Health & Beauty

Skincare Regime: Post-Pregnancy Glow

I wanted to improve my skin after having my son; not that my skin was super affected by the pregnancy in the first place –but there is always room for improvement. Additionally, I wanted to do something for me, a little TLC, a little self-care. I took a trip to Sephora and I grabbed a sample set from Youth to the People and I gave it a shot. Honestly, my skin has never looked better and I really enjoy my morning and night routine.

-Superfood Cleanser
-Energy Facial (only Wednesdays & Sundays)
-Energy Serum
-Superfood Moisture Cream

-Superfood Cleanser
-Superfood Moisture Cream
-Superberry Dream Oil
-Dream Eye Cream

woman putting on a face mask
Photo by Photo By: on
Health & Beauty

Weight Watchers

I’ve done  Weight Watchers on an off for the last couple years with great results and I love the recipes. The app is super easy to use. I had a baby so that’s why I canceled my subscription. I still have about 14 pounds that I’d like to lose. It isn’t super crucial but I definitely felt so much better at my lower weight and I want to be able to do “all things” with my son; I don’t want to be hampered by my weight, like my own mother was. I was doing really well in pregnancy with eating but in my immediate post-partum era I just fell into some, bad snack habits (eating all the stuff I couldn’t eat for 9 months), and when you are overtired and not able to do much the pounds add up and are hard to shed. Since the weight was sticking around so I decided to take advantage of the Halloween special that they were having and I charged up my Fitbit once again and I reactivated my account (at the end of October). I’m looking forward to shedding some pounds, feeling better and getting fitter. I figured I’d share my journey with you, so stay tuned! I’ll do a “weigh in”/progress and share the recipes I have tried from the app! 

Health & Beauty

Summer Beauty Product Finds

It feels like it has been a really long time, since I highlighted beauty products that I have been loving…

  1. Dreamy Lip Kit (Laniege)
  2. Superfood Gentle Antioxidant Cleanser (Youth to the People)
  3. Superfood Air-Whip Lightweight Face Moisturizer with Hyaluronic Acid (Youth to the People)
  4. Superberry Hydrate + Glow Dream Night Cream + Mask with Vitamin C (Youth to the People)
  5. 4 Piece Facial Razor Set (Sephora Collection)
Health & Beauty

National Fitness Day

Tomorrow (May 4th) is not only Star Wars Day, it is also National Fitness Day. You can bet I’ll be re-watching Star Wars, BUT, in between I’ll try to be a bit more active.

How are you marking National Fitness Day?

If you are thinking, you have to “work out,” that is not the only way to celebrate. You can do some of the following…

-Instead of driving; you could walk, job or bike to wherever you need to go
-Instead of taking the elevator; use the stairs
-Try to cook at home, instead of going out
-If you do go out to eat; choose a healthy side dish
-Its the perfect time to try a new healthy recipe instead of microwaving a convenience meal
-Carve out 15-20 minutes to do some stretching or relaxing exercising
-Minimize how much you sit
-Drink water

Do you have any suggestions?

Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

Raw Food Diet

We made the switch to raw food for our dog and the results have been remarkable; I can’t believe we didn’t do it sooner. The brand he loves is Bold by Nature. So why did we make the switch and what changes have we seen??

  1. His coat has never been shinier .
  2. His dandruff is at a minimum which made us think perhaps it was symptomatic of allergies; and if it isn’t the food had been great for his skin regardless.
  3. He is like a puppy again; so much more energy.
  4. Trying to get him to drink water has always been a struggle; and raw food helps to keep him hydrated especially when he is super active during hunting season.
  5. He is at a more healthy weight and his weight is more consistent –he really fluctuated between summer & winter.
  6. At our last vet visit they noted that he had some tartar; it wasn’t bad but we definitely didn’t want it turning into a major dental issue; since switching his teeth look much better.
  7. We definitely were dissatisfied with the amount of fillers in his kibble since the manufacturers changed the recipe.
  8. We noticed his got stiff easily and wondered if there was wear and tear on his elbow. Since switching we haven’t noticed any limping after laying down and his hygroma has not returned –sometimes it got to be the size of a golf ball.
  9. Let’s be honest, dogs can be stinky; since making the switch not only has his breath improved (probably because of improved digestive benefits) but his farts are not longer room clearing.
  10. We have even noticed a change in his bowel movements; he is more regular and seems less constipated.
Health & Beauty

Best Waterproof Make-Up

It is always a struggle to find products that hold up in the “waterproof” department. So many of them are touted as such but in actuality they fail. These are the top five products that won’t let you down!

Too Faced Better Than Sex Waterproof Mascara

Urban Decay 24 Hour Full Coverage Waterproof Concealer

Anastasia Beverley Hills BrowDip, Waterproof/Smudgeproof Pomade

IT Cosmetics Superhero No-Tug Waterproof Eyeshadow Stick

Tarte Amazonian Clay Waterproof Bronzer

Health & Beauty

Sensational Sunscreens!

Protecting your skin from the harmful summer rays is crucial; these are five amazing products you should check out!

Thrive BodyShield SPF 50
Rodan + Fields Essential + Body SPF 50
Supergoop! Unseen Sunscreen SPF 40
Aveeno Protect + Hydrate Lotion Sunscreen with SPF 60
Neutrogena Ultra Dry Touch SPF 55

Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

April Goals: “Finish What I Started”

If you are new to my blog; I have been setting three small goals each month. In January I focused on my physical health. In February I focused on my mental health. And then I really tried to have fun and “make the most” of March.  April is going to be a reset for me; I am feeling like I am starting to get a little lax with somethings and I spent a lot of time in March going out, traveling and having fun so it was tough to be as consistent as I would have liked. Getting sick really knocked the wind out of my sails as well; normally I give up, but I am going to persevere and give myself grace. I guess “Finishing What I Started,” is the theme for this month.

  1. I didn’t manage to make it through all the yoga workouts on the NTC; so I have 46 more to go. My goal last month wasn’t very realistic and I recognize that. I know I won’t get through all of the remaining workouts but I am going to keep going.
  2. I have noticed that I am drinking coffee everyday but I am not really enjoying it and I am just drinking it because others are. I am going to make the switch to tea; I really fell in love with the Lady Londonderry tea we had at The Empress.
  3. I need to re-visit my sleep routine; lately I am finding that I am TIRED in the mornings. So I am going to spend time looking into this and trying out different things.
Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

February 2023 Goals: Accountability Post

I can’t believe how fast February flew by; I mean I shouldn’t be surprised it is the shortest month in the year. I set three small goals for myself in January (which centered on physical health) and then again in February, however this month I focused on mental health. To keep myself accountable I’m checking in monthly with you all. As a refresher, my goals were…

1. Journaling
2. Reading instead of scrolling
3. Meditation

How did I do?

In terms of journalling; I start every morning journalling. I use my 200 Writing Prompt book from Piccadilly. These are the prompts that I share with you each Wednesday. Journalling in the morning keeps me off my phone. I am not scrolling on social media and I am not checking my work emails until I get to work. I enjoy the quiet moments to myself in the morning.

In terms of reading instead of scrolling; I read a book a week. The unfortunate part has been that I ran out of physical books so I had to buy books on my ipad –so I haven’t ended up limiting my screen time before bed in that sense. However, even though I’m on a ‘device’ before going to bed; I am actually sleeping better (my sleep score on my Fit Bit can attest to that) because I am not viewing overstimulating posts.

In terms of meditation; I have been doing a breathing exercise each morning and before bed, consistently. After getting ready for work I sit on the couch do a meditation, respond to a journal prompt and then the Wordle. It’s a really good routine. Right before bed I read up to 7 chapters in a book then my breathing exercise and then turn out the lights.

Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

February Goals: Mental Health

Having bid 2022 a long overdue “adieu,” I spent some time thinking about what I wanted 2023 to be. Every year I tell myself that “this is my year, this is the year I’m going to get started.” Started on what?, I am not sure. 2022 was another tough year, the heartbreak often overshadowed the incredible moments. I lost momentum a lot in 2022; it seemed like the second I dusted myself off, something else hit me hard. Two steps forward, one step back. Most resolutions have been abandoned by now, so I didn’t make any. Instead, I decided that each month I am going to set a series of THREE different challenges or goals.

The focus of January was Physical Health: moving my body more, drinking more water and snacking less. I am going to try and continue on with those goals but I am going to add the following…

February 2023: Mental Health

1. Journaling
-I’m going to spend about 5 minutes each morning filling in a writing prompt.

2. Reading instead of Scrolling
-To quiet my brain before bed; I am going to read at least ONE chapter of a book instead of scrolling on Instagram for extended periods of time.

3. Meditation
-Each day I am going to do a breathing exercise; I really don’t have any excuse –I can access this on my Fit Bit. Ideally, I’d like to do one in the morning and evening.

Wishing you all the best this month!