Rest, Repeat (30 min)
Endurance: Start Training (46 min)

Week #2
Strength: Roots & Trunk (30 min)
Endurance: Start-Up Benchmark (6 min)
Mobility: Walk The Plank (30 min)
Mobility: Floor To Core (30 min)
Endurance: Full Body Ignition (15 min)
Strength: Lifted By Lunges (30 min)

Week #3
Endurance: Ab & Butt 2.0 (30 min)
Endurance: Glute Toner (18 min)
Endurance: Shape & Sweat 2.0 (30 min)
Endurance: Go, Rest, Repeat (30 min)
Endurance: Start Training (46 min)

Week #4
Strength: Roots & Trunk (30 min)
Mobility: Floor To Core (30 min)
Endurance: Start-Up Benchmark (6 min)
Endurance: Full Body Ignition (15 min)
Strength: Lifted By Lunges (30 min)

Week #5
Endurance: Ab & Butt 2.0 (30 min)

Health & Beauty

Being Productive: Study Tips

Being effective is all about achieving what you want. Walk the aisles of any Chapters, you can see shelf after shelf devoted to self-help books. These books promise you the tricks to be the most productive, the most effective, the most “this”, the most “that.”’ It’s overwhelming when all you want is a simple answer to a simple question… How do I get it all done? Or, how do I achieve what I want?

In the classroom setting; I am often asked: How do I get the best grade possible? Ultimately, they are asking: How do I study effectively? I figured I would share with you the strategies I use when I study for tests.

1. Prioritize your study time
–You know you need to do it; so pencil it into your schedule. Make a standing appointment with yourself to review your materials. Be consistent, with the time you block off: every MWF from 4-5, for example.

2. Get organized
–Be organized ALL the time. Don’t just organize your binder or notes right before a big assessment. Being organized also extends to your study space. You need a clean, comfortable area with minimal distractions complete with all the materials you will need: books, paper, pens, highlighters, cue cards, etc.

3. Graphics
–It isn’t enough to simply memorize information, you have to know it, understand it and apply it. Take the information and break it down into pieces. Look at how it all fits together/works. Using graphic organizers helps us see similarities and differences as well. Tag concepts to images. It is easy to manipulate graphic organizers as well rather than large chunks of text from a book. 

4. Practice
–Use old exams, make flash cards, spend time explaining concepts to other people, have other people quiz you. You should be engaged and active in the studying process rather than passive; otherwise the transfer of knowledge from short term to long term just isn’t as strong. Study groups are a great tool; however you have to know yourself…for me I am pretty solitary creature so a VERY small study group works best for me.

5. Look After Yourself
–Eat good food; binging on sugary crap during the study period weighs you down. If you or your body feel gross…your brain probably does too. Put the right fuel in your body to improve performance. Drink lots of water as well.

Health & Beauty

Preventing Burnout

Do you ever feel like you are burning the candle at both ends??? You are not alone. When I feel like I am reaching the point of crashing and burning I have to step back, take a breath and look after myself. 

As proactive as I try to be; sometimes I just can’t avoid burning out or coming dangerously close to it. The things that help set me back on track include the following…

1. Reaching out to a friend/family
–I find there is a direct correlation to my level of burnout and the long distance charges on my phone bill. The more exhausted and stressed out I become the more frequently and the the longer I talk to my bestie. Even when we are both at that point we are able to commiserate with each other and provide some much needed advice and reassurance.

2. Exercise
–As much as I really do loathe exercising I know that I feel better and I sleep better afterwards. I don’t mean a full hour long strenuous workout; even ten minutes is enough to get those endorphins flowing and I feel more positive. I feel like I can tackle whatever obstacle I am up against. 

3. Sleep/Nap/Rest
–As tempting as it is to stay up all night and mark or write or work I have to consciously tell myself to GO TO SLEEP. I don’t know how I expect myself to be productive or get anything done when I am tired and dragging my butt.

4. Ditch the junk
–Less time with food prep = more time to get other things accomplished; is the mindset I get into when I am reaching the point of burning out. Which means I have to make the the effort to eat healthily when all I really want to do is eat convenience food. 

5. Sun/Go outside
–Sometimes the long winters (and therefore winter blues) exacerbate my trajectory toward burnout; but getting out in the yard for a bit with my dog helps me out immensely. We all know the benefits of vitamin D in our lives one of which includes improved brain function