Food & Drink

Back to the Vault: Zucchini

This time last year I was harvesting lots of zucchini from our garden and I shared my favourite recipes with you, I hope this year everyone has a bumper crop!

Zesty Zucchini

Food & Drink

Back to the Vault: Amazing Apricots

Today, we are taking a look at some truly delicious apricot recipes to enjoy this summer!

Amazing Apricots

Food & Drink

International Pineapple Day

Although an upside-down one; may have a “naughty” meaning these days –this day celebrates the delicious, tropical fruit in the “innocent” sense.

close up photo of pineapple with party hat and a black sunglasses
Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on

Not going to lie, I fell down the rabbit whole when researching the pineapple in preparation for celebrations on June 27 and this is what I discovered…

1. It was first documented by Columbus (Guadaloupe, 1463)
2. Hawaii is the biggest producer of pineapples (1/3 of the world’s pineapples in fact)
3. Other major pineapple producing countries include: Mexico, Thailand, Costa Rica, Honduras & China
4. It takes 2 years for a tree to produce fruit.”
5. The fruit and the tree look very similar
6. One stalk can produce HUNDREDS of pineapples
7. Pineapples are a low cal source of vitamin C, magnesium, iron & even protein
8. They improve digestion and have benefits for the immune system
9. To get your pineapple to ripen faster; store it upside-down
10. They are actually a member of the berry family

To commemorate the occasion; I’ll be sipping on my favourite drink (the Pinapple Mojito Mocktail) and eating my favorite dessert: the traditional Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

Food & Drink

Sausage & Peppers: The Perfect Picnic Entree

Hello June! This month is all about celebrating the end of the school year and welcoming summer. Summer is the season of picnics, barbecues and getting together with friends. Burgers and hot dogs are great; they are classics. But, I wanted to try something different for our latest party….


1 Tbsp margarine
1 red bell pepper (sliced)
1 yellow bell pepper (sliced)
1 orange bell pepper (sliced)
1 onion (halved and then sliced)
1 pack of mild Italian sausage (sliced into rounds)
2 cloves garlic (minced)
1 Tbsp Italian seasoning
1 can Alymer diced tomatoes
1 pack hot dog buns


  1. In a large pan, melt the margarine and sauté bell peppers and onions together until soft
  2. Add in minced garlic and continue to cook until the mixture is lightly caramelized
  3. In a separate pan sauté sausage until lightly caramelized; drain if necessary
  4. Add the sausage to the peppers & onions
  5. Add can tomatoes and seasoning; heat until bubbling
  6. Slice the buns; (toasting is optional) and spoon mixture into buns (should be heaping)
  7. Enjoy!
Food & Drink

Back to the Vault: Charming Cherries

This time last year I was highlighting all the delicious produce available during spring and summer; you know because I am a gardening nerd. Today we re-visit my post about cherries –the health benefits and the awesome things you can do with this versatile fruit.

Charming Cherries

Food & Drink

Peanut Butter Cravings

Lately, I can’t get enough peanut butter! Peanut butter toast for breakfast, PB & J sandwiches for lunch, Reese Peanut Butter Cups for dessert… so I put together a list of the best peanut butter recipes in case you are craving it too!

close up photo of creamy peanut butter
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Thai Peanut Chicken Pasta Salad
One Pot Gingery Chicken and Rice with Peanut Sauce
Peanut Butter Milkshakes
Homemade Peanut Butter Cups
Peanut Butter Fondue

Food & Drink

The Best Banana Muffins


3/4 cup AP flour
3/4 cup quick cooking oats
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp nutmeg
2 large eggs (WHITES ONLY)
2 mashed bananas
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup canola oil


  1. Combine flour, oats, baking powder, cinnamon, baking soda & nutmeg in a large bowl
  2. In a small bowl combine the remaining ingredients together
  3. Stir the wet ingredients into the dry and stir until moistened
  4. Put liners in your muffin tray
  5. Bake at 400F for 15-20 minutes
  6. Cool for 5 minutes before removing muffins from the tray
  7. Enjoy!
Food & Drink

Savory Salmon

Growing up on the coast; I ate a lot of seafood –its definitely the food item I miss the most living in the landlocked prairies. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I don’t have access to it, but it just hits differently. I have made more of a conscious effort to reduce my consumption of red meats and eat more fish. I simply can’t resist the following recipes…

Grilled Salmon Bruschetta with Avocado
Honey Garlic Salmon
Salmon Veggie & Grain Bowl
Creamy Sun-Dried Tomato Salmon & Orzo
Air Fryer Salmon

Food & Drink

Water: From Flat to Fabulous

Who here is terrible at drinking enough water?? –ME! I hope I am not alone. My friend is doing a water challenge at her gym and we spent quite a bit of time talking about how we both find water boring. This caused us to investigate ways to add a little excitement to our water bottles without adding a ton of calories or artificial flavouring. These are the ones that we are going to be trying this month.

Nectarine, Basil & Clementine Infused Water
Pomegranate & Pear Infused Water
Grape & Mint Infused Water
Cantaloupe, Mint & Lemon Infused Water
Cranberry, Orange & Cardamom Infused Water

Food & Drink

Wrap It Up!

Wraps are the perfect springtime lunch; they are refreshing, nutritious and easy to make. I always make chicken Caesar salad wraps because they remind me of family lunches at White Spot back home in B.C; but I wanted to branch out so I put the following ones into my wrap rotation. Enjoy!

wraps in brown box
Photo by Zenith Photographics on

Cranberry Turkey Wraps
Easy Southwestern Veggie Wraps
Cuban Pork Wraps
Buffalo Chicken Wraps
Beef & Cheese Wraps