
Bookworm Round-Up: Ballantyne Series

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Raise your hand if you are a bonafide bookworm!

I spent the last month checking out a new author, Wilbur Smith. My husband is a longtime fan and has been ‘suggesting’ that I read the books. And, I should have known that he was going to be right… I LOVED them! So far I have read the Courtney Series; this next series focuses on the Ballantyne Family from the 1860s-1980s.

1. A Falcon Flies
→Set in the 1860s, this novel is about Fuller Ballantyne who goes missing in the African wilderness. His two children embark on a quest to find him although their secondary motivations are opposed; the daughter wishes to spread Christianity and fight the slave trade where as the son wishes to strike it rich from Africa’s resources. While on the journey from England to Africa, Fuller’s daughter catches the attention of two men –one a slaver and the other, British Captain Codrington. Meanwhile, Fuller’s son fulfills the prophecy of desolation for the African people by removing a stone falcon from a cave during one of his expeditions.

2. Men of Men
→Set between 1870-1890s, this novel is about Zouga Ballantyne and his sons Ralph and Jordan. The family hopes to strike it rich with diamond mining at a time when Cecil Rhodes and his contemporaries control parts of South Africa. The family is caught up in the negotiations with and betrayal of the Matabele people.

3. The Angels Weep 1890s &1970s
→Set in the 1890s and the 1970s, this novel details the passionate fight of Black Africans for self-determination and freedom from the oppression of the white settlers. The Ballantyne’s suffer personal losses; this turns Ralph against his former allies among the Matabele. The novel fast-forwards to the continued struggle for independence; however, the Ballantyne Scouts led by Ralph’s great-grandson, Roland.

4. The Leopard Hunts in Darkness
→Set in the 1980s, Rhodesia has become Zimbabwe; Craig Mellow the cousin of Roland Ballantyne, has left the country –like many white settlers at the time. Nostalgia gets the better of Craig and he decides to return to Africa to buy the family farm. The conflict for independence and the aftermath of it has turned tribe against tribe, upon his return, Craig gets caught up in it; ivory poaching, espionage and a governmental overthrow.

*Triumph of the Sun →I read this as part of the 3 Series of the Courtney Novels; however, it didn’t come out until 2005

*King of Kings 1880s
→This novel is a sequel to Triumph of the Sun; and was published in 2019
Penrod Ballantyne and his fiancee, Amber Benbrook are on the verge of living happily ever after following the hardship they encountered a few years earlier. BUT, Lady Agatha has other plans. She tries to break them up by sullying Penrod’s reputation. Amber returned to the company of her sister and brother-in-law in Abyssinia. A distraught Penrod finds solace in opium dens but an old friend in the Italian army comes to his rescue. With the invasion of Abyssinia as a backdrop, Penrod and Amber find their way back to each other.


Family Day Activities in a COVID World

Sadly, Family Day once again will be affected by COVID! However, we aren’t about to let it ruin our day. Here are a few of my favourite ways to celebrate Family Day!

1. PUT THE PHONES AWAY –spend the day disconnected!
2. Watch a movie –complete with epic snacks
3. Paint Night –I recommend putting on an episode of Bob Ross and following along
4. Make cookies and decorate them
5. Do a puzzle
6. Make some relaxation or fidget toys –there are tons of DIY tutorials on YouTube
7. Play boardgames
8. Do a workout together –the Nike Training Club app has lots of options
9. At home spa treatments –you can make your own face mask with household ingredients, or you can order some really good quality (yet inexpensive) ones from Sephora
10. Colouring
11. Go for a walk
12. Ice skating
13. Build a snowman –which could end with an impromptu snowball fight
14. Go through closets, toy boxes and the pantry and select items that can be donated to charity/foodbank
15. Have family storytime –you are never to old to have someone read you a story; perfect way to cuddle up
16. Build a Lego kit
17. Have a family video game tournament
18. Cook a meal together
19. Karaoke / Dance Party
20. Build a bird feeder –there are a ton of patterns and kits online

Entertainment Food & Drink Travel

Galentine’s @ Hotel Mac

Spent a wonderful weekend with my best girlfriends at the Hotel Macdonald. We spoiled ourselves and booked a room on the 8th floor –with access to the Gold Lounge and got a tour of the Queen Elizabeth Suite. I highly recommend staying here. The staff, the food, the room and amenities were incredible! Take a look at our adventure!…


Favourite Magazines

When I am not curled up on the couch with a good book; I am curled up with a magazine. I have numerous subscriptions…which may seem outdated in our digital world –but just like books, nothing beats flipping through the crisp pages and the smell, my goodness, the smell!! Magazines allow us to decompress or unplug, increase our knowledge and, “[b]ecause they prioritize visual aesthetics throughout their pages, not just on the covers, magazines create a highly sensory reading experience, which improves memory,” (BPS).

three magazine on table
Photo by EVG Kowalievska on

My favourites include…

1. National Geographic
2. Pioneer Woman
3. Gardens Illustrated
4. Vogue
5. Bon Appétit


Book Round-Up (3)

books in shelf
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Raise your hand if you are a bonafide bookworm!

I spent the last month and a half checking out a new author, Wilbur Smith. My husband is a longtime fan and has been ‘suggesting’ that I read the books. And, I should have known that he was going to be right… I LOVED them!

Smith has several series: The Courtney Series, The Ballantyne Series and the Ancient Egypt Series.

I started with The Courtney Series; there are a couple ways to read these novels. They can be read in order of publishing date or in terms of the historical eras. I chose the historical era route; which is broken down into THREE parts. The order of the parts is as follows: Part 3, Part 1 and Part 2.

Part 2 (1917-1987)

1. Burning Shore
This novel follows Sean Courtney’s first son Michael, who meets and impregnates Centaine, however, tragedy strikes and Michael dies on their wedding day. Sean Courtney steps in and sends Centaine and her entourage to South Africa but she becomes shipwrecked after her ship is sunk by the Germans. Through sheer will and determination Centaine survives and even gives birth in the wilderness. Eventually, she is tracked down by an outlaw named Lothar De La Rey; whom she falls in love with and has a child with. Their relationship dissolves after Centaine discovers Lothar killed the San people who helped her. She leaves Lothar and abandons their son, Manfred. Centaine becomes a wealthy woman after opening up a mine at the “Place of All Life,” a special place the San showed her. She is also reunited with the rest of the Courtney family.

2. Power of the Sword
The Depression has hit hard and Centaine’s mine is struggling against De Beers. Her two sons Michael Shasa and Manfred De La Rey, do not know they are half brothers, find themselves on opposing sides continually throughout their lives. Manfred struggles while Michael tends to prosper. Manfred becomes a boxer and member of a pro-Afrikaner group. Both men compete in the 1936 Olympics for South Africa. While in Germany, Manfred falls in love with Heidi and becomes “The White Sword,” his mission is to kill the Prime Minister of South Africa as a way to destabilize the country. When the plan hits a snag, Manfred and Michael meet again; while their saga continues –dissatisfaction is spreading among the black workers, leading to the rise of Mandela, Botha and the African National Congress.

3. Rage
Following WW2, anti-Apartheid rage is growing. Michael and Manfred discover their true familial connection. Michael is lured by the National Party with the promise of power and position. The ANC’s military wing (The Spear of the Nation) under the control of Gama and Tabaka seek vengeance against the very base of Apartheid. Gama usings Michael’s wife, Tara against him after seducing her and having a son with her. Gama plots to take down the government brutally. Manfred and Michael form an alliance to stop Gama and prevent a bloody revolution; however it is too late… the “rage burns brightly.” Michael also discovers that Manfred killed his uncle.

4. Golden Fox
Michael and Tara’s youngest daughter, Isabella is the protagonist of this novel. She lives in London with her father who is now the South African Ambassador. Cunning Ramon, lures Isabella into Operation Golden Fox. Ramon is not who he appears to be. He is not a Spanish noble, but a KGB agent who is also related to Fidel Castro. Isabella gives birth to a son named Nicholas; Ramon and the baby disappear. Nicholas is tortured as a way to convince Isabella to betray her country and her father. On behalf of the KGB she spies on Armscor to obtain information on how the nuclear weapons will be used in the South African Border War. Once her espionage is discovered; the Courtney’s embark on a mission to resume Nicholas and unite him with Centaine, his great grandmother.  

5. Time to Die
Isabella’s brother, Sean Jr was a high ranking Rhodesian Army commander; he has since turned his efforts and occupation to hunting. He is prompted to find a legendary elephant upon the detah of one of his clients. On his journey he is accompanied by Claudia; the beautiful daughter of his friend. Unfortunately, she is abducted by anti-government forces, Renamo. To save her, Sean Jr is forced to work with Renamo. Sean has to steal missiles for General China, so they can be used to take for the Hind Helicopter fleet –the major obstacle in the way of General China’s goal of decimating the Frelimo government. Sean and Claudia must try to escape South Africa amidst a bloody war between the Renamo and Frelimo.

Next up, the Ballantyne Series…

Stay tuned!


Exercise Your Brain: Coursera Courses You Have To Take

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As a result of the pandemic; I had a lot of time on my hands during the school breaks since travel was non-existent and many professional development sessions/ conventions/ conferences were cancelled. Coursera really helped to bridge the gap. It allowed me to continue learning and took my mind off of the state of the world. This site was developed in 2012 by Stanford University professors. You can take courses for free, for certification as well as obtain degrees from a plethora of universities and other post-secondary institutions.

The courses I have enjoyed and highly recommend include…

1. Indigenous Canada, from the University of Alberta

“A 12-lesson course that explores Indigenous histories and contemporary issues in Canada. From an Indigenous perspective, this course explores key issues facing Indigenous peoples today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations. Topics covered are: the fur trade and other exchange relationships, land claims and environmental impacts, legal systems and rights, political conflicts and alliances, Indigenous political activism, and contemporary Indigenous life, art and its expressions,” (Coursera).

2. The Science of Well Being, from Yale University

“In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life,” (Coursera).

3. Big History — From the Big Bang until Today, from the University of Amsterdam

“After completing this course you will develop a better understanding of how you and everything around you became the way they are today. You will also have gained an understanding of the underlying mechanisms that have helped shape the history of everything and how they will help shape the future. Last but not least, you will have developed the skill to use this knowledge to put smaller subjects into a bigger perspective with the aid of the little big history approach,” (Coursera).

4. The Arctic Series from the University of Alberta

This series includes: Introduction to the Arctic: Climate, Arctic Economy and Arctic Development.

The first; provides, “an overview of regional geography: the cryosphere (ice), the atmosphere and ocean. You will learn why the Arctic is cold and ice covered, and how that impacts its climate and ecosystems and how the Arctic is connected to the rest of the world. Finally, an examination of present day climate change, the processes driving it, and evidence for it in the Arctic as well as the implications of it,” (Coursera).

The second course teaches you that, “Arctic communities are facing new kinds of challenges to their survival as a result of globalization. You will investigate the challenges faced by Indigenous, North American, Russian and Nordic Arctic communities in a modern world and how those communities adjust to change while maintaining their ways of life, socio-economic histories, and cultural traditions,” (Coursera).

In the third course;  “you will investigate the role that natural resources play across the Indigenous, Nordic, Russian and North American Arctics, different strategies for resource management in different regions, and how these affect community planning and development efforts in an increasingly populated part of the world,” (Coursera).

Entertainment Food & Drink Reflections & Lifestyle

Best Of 2021

We all thought that 2021 was going to be better than 2020 –it just had to be. I endeavoured to find the good among all the bad, the calm among the chaos, the happiness among the devastation. Today, as we put 2021 to bed and prepare to wake up to; and welcome 2022, I wanted to share my highlight reel (so to speak) with you. 

January 2021
I enjoy ice fishing; however, the frigid temperatures really make it tough to want to leave my cozy home and reading spot by the fire. But, I braved the wintery conditions and landed quite a few chunky Whitefish.

February 2021
Teachers’ Convention; although it was online –I spent a wonderful few days in the city with an incredible friend and colleague soaking up sage teacher advice, strategies and knowledge from educational gurus and a plethora of inspiring presenters, while staying in the lap of luxury.

March 2021
After FOUR months of being kept apart by work and the pandemic; I was able to reunite with my best friend for the ultimate girls’ weekend. Complete with margaritas and movies, breakfast at Pip, a trip down memory lane (walking around the very campus were we became best friends) and of course you guessed it… charcuterie.

April 2021
At this point in time, school was getting pretty tense –numbers were rising province wide; we were all tired and stressed, the kids were getting sick and we were faced with shutting down in the face of personnel shortages. The sweetest standout moment was when my husband came home with “JUST BECAUSE” flowers. I remember the moment vividly.

May 2021
I turned 35! And my husband gave into my obsession with bird watching and built me the ultimate bird condo.

June 2021
5 years of wedded bliss!

July 2021 & August 2021
My summertime freedom/fun was cut VERY short after I fell and broke my ankle –I had to have emergency surgery to have a plate and five screws put in. This is a bittersweet highlight because although it was painful and scary, I got to spend a lot of quality time with my AMAZING family. I don’t think there is anything more special and more important in life than family. Another highlight: THE OLYMPICS!

September 2021
Return to normalcy! We went back to in-person teaching (at first without masks… but that quickly changed) AND I ditched my crutches, my aircast boot and started walking on my own and driving!

October 2021
Fancy AF weekend with my best friend complete with charcuterie, shopping and a six course tasting menu at Butternut Tree. Also, discovered two new wines from Sperling Vineyards (Speritz Pet Nat & Ruby Pet Nat)

November 2021
Midterm break –a well deserved rest after many crises and report cards. A week to myself to focus on self-care. Reading, movie watching, sleeping-in, catching up on much neglected chores (which caused me great anxiety), sipping on wine, and spending time with equally exhausted teacher friends.

December 2021
A return to ‘normal’ Christmas –all the family; feasting, exchanging gifts and simply just appreciating that we were all together once again.

What about you? What were your highlights?


Book Round Up (2)

Raise your hand if you are a bonafide bookworm!

unrecognizable student behind book studying in sunlight
Photo by George Milton on

I spent the last month and a half checking out a new author, Wilbur Smith. My husband is a longtime fan and has been ‘suggesting’ that I read the books. And, I should have known that he was going to be right… I LOVED them!

Smith has several series: The Courtney Series, The Ballantyne Series and the Ancient Egypt Series.

I started with The Courtney Series; there are a couple ways to read these novels. They can be read in order of publishing date or in terms of the historical eras. I chose the historical era route; which is broken down into THREE parts. The order of the parts is as follows: Part 3, Part 1 and Part 2.

Part 1 (1860s-1925)

1. When the Lion Feeds
Twins Sean and Garrick grow up in Natal; their lives forever changed by an unfortunate hunting accident and the Anglo-Zulu War. After a torrid affair brothers are pitted against one another causing Sean to flee North. Striking it rich in the gold fields, Sean and his friend Duff live high on the hog –however, nothing lasts forever; they are ruined and seek adventure and fortune hunting for ivory. Despite falling in love, Sean does not get his happily ever after as when his wife takes her life. His only reason for living is his son, Dirk.

2. The Sound of Thunder
Once again, Sean ends up in the middle of a war; this time between the British and Boers. Enter: Ruth –Sean’s new love interest and mother of his daughter, Storm. Ruth is married to a soldier in the war, who Sean later befriends. Sean finds himself facing off against his brother-in-law Jan Paulus (whom we met in When the Lion Feeds). Ruth reunites with Sean after her husband is killed. Dirk becomes increasingly unhappy as Storm diverts their father’s attention away from him. This bitterness causes him to yearn for bringing down his own family. After many years Sean is able to reconcile with his twin brother Garry.

3. A Sparrow Falls
Sean meets Mark Anders, a soldier hellbent on killing a WW1 German sniper. Once back at home Anders discovers he has nothing (his grandfather; killed, his home; taken). Dirk Courtney is putting his plan into action to bring about the fall of the Courtneys as once again Sean favours someone (Anders) over Dirk. Storm and Anders fall in love while South Africa once again teeters on the brink of war. Sadly, Dirk succeeds in his campaign of revenge by murdering Sean and Ruth. However, they are avenged by Anders who lives happily as a warden with Storm.

Next up, Part 2…

Stay tuned!


What’s On My PVR?

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Photo by Oleg Magni on
  1. NCIS: Hawai’i
    This show follows Jane Tennant, the Special Agent in Charge of NCIS Pearl Harbor and her “unwavering team of specialists, balances duty, family and country, while investigating high-stakes crimes involving military personnel, national security and the mysteries of the sun-drenched island paradise itself.” (CBS)

  2. Married At First Sight
    “A group of singles agree to marry partners chosen for them by a team of relationship experts. Looking forward to a perfect match, they meet their mates for the first time on their wedding day.” This season is in Houston, Texas. (LifeHD)

  3. Deadliest Catch
    “Crab fisherman risk their lives as they battle Arctic weather, brutal waves and a ticking clock for big money on the Bering Sea.” (Discovery)

  4. Corner Gas Animated
    “The residents of Dog River, Saskatchewan deal with not-so-everyday situations in their everyday lives.” (CTVComedy)

Halloween 2021

For the last seven years my coworkers and I have done a group costume! It is always a hit. We have been…

-Gru & his minions
-Harry Potter teachers
-Star Wars characters
-Pac Man, ghosts & fruit
-Disney characters
-Scrabble letters

This year we started the conversations about what to wear early. I spent a lot of time Googling group costumes. Topping this year’s list of costumes were…

1. Minecraft
2. Justice League
3. Toy Story (of course; it’s a classic)
4. Barnyard Animals
5. Nightmare Before Christmas
6. Astronauts
7. Super Mario
8. Winnie the Pooh
9. Zombies
10. “Blast from the Past”: Addams Family, Golden Girls, Clueless, Flintstones Beatles

We prefer to make our costumes, by digging through our closets, ordering accoutrements from Amazon. But some great places to order/purchase ready to wear costumes include…

2. Party City
3. Spirit Halloween

For those DIY Halloween peeps or the last minute participants, there are some great resources out there for you too!

1. 70 Easy Last Minute Halloween Costumes from Good Housekeeping
2. Pinterest also has tons of patterns
3. You Tube has tons of tutorials

What are you going as for Halloween?