
What’s On My PVR?

white remote
Photo by Oleg Magni on
  1. NCIS: Hawai’i
    This show follows Jane Tennant, the Special Agent in Charge of NCIS Pearl Harbor and her “unwavering team of specialists, balances duty, family and country, while investigating high-stakes crimes involving military personnel, national security and the mysteries of the sun-drenched island paradise itself.” (CBS)

  2. Married At First Sight
    “A group of singles agree to marry partners chosen for them by a team of relationship experts. Looking forward to a perfect match, they meet their mates for the first time on their wedding day.” This season is in Houston, Texas. (LifeHD)

  3. Deadliest Catch
    “Crab fisherman risk their lives as they battle Arctic weather, brutal waves and a ticking clock for big money on the Bering Sea.” (Discovery)

  4. Corner Gas Animated
    “The residents of Dog River, Saskatchewan deal with not-so-everyday situations in their everyday lives.” (CTVComedy)

Halloween 2021

For the last seven years my coworkers and I have done a group costume! It is always a hit. We have been…

-Gru & his minions
-Harry Potter teachers
-Star Wars characters
-Pac Man, ghosts & fruit
-Disney characters
-Scrabble letters

This year we started the conversations about what to wear early. I spent a lot of time Googling group costumes. Topping this year’s list of costumes were…

1. Minecraft
2. Justice League
3. Toy Story (of course; it’s a classic)
4. Barnyard Animals
5. Nightmare Before Christmas
6. Astronauts
7. Super Mario
8. Winnie the Pooh
9. Zombies
10. “Blast from the Past”: Addams Family, Golden Girls, Clueless, Flintstones Beatles

We prefer to make our costumes, by digging through our closets, ordering accoutrements from Amazon. But some great places to order/purchase ready to wear costumes include…

2. Party City
3. Spirit Halloween

For those DIY Halloween peeps or the last minute participants, there are some great resources out there for you too!

1. 70 Easy Last Minute Halloween Costumes from Good Housekeeping
2. Pinterest also has tons of patterns
3. You Tube has tons of tutorials

What are you going as for Halloween?

Entertainment Food & Drink

Surviving the Holidays: Family Dinner Hacks

Last year, COVID-19 ruined the holidays for many of us; we couldn’t gather with our loved ones. This year we are finally able to gather. We host the major holiday feasts at our home; but all the prep work, cooking, serving and cleaning takes my attention and time away from my family. I have been using the following hacks to survive. So this Thanksgiving, give these a try so you too, can spend more time with your loved ones.

  1. Having a solid plan is the KEY to it all!
    –Menu, grocery lists, duties/roles, timings, etc

  2. Simplify the Sweets
    –I choose desserts that are less time consuming to make
    –I make my cookies ahead of time (sometimes a month in advance) and freeze them; I take them out the night before
    –Depending on how many pies I need to make I will buy Tenderflake crust and then make the filling
    –Don’t be afraid to use boxed cake mixes and frostings
    –Bake a couple days before your gathering

  3. Make it a Family Affair (Truly)
    –As my nieces and nephews get older and their love of cooking and baking increases; I have delegated to them to bring something whether a dip, a side dish, salad or treat. They have LOVED being more involved in our family dinners; not to mention they are talented little chefs.

  4. Setting the Table
    –This is a perfect job for a little helper
    –I always set up my table the night before
    –I only EVER use dishwasher safe plates, cutlery, serving tools, pots/pans; so they go straight into the dishwasher. No fuss, no fuss.
    –If we are having multiple meals throughout our festivities; the second the dishwasher is done I set the table directly from it so, with the exemption of a few items, everything goes right back on to the table

  5. Mise En Place
    –I do this in the few days leading up to the feast or the night before; then on the day all I have to do is just mix everything together and cook

  6. . Side Dish Time Saving
    –Some side dishes like a Wife Saver, Pierogi Casserole, Broccoli Salad, etc can be made the night before and warmed up the day of

  7. Use It All
    –Choose a menu in which you use a variety of your appliances! You can have your slow cooker, oven, stove top, microwave, electric roaster going! It cuts down on having to get up at the crack of dawn to start cooking if you are only using the oven. You can cook multiple things at once. At first I found this a bit overwhelming but the amount of time I had left over was awesome.

  8. Bags over Containers
    –I have the luxury of having two fridges and a plethora of coolers so space is NOT an issue for me to do a lot of prep ahead of time. But if you don’t have this luxury; use Ziploc bags to hold your mise en place or left overs rather than bulky containers

  9. Beverages
    –Use a cooler instead of your fridge if space is an issue

  10. Family Buffet
    –Have your family serve themselves; this means YOU don’t have to do it
    –It also saves space at your dinner table.

Teacher Playlist

Heading back to the classroom after two school years affected by COVID-19 in some way; is STRESSFUL. Whether it was a long term closure down with asynchronous online teaching OR a year of in-person teaching with rigorous masking, distancing and sanitizing protocols but periodic short-term closures and synchronous online teaching OR another absurd form of teaching/education.

I’ve been listening to Spotify A LOT lately; making my own playlists or rocking out to their pre-made ones. I used their “100 Most Relaxing Songs” to make my own playlist of the 23 that I enjoyed the most and helped me relax the most.

1.Break My Heart –Piano Acoustic (JC Stewart)
2.Berlin (RY X)
3.Green (Abraham Marder)
4.Counting Flowers (EVER)
5. Head And Heart On Fire (Leon)
6. loyal (Jasmine Thompson)
7. You Say –Piano/Vocal (Lauren Daigle)
8. A Thousand Years (Christina Perri)
9. Write It Down –Acoustic (Hamzaa)
10. Sense of Home (Harrison Storm)
11. Growing Brightly (Florist)
12. Homesick (Dua Lipa)
13. Breakers Roar (Sturgill Simpson)
14. Give You Up (Dido)
15. Across the Sea (The Sweeplings)
16.Gentle Punches –Acoustic (Jack in the Water)
17. Tidal Wave –Acoustic (Old Sea Brigade)
18. Bridges –Acoustic (Aisha Badru)
19. I Wish I Wish (Sam Amidon)
20. Middle Names (Devendra Banhart)
21. The Lonely 1 (Wilco)
22. Steady (The Staves)
23. Symmetry –Dark Version (SYML)


Book Round Up!

Raise your hand if you are a bonafide bookworm!

I spent the last month and a half checking out a new author, Wilbur Smith. My husband is a longtime fan and has been ‘suggesting’ that I read the books. And, I should have known that he was going to be right… I LOVED them!

Smith has several series: The Courtney Series, The Ballantyne Series and the The Ancient Egypt Series.

I started with The Courteney Series; there are a couple ways to read these novels. They can be read in order of publishing date or in terms of the historical eras. I chose the historical era route; which is broken down into THREE parts. The order of the parts is as follows: Part 3, Part 1 and Part 2.

Part 3 (1660s-WW1)

1. Birds of Prey
This novel follows Francis Courtney, his son Hal and their crew during the Anglo-Dutch War. After capturing a Dutch ship they are double crossed and arrested, tried, found guilty and sentenced to endure horrible fates. Following Francis’ execution, Hal and the crew escape from their lot as slave labour and commit their lives to righting the wrongs that befell them. Hal fulfills Francis’ vision for him by becoming a Knight of the Order of St. George and The Holy Grail and finds himself serving Prester John in Ethiopia.

2. Monsoon
Hal fathers four sons: William, twins Tom and Guy, and Dorian. William remains at the estate while Hal and the youngest three set sail to save English ships in the Indian Ocean. Unfortunately, trouble brews between the twins over Caroline which causes Guy to disembark. During an intense battle, young Dorian is captured by the enemy and sold to the Omani prince. During his captivity Dorian falls in love and must escape with Yasmini. Hal and Tom spend many years trying to find Dorian and free him from his captors. Sadly, Hal doesn’t live long enough for that to happen. But, Tom and Dorian do find each other and set up a successful trading company in Africa.

3. Blue Horizon
This novel focuses on the next generation of Courtney’s; Jim and Mansur, the sons of Tom and Dorian. After absconding with a woman imprisoned by the powerful Dutch East India Company; Jim must leave EVERYTHING behind and head deep into the interior of Africa. Sinister Dutch officers follow them with abandon! Tom and Dorian face punishment for Jim’s actions and must also leave everything behind and move away from Good Hope. Enemies of Dorian and Yasmini hook up with the enemies of Jim. Dorian and Jim get double crossed and Yasmini is murdered. Dorian journeys to the middle east to avenge her death and save his adopted country men from the oppression of the Caliph.

4. Triumph of the Sun
The Madhi is on the verge of attacking Khartom due to the unrest in Egypt; everyone, including the many British subjects residing there fear for their lives. After what seems as initial unwillingness to get involved, the hands of the British are forced into action. Trader, Ryder Courtney is forced by General Gordon to remain in the city and to surrender his supplies at a loss as part of the ‘war effort.’ Frustrated with the situation, Ryder teams up with Captain Penrod Ballantyne and David Benbrook, the British Consul. Ryder and Penrod are quite taken with the Benbrook women: Rebecca, Saffron and Amber; who make the ultimate sacrifices and fiercely fight to save those they love.

5. Assegai
This novel follows Leon Courtney, a disillusioned soldier and big game hunting guide in Africa. Little does he know, one of his clients, a German industrialist is using his hunting trip as a way to spy on the situation in Africa, inspire rebellion against the British by the Boers and test out horrifying battle technology. Leon falls in love with his client’s mistress, who is actually a spy employed by Penrod Ballantyne. Against all odds and with the help of his Massai family and friends, Leon must foil the German’s plan and save Eva.

Next up, Part 1…
Stay tuned!

Entertainment Fashion Food & Drink Reflections & Lifestyle

Popular Culture

My best friend came up to visit/look after me while I was healing post surgery; we usually always end up reflecting back on our friendship and our youth; we get all sappy and nostalgic.  Since I am laid up on the couch, with lots of time on my hands and I am procrastinating about school work I fell down the rabbit hole while Googling stuff from my childhood. And of course, it’s easy to get distracted by (and to be frank, a little insulted by) Instagram reels and TikToks that point out the fact that some of my beloved pop culture items and icons are turning 20 years old or older; insert scared face here!

At this stage in my life right now, many of things I loved are coming back into fashion. As they always say; “what is old is new again.”

For those of you unfamiliar with this addictive toy, they are,  “a small alien species that deposit an egg on Earth to see what life was like, and it is up to the player to raise the egg into an adult creature. The creature goes through several stages of growth, and will develop differently depending on the care the player provides, with better care it results in an adult creature that is smarter, happier, and requires less attention.” This was a status symbol among my peers in grade 6; I wanted one so badly, I begged my parents relentlessly. I played with it long after it was no longer “cool.” These devices ended up being banned at my elementary school because they were so distracting –much like phones are today! Having lived through the hype of this, I don’t think any phone app could ever replace this classic egg shaped, key ring pet simulator.

Skip It
Time Magazine actually includes the Skip It on their “100 Greatest Toys Ever” list and it persisted until 2009; however, I had outgrown it well before that time. My Skip It was pink and had the counter; which was pretty advanced because in its original form it looked more like a Wiffle ball attached to rope with an ankle ring. I got mine from my older cousins as a hand-me -down; most of their hand-me-downs were as the kids back in the 90’s would say, “lame,” but this…this Skip It was GLORIOUS in my eyes! I spent hours playing with this thing; it was better than traditional jump-rope. I can still hear the sound of it spinning on the concrete pad in the backyard.

Blockbuster Video Trips
I LOVED going to Blockbuster video to rent movies; first VHS and then DVD. As awesome as Netflix and Amazon Prime are, there was just something about heading off with my friends to pick out a movie or two for a sleepover. You ended up discovering some really great movies (some by total fluke and other by HUMAN recommendations). Blockbuster had snacks as well! I enjoyed slapping down my very own Blockbuster card on the counter each and every time (I don’t know why this was so satisfying, but it was). Renting movies was a cheap alternative to going to a movie theater (you could rent sometimes several movies for less than 5$).

My cousins and I spent a lot of time at this massive entertainment center at the mall. It was and is owned by Cineplex. Some locations are still open but our local haunt was closed down. Basically, this was an enormous arcade; it kind of reminds me of a casino but for youth and teens. You used a “credit card” which was pre-loaded with a set amount or time allotment. You could also pig out on food and even have your birthday party there! I spent hours playing air hockey (and having my butt kicked by my cousins), racing cars, playing pinball, shooting ducks and of course honing my horrendous Dance Dance Revolution skills.  It was an epic time!

Affectionately referred to as “Cords.” This almost velvety fabric makes me happy; I love the way it feels and I still fondly remember the sound it would make as I walked down the hallway to class. It makes my heart happy to see this coming back in the form of dresses, jackets, accessories like hats and even shoes. As HerWorld says, “corduroy is the new denim.”

Butterfly Clips
These were such a big part of my hair styling repertoire (rows, never scattered) that I can’t help but miss it. You saw these clips on all the big name celebrities from Sarah Michelle Gellar to JLO to Jennifer Aniston; who of course we all know was a major hair influencer –everyone had to have the iconic layered “Rachel” hair cut. The clips came in every colour and some were sparkly and some were not. These sometimes tacky clips bring me back to Friday nights with my junior high school friends getting ready for dances.

Now Music CDs
Officially called: Now That’s What I Call Music! is a series of various artists compilation albums released worldwide; for us in Canada the height was 1996-2009; but the first version dates back to 1988. The number of albums vary country to country and edition to edition; for example in Canada the “Current Series” is at 28, there is also a 2 album “Then” series, the “Country Series” features 11 albums. There are 16 albums included in the “Special Editions” series covering a variety of genres and the “Dance Series” has 5 albums. We blasted these tunes ALL the time and sang along heartily! I always got a NOW! CD in my stocking at Christmas.

Rainforest Cafe
This jungle themed restaurant which served delicious food from seafood, beef, and chicken to pastas and pizzas. It opened in 1998 and sadly closed in 2001. There still are some locations open today. I used to love going to have lunch with my friends here; it made us feel grown up. The restaurant is created to look like a tropical rainforest complete with flora and fauna, there was mist and water features, like waterfalls and “pools,” also part of the ambience was the soundscape. You really felt like you were immersed in a rainforest. What would a tropical rainforest themed restaurant be without animals… The animatronics were incredible; there were elephants, gorillas, tigers, leopards, crocodiles, frogs, iguanas, butterflies, and tropical birds, fish! My least favourite of course, were the snakes.

Oh the hours I spent watching: Rugrats, Animaniacs, DuckTales, Doug, Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers, Tiny Toons Adventures, Dexter’s Laboratory, Pinky & the Brain, TailSpin, Magic School Bus, Darkwing Duck, Sailor Moon, Goof Troop and Captain Planet… I can still relive these online via YouTube or other streaming services like Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu and Disney+ BUT there was something about sitting cross-legged in front of the TV on Saturday mornings!

“Primitive” Forms of Communication

I truly treasure my childhood because I was free from the chains of a phone. If you wanted to communicate with your friends you called them on the landline, sought them out at recess or lunch time, you passed notes in class. Now, I see so many kids addicted to their phones; their lives literally revolve around them and heaven forbid the battle you have to fight when you make them put it away or confiscate it during class. Many are not communicating with anyone; they are mindlessly playing games or scrolling on social media. Worse yet, they are sitting right next to someone and texting them. In a time of such technological connection we are so disconnected and isolated from each other –it is truly scary. 

What popular culture items & icons do you miss the most?
What ones do you wish made a comeback?


Best Book to Movie Adaptations

As a major bookworm, I always get a little nervous when I hear that one of my favourite books or latest reads is being turned into a major motion picture. I worry that my beloved novels will lose their essence. However, there are few adaptations that I absolutely love. Today, I share with you my all time favourite: “Best Book to Movie” list!

time lapse photography of car lights in front of cinema
Photo by Nathan Engel on

1. Emma (1996)
2.The Princess Bride (1987)
3. Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
4. Enola Holmes (2020)
5. The Taming of the Shrew (1967)
6. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
7. Jurassic Park (1993)
8. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
9. Life of Pi (2012)
10. Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971)

What are your favourite book to movie adaptations?


Amazon Prime -Binge Watching

binge watch·ing

  1. the practice of watching multiple episodes of a television program in rapid succession, typically by means of DVDs or digital streaming.

Everyone has been guilty of holing up and binge watching a season or entire series. For me normally it happened during the winters but due to the pandemic it has become a year-round occurrence whether intentional or accidental. I decided to share a list of my favourite shows with you, especially since I am fresh off an accidental binge-watching fest of The Mindy Project.

Amazon Prime is great because there are A LOT of classic TV shows from my youth; its been really cool to re-watch old favourites!

I look forward to hearing your recommendations, please comment below.

  1. Golden Girls
  2. Two Broke Girls
  3. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
  4. New Girl
  5. Yellowstone
Entertainment Fashion

Happy Third Anniversary, Harry & Meghan

Ten years ago my best friend and I spent the very early hours of April 29th together watching Prince William marry Miss. Catherine Middleton in Westminster Abbey. Both fans of all things royalty; especially the British monarchy we decided to celebrate in style. Mimosas were concocted and a traditional English breakfast was prepared and savoured between our squeals of delight!

With the third wedding anniversary of Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle on May 19 I figured I would flashback. For their wedding, my best friend and I were unable to get together but we still celebrated with a continuous stream of text messages.

She celebrated in Calgary while I celebrated in Falun; by waking up at 3am and brewing myself a VERY strong cup of coffee and snuggling in on the couch. My puppy snored away on the floor beside me. I must confess it was quite a different experience watching it on my own, despite texting her like every other second. I really wished we had been able to spend this momentous occasion together.

Among my wedding highlights…

1. Title
I was very eager to wake up to find out what title the Queen was going to bestow on Harry and his new wife. It had been long speculated that they would become the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, however, nothing is final until the Palace announces it. The Queen could have potentially made him the Duke of Clarence; since it too was available.

But, the choice of Sussex is most fitting. It has been noted since the last person to hold this title was anti-slavery campaigner and supporter of rights for Catholics and Jews. Both Harry and Meghan have made it (and will continue to make it) their life’s work to champion the rights of others. As well, it has been reported that Meghan’s mother’s family had been slaves on the cotton plantations in Georgia. Meghan is descended from a long line of trailblazers, so it would make sense that she will be the FIRST woman to be the Duchess of Sussex.

Harry was also made Earl of Dumbarton (for use in Scotland) and Baron of Kilkeel (for use in Northern Ireland). Meghan’s corresponding titles include: Countess of Dumbarton and Baroness of Kilkeel. 

2. Tiara
There was as much speculation about the tiara as there was about the dress. Meghan chose Queen Mary’s Diamond Bandeau (1932). It most certainly held its own underneath that veil; and sparkled on that long carriage ride through the streets of Windsor. Some were shocked she didn’t wear a tiara associated with Diana, however, I think this day needed to be about Harry and Meghan. They included her, probably in many ways that the public don’t fully realize; as those touches wouldn’t be obvious to us. Her engagement ring, designed by Harry with the inclusion of two diamonds from Diana’s collection was much closer to her heart (literally; re: vena amoris) than a diamond tiara. More about the tiara can be found on a fantastic blog: From Her Majesty’s Jewel Vault.

3. Uniform
There is something to be said about a man in uniform. Around the world, hearts broke as the handsome Harry got married and was OFFICIALLY off the market. Personally, I never questioned whether or not Harry would wear a uniform. He is a distinguished military officer in his own right and he dedicates much time and energy to working with veterans. It was at the Invictus Games that Harry and Meghan made their debut in Toronto. On Instagram @KensingtonRoyal (formally) announced that “Both Prince Harry and The Duke of Cambridge will wear the frockcoat uniform of the Blues and Royals. Her Majesty The Queen gave her permission for Prince Harry to get married in his uniform. Both uniforms were tailored at Dege & Skinner on Savile Row.” I thought it was especially sweet that, unlike at William’s wedding, the brothers were matching. Intentional or not, it demonstrated the deep bond they both share.

4. Best Dressed
My top three stand out guests were…

Amal Clooney, in a yellow dress with side drape by Stella McCartney and hat by Stephen Jones. Husband, George accented her ensemble with his splashes of a more subdued shade of yellow.

Kitty Spencer, in an emerald green slim-fit dress featuring bold flower print at the bottom by Dolce & Gabbana, topped off with a matching Philip Treacy fascinator and a diamond choker I am in envy of.

Karen Spencer, in her violet Pamella Roland dress with bolero cape. I simply love her fascinator as well.

5. Tender Moments
Harry and Meghan’s lovely day was full of genuine love and sweetness that is expected of a wedding. Yes, it was a royal wedding; there was pomp and circumstance to some extent but ultimately it was a deeply personal wedding that blended tradition and modernity, British and American perfectly. This love and sweetness was not only reserved between the bride and groom despite there being many examples of it.

-It was rather upsetting for the future Duchess of Sussex to have to announce to the world (just days before her wedding) that her father was not able to walk her down the aisle for health reasons. However, it was incredibly touching that she asked her future father-in-law, Prince Charles. He looked so proud and happy to fill in.

-Harry lifting Meghan’s stunning cathedral veil to reveal her beaming smile and gorgeous tiara. And of course this led to the infamous “lip bite” from Harry. We didn’t experience this moment at William and Kate’s wedding, as her father, Michael performed this task. It was pointed out that perhaps the length of the veil was a subtle nod to Diana’s own veil; whether or not that was the case, that veil was simply amazing!

-While Harry and Meghan sat listening to Rev. Curry performing his sermon, the couple sat holding hands (as they did for basically the entire morning), but at one point Harry looked down at Meghan’s hand and fiddled slightly with the engagement ring as they both remembered Diana. The look of love between them could have melted the iciest and most skeptical of hearts.

-Mike Tindall lovingly resting his hand on pregnant wife, Zara’s stomach; looking at her, probably remembering the happiness they felt on their own wedding day and thinking forward to the next chapter of their lives.
-The Duchess of Cambridge only 4 weeks postpartum, still in the habit of resting her own hand on her bump did so during one of the songs, probably missing her newborn son, Louis, greatly. She also shared a sweet moment with Princess Charlotte at the end of the ceremony on the steps. Stooping to her young daughter’s level and either pointing out the horse drawn carriage,  reminding her to wave or remarking on how beautiful her new, Aunt looked.

-My all time FAVOURITE tender moment was the exchange of rings. Yes, I said RINGS…plural. Harry bucked tradition and Meghan placed a platinum band on his finger. Harry looked very happy to be receiving it and truly committing to his new wife.


Forever Favourite Playlist

Most of my picks are country; I know that that shocks you. This collection of songs are a mixture of slightly older and newer. I have never really been one of those people who are up on all the latest songs and artists, so I’m usually behind in my discovery of music. I love these songs for a variety of reasons. Either, I just really enjoy the music and they make for the perfect opportunity to belt out ballads on the way to work OR because of sentiment. One song was our first dance at our wedding and one was played at the funeral of my beloved brother in law.

It Goes On by Sir Roosevelt
Most People Are Good by Luke Bryan
Huntin, Fishing, Loving Everyday by Luke Bryan 
Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton
Wild West by Runaway June
You Make It Easy by Jason Aldean 
Ask Me How I know by Garth Brooks 
You Pull Me Through by Maggie Rose 
Worth It by Danielle Bradbery
A Little Dive Bar in Dahlonega by Ashley McBryde
If I Told You by Darius Rucker
I Love This Life by LOCASH
You Look Good by Lady Antebellum
Long Way by Brett Eldredge Body Like a Back Road by Sam Hunt
Dark Horse by Devin Dawson
A Long And Happy Life by Delta Rae
I Hope You’re Happy Now by Lee Brice & Carly Pearce
Happy Anywhere by Blake Shelton & Gwen Stefanie
Love Me Anyway by Pink & Chris Stapleton
Prayed For Your by Matt Stell
If The World Was Ending by JP Saxe & Julia Michaels
Adore You by Harry Styles
The Other Girl by Kelsea Ballerini & Halsey
Follow Your Arrow by Kacey Musgraves
God’s Country by Blake Shelton