Health & Beauty

Fitness Routine

For the majority of this year my fitness routine was centered around rehabilitation for my broken ankle. I am nearing the one year mark of my accident and feeling much stronger. I used to use the NTC app all the time; and I’m happy to say I am back on it.

sports equipment of top of marble surface
Photo by cottonbro on

My favourite workout lately is the Lower Body Build and Burn; and it goes a little something like this….

Knee Hugs (Alt)
Dynamic Hamstring Stretch (Alt)
Lateral Hip Openers (Alt)
Body Weight Squats
Reverse Lunges (Alt)
Frog Kicks (L)
Lateral Leg Raises (L)
Forward Hip Circles (L)
Backward Hip Circles (L)
Frog Kicks (R)
Lateral Leg Raises (R)
Forward Hip Circles (R)
Backward Hip Circles (R)
Hip Lifts
Dumbbell Split Squats (L)
Dumbbell Split Squats (R)
“Quick Feet/In & Out”
Goblet Squats
“Quick Feet/Forward & Back”
Dumbbell Deadlift
Airplanes (L) –this is a replacement exercise
Dumbbell Split Squats (L)
Dumbbell Split Squats (R)
“Quick Feet/In & Out”
Goblet Squats
“Quick Feet/Forward & Back”
Dumbbell Deadlifts
Airplanes (R)–this is a replacement exercise
Squat Pulse
Reverse Lunge (Alt)
Squat Pulse
Reverse Lunge (Alt)
Quad Stretch (Alt)
Figure 4 Stretch (L)
Figure 4 Stretch (R)
Lying Hamstring Stretch (L)
Lying Hamstring Stretch (R)

Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

Morning Routine: Before & After

Are you a morning person? Mornings can be tough for me; but I have made some changes to my routine and it has been paying off.

Wake up to the most obnoxious alarm possible!Changed my tone; I set a gentler alarm sound at 6am and then the obnoxious one 5 minutes later (as a back-up).
Shower –get in and get out as quickly as possible.Shower –with an invigorating shower steamer scent; I spend more time in the shower so I have implemented a better skin & hair care routine.
Brush my teeth.Brush my teeth, floss & mouthwash, while listening to music.
No make-up; I stopped bothering because of having to wear masks.Moisturize, use my amethyst roller and do my eyebrows.
Scramble around to find clothes to wear.I started picking out my clothes the night before.
Play a game on my phone & check email.I try not to ‘play’ on my phone; if I do I participate in a group message thread with my work besties; we send funny teacher memes, motivational sayings or random gifs. I now only check my email once I get to work.
No breakfast; but sometimes remember to take my multivitaminBreakfast! The difference a piece of toast or yogurt or oatmeal makes is huge. It also gives me time to make sure I take my multivitamin consistently.
Leave the house without lunch.Grab my water bottle & lunch that I prepared the night before. 

What is your morning routine like? Share in the comments!

Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

Daylight Savings Time: Coping With It

white bedspread beside nightstand with white and copper table lamp
Photo by Burst on

The clocks are changing March 13. In October 2021, we got to vote on a referendum question concerning Daylight Savings Time; however, nothing has been acted on with regard to it –so we continue to fall back and spring forward, even though this messes with our circadian rhythm.

If you are like me and find the transition in the spring more difficult than the one in the fall; here are some helpful tips.

1. Ease into it…
-Start the transition 10-15 minutes earlier (6-4 days) leading up to DLS
-Start DLS on Saturday instead of Sunday; this gives you a full day to live in your new reality

2. Consistency is key…
-I was able to figure out my optimum sleep window by tracking my sleep schedule and level of restedness on the Weight Watchers I app. I go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day –EVEN ON WEEKENDS! Obviously, things come up but I adhere pretty strictly to it.

3. On the dreaded DLS Sunday…
-And this may be a tough pill to swallow…wake up at your set time (RESTED OR NOT) and don’t nap (unless that is part of your pre-existing routine)

4. It’s all about the lighting…
-Natural over artificial because sunlight helps to reset our internal clocks. Enjoy the beauty of the sun; inside your home and outside!

5. Exercising…
-Try to exercise outside if possible. You don’t have to go hard core, simply taking a walk in the evening after dinner is super beneficial not only for digestion but also your sleep schedule. 

6. Disconnect…
-Put your phones, computers, tablets away! It is highly recommended that you be free of screens for at least 2 hours prior to bed. If you like to watch TV before bed or even in bed; DON’T! It is highly recommended that you turn off the TV at least an hour before bed.

Health & Beauty

Nail Polish Colours For The New Year

crop woman showing manicure with bottles of multicolored nail polishes
Photo by Kristina Paukshtite on

The pandemic had many people adopting dogs, baking bread and colouring. But it had me learning how to give myself shellac manicures. I got all my supplies from ABS Beauty Supply. Personally, I use CND shellac –I love the colours and it’s just a great product. The new colours I am most excited about for the New Year are…

1. Grace
2. Aura
3. Peacock Plume
4. Lilac Longing
5. Safety Pin
6. Dark Diamond

Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

World Mental Health Day…

is fast approaching; Sunday October 10th! As per the World Health Organization (WHO), the “overall objective is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. [It] provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide.”

I’d like to share with you some resources that I have found helpful.

  1. Reid Health suggests preforming 9 daily activities to maintain mental health
  2. Tracking your mood over the year with, Year in Pixels
  3. The Positivity Kit: Instant Happiness on Every Page
  4. Listen to a well intentioned podcast focused on mental health and wellness
  5. Keep a gratitude journal; write down three things each day that gave you joy, went well or you are grateful for. I enjoyed going back at the end of the year and reviewing all the good things that happened.
  6. . Winters can be tough; so try an indoor garden
  7. Colouring!
  8. Reading! Not only for pleasure but also reading about mental health and wellness is really eye opening. It allows you to understand yourself, others and puts a lot of thing into perspective.
  9. Make use of one of the many mental health apps
  10. Nourish Your Brain with food

    As always, remember, you are NOT alone, if you are struggling, please seek help! There is no shame or weakness in asking for help. You can access mental health supports (in Canada) HERE.

    We can all be a light for someone; if you are not struggling; you can make a difference in someone’s day, week, month and life –don’t be afraid to offer help or check in with the people in your life. Let’s keep the dialogue on mental health and wellness open and ongoing! Reduce the stigma!
Health & Beauty


Sephora is my all time favourite place get my cosmetics. I have tried so many different products over the years because of the samples they offer at time of purchase and they carry all sorts of sizes; in addition to being reasonably priced. The staff at Sephora are also very knowledgeable about products and make excellent recommendations. I love having my make-done there as well.

My latest splurge included the following MUST HAVES…

1.Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Dry Shampoo

2. Kompari Natural Aluminum-Free Coconut Deodorant

3. Philosophy Clear Days Ahead Oil-Free Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment Cleanser

4. By Rosie Jane James Everyday Body Wash

5. Farmacy Daily Greens Oil-Free Gel Moisturizer

6. Dr. Jart+ Teatreement Toner

Health & Beauty

New Season, but Same Old Condition

Like 2.7 million Canadians I suffer from migraines. Previously I discussed what a migraine is and the things that get me through my “migraine hell,” however, what I failed to go over was how something seemingly benign as a change in the season can be crushing.

So what is the deal with spring and migraines???

Springtime in Alberta is an interesting season. Sometimes on one day we can experience all four seasons. This frequent shifting between sunshine and rain is indicative of the changes in barometric pressure. In addition to this weather roller coaster afflicting migraine sufferers; there are also allergies! Allergies bring sneezing, runny noses, itchy and watery eyes as well as sinus inflammation.

Therefore; April showers not only bring May flowers but they also bring lots of weather triggers for me and others. which then flows into June. 

What about the other seasons???

It can still be a stormy season in Alberta; but the weather is a lot warmer and humid. I call this the “sweaty season” it is during this season where people tend to get themselves dehydrated. I know I struggle with staying hydrated. Although it can be nice having longer days; it also wreaks havoc on sleep patterns. As a teacher, summer is a season of mixed emotions. I look forward to my time off yet I am sad that I am parted from my students. But, I am also sad because I know that summer brings what the American Migraine Foundation refers to as “stress let down headache[s]” so once my stress is just suddenly over or gone I usually end up with a migraine.

This season is not all pumpkin spice and everything nice; the temperature cools off, pressure changes, the wind starts picking up and our sleep patterns are once again getting messed with as the days become shorter. Also, I experience a massive increase in my stress level since school is back in session and hunting season begins.

The winter in Alberta can be brutal and extreme. This past winter we missed four days of school because the temperature stayed below -40 for too long. And, the snowstorms…oh so much snow and oh so much change in pressure! We most commonly associate dehydration with the summer months but it is and can be an issue during cold, dry months as well.

Health & Beauty

The Best [Hair] Tutorials

With many personal services being shut down with the spikes in COVID-19 cases here since 2020; I haven’t been to the salon in SO SO SO SO LOOOONG! I ended up relying on hair tutorials to get me through. I am literally the WORST at doing my own hair and I cannot tell you how many videos I watched, how many styles/tips I tried (and failed). But these 3 tutorials are the ones that worked for me.
Health & Beauty

Long Hair, Don’t Care: Long Hair Guide

Long hair has always been my thing. However, it can be a pain to style and maintain. I have never been super adventurous with my hair, except for that time when I dyed it blonde or had purple tips. I have never been great at styling my hair: more often than not it has ended up in a bun because it just gets in the way while I’m at work or it is just so darn hot out. Over the years I think I have tried every product known to woman to tame my mane. In this blog post I’ll be sharing my favorite and most effective products and tips.

Find a GOOD hairdresser
This doesn’t mean the most expensive one either! Find a hairdresser who is honest and who listens to what you want and who isn’t overly wrapped up in trying to sell you tons of expensive products (usually different ones each time you go). Find a salon who invests in continuing education and training for their employees.

Regular Maintenance & Layering
Now that you have found your hairdresser, make sure you make the effort to regularly get it trimmed and indulge in a conditioning treatment every once in a while. I used to go years, yes I said YEARS without getting my haircut. My hair is very thick, so I need layers to thin it out and give it some much needed volume.

Don’t Overwash
I used to wash (and dry) my hair EVERY morning even if it wasn’t ‘dirty’ (or greasy). I love showering in the morning because it wakes me up. But I found that all this washing just stripped my hair of moisture and made me burn through product like crazy. Now, I have a hair routine…

Day 1: Shampoo & Condition (Wintertime: hairdryer. Summertime: air dry)
            Wear down and embrace my natural waves!

Day 2: Ponytail

Day 3: Bun

Then repeat…

Confession: I used to go to bed without brushing my hair; which seems weird since I brush my teeth every night before bed. Why wouldn’t I brush my hair?!?! Laziness plain and simple! I don’t brush it 100 times or anything, but I have noticed a difference in my hair since making the effort. It prevents knots and prevents oil build up on the scalp.

Minimize Products

a) Shampoo: TRESemmé Moisture Rich Shampoo. Best part is that this is a product that is inexpensive, works and can be found in almost every hair care aisle at the grocery/drugstore.

b) Conditioner: TRESemmé Moisture Rich Conditioner. This is by far the best conditioner I have used in a long time. I am a fan of in-shower conditioners rather than leave in ones.

c) Treatment: Moisture Healing Mask by Nelson Beverly Hills. It is a go to hair product for me during the harsh Alberta winters; which I use once a week.

d) Dry Shampoo: Klorane Dry Shampoo with Oat Milk. This is a go to hair product for me during camping and fishing trips when normal, full, long showers aren’t always a possibility.

As you can see I don’t overload my hair with excessive products. I rarely use things like hair spray, mousse or pomade. I also only dye my hair once a year. Back in the day I would use box dyes from the drugstore but now I leave it up to the professionals. Make sure you read the labels!!

Health & Beauty

Beauty IS Only Skin Deep: Commentary of Daily Make-Up Routine and Philosophy

With the government’s inability to get a handle on COVID-19 and the inability of many to put the welfare and needs of society ahead of their own individuality and freedom –we are facing once again another lockdown during this horrendous third wave. Of course, my family and I are staying put and have been doing so since the pandemic started. We have devoured book after book and delved into the archives of our favourite blogs. One of my all time favourites is Cup of Jo by the effervescent, Joanna Goddard. Back in 2014, she did a fun post about her everyday beauty uniform –and I loved it! I thought it would be fun to fill out.

Make-up: Yay or Nay?
Until the pandemic hit and we went online and then returned to in-person teaching (fully masked) I ALWAYS, ALWAYS did my make-up. Now, I find it very liberating to go ‘sans make-up.’ However, I must say, that when I feel especially out of sorts, it is nice to get dolled up –it puts a bit of pep in my step. My skin has done better, without constantly ‘painting my face.’ The only make-up application that remains from my pre-pandemic routine is doing my eyebrows.

Daily ablutions?
In the shower, I always wash my face with First Aid Beauty Pure Skin Face Cleanser, and apply their Pharma BHA Acne Spot Treatment. To get rid of the dark circles under my eyes, I use the smoothing eye concentrate from Juice Beauty. To finish it off a quick coat of Sephora lip balm.

Beauty Indulgence
I got my make-up professionally done, the summer before the pandemic and I absolutely LOVED the look they gave me, especially what they did to my lacklustre eyebrows. My beauty splurge includes all the necessary products from Anastasia Beverly Hills to achieve the look. You can find more details on one of my previous health and beauty posts: Quarantine Make-Up.

Feeling Fancy
Date nights out of the house are FEW and far between these days. I figured I would phrase it that way because it sounded less sad than, “non-existent.” However, pre-pandemic included going to a really nice steak house for dinner and maybe a movie to follow. Always part of my “fancy night out uniform” are skinny jeans, black boots, a nice blouse from Ricki’s, my favourite Kate Spade purse and a full complement of make-up with a dose of shimmery eye shadow from the Sephora Eye Love Light Warm palette.

Hair Care
I live by the following five rules with my hair: find a good hairdresser, regular maintenance & layering, don’t over-wash, brushing and lastly minimize products. I’ll share more on my “Long Hair Guide,” next month. Currently, I am really loving the Drybar Prep Rally Prime & Prep Detangler.

Favourite Feature
My hazel eyes.

Travel Musts
The bamboo cleansing and exfoliating wipes from the Sephora Collection. They travel well and refresh your skin after long travel days and days of exploring your new destination.
Revolutionary Product
A while ago, my acne was totally out of control, and I was really struggling. I tried the Kate Somerville EradiKate spot treatment and it literally changed my skin and my life. It worked fast and got my skin back on track.

Bath or shower?
Everyday in the AM: Shower
But there is nothing better than soaking in a hot tub with a bath bomb after a stressful week!

Eau de toilette or eau de parfum?
Eau de parfum from Nest New York (Black Tulip)

Tips & Tricks
The De-Puffing Amethyst Roller from Mount Lai, it feels so relaxing; helps relieve stress and makes me feel cleansed.

Beauty Inspo
My stunningly beautiful maternal grandmother, with her olive skin taught me that sunscreen was THE most essential beauty tool in a woman’s arsenal. She never wore make-up except for lipstick occasionally and her skin was flawless until the end.

Felt Most Beautiful
During my wedding.

Hubby’s Opinion
He LOVES my hair and always tells me to never cut it and he really loves it when I ditch the teacher-bun and let my long locks down; a la Rapunzel.

Nail Polish
I started doing my own Shellac nails at home; because let’s face it; manicures really add up and personal services are the first thing cut during pandemic restrictions and lock-downs. I found a UV lamp on Amazon and I source all the other needed CND products from ABS Beauty. Favourite colour: Rebellious Ruby.

Deepest Regret
Dying my hair VERY, VERY blonde with box dye from the drugstore. I couldn’t pull off the blonde hair with brown eyebrows like Cara Delevingne.

Irksome Make-up Moments
When my mascara and/or eyeliner run, or when my under eye corrector cracks.

Celebrity Beauty Crush
Mindy Kaling; she is bold, beautiful and emphasizes body positivity.

Overall Approach 
It has taken me a LONG time to get to this point but: Be comfortable in my own skin! Do whatever it takes to live that way; filter out whatever noise detracts from it and be un-apologetically me when I “put myself together.”