Raise your hand if you are a bonafide bookworm!
I spent the last month and a half checking out a new author, Wilbur Smith. My husband is a longtime fan and has been ‘suggesting’ that I read the books. And, I should have known that he was going to be right… I LOVED them!
Smith has several series: The Courtney Series, The Ballantyne Series and the Ancient Egypt Series.
I started with The Courtney Series; there are a couple ways to read these novels. They can be read in order of publishing date or in terms of the historical eras. I chose the historical era route; which is broken down into THREE parts. The order of the parts is as follows: Part 3, Part 1 and Part 2.
Part 2 (1917-1987)
1. Burning Shore
This novel follows Sean Courtney’s first son Michael, who meets and impregnates Centaine, however, tragedy strikes and Michael dies on their wedding day. Sean Courtney steps in and sends Centaine and her entourage to South Africa but she becomes shipwrecked after her ship is sunk by the Germans. Through sheer will and determination Centaine survives and even gives birth in the wilderness. Eventually, she is tracked down by an outlaw named Lothar De La Rey; whom she falls in love with and has a child with. Their relationship dissolves after Centaine discovers Lothar killed the San people who helped her. She leaves Lothar and abandons their son, Manfred. Centaine becomes a wealthy woman after opening up a mine at the “Place of All Life,” a special place the San showed her. She is also reunited with the rest of the Courtney family.
2. Power of the Sword
The Depression has hit hard and Centaine’s mine is struggling against De Beers. Her two sons Michael Shasa and Manfred De La Rey, do not know they are half brothers, find themselves on opposing sides continually throughout their lives. Manfred struggles while Michael tends to prosper. Manfred becomes a boxer and member of a pro-Afrikaner group. Both men compete in the 1936 Olympics for South Africa. While in Germany, Manfred falls in love with Heidi and becomes “The White Sword,” his mission is to kill the Prime Minister of South Africa as a way to destabilize the country. When the plan hits a snag, Manfred and Michael meet again; while their saga continues –dissatisfaction is spreading among the black workers, leading to the rise of Mandela, Botha and the African National Congress.
3. Rage
Following WW2, anti-Apartheid rage is growing. Michael and Manfred discover their true familial connection. Michael is lured by the National Party with the promise of power and position. The ANC’s military wing (The Spear of the Nation) under the control of Gama and Tabaka seek vengeance against the very base of Apartheid. Gama usings Michael’s wife, Tara against him after seducing her and having a son with her. Gama plots to take down the government brutally. Manfred and Michael form an alliance to stop Gama and prevent a bloody revolution; however it is too late… the “rage burns brightly.” Michael also discovers that Manfred killed his uncle.
4. Golden Fox
Michael and Tara’s youngest daughter, Isabella is the protagonist of this novel. She lives in London with her father who is now the South African Ambassador. Cunning Ramon, lures Isabella into Operation Golden Fox. Ramon is not who he appears to be. He is not a Spanish noble, but a KGB agent who is also related to Fidel Castro. Isabella gives birth to a son named Nicholas; Ramon and the baby disappear. Nicholas is tortured as a way to convince Isabella to betray her country and her father. On behalf of the KGB she spies on Armscor to obtain information on how the nuclear weapons will be used in the South African Border War. Once her espionage is discovered; the Courtney’s embark on a mission to resume Nicholas and unite him with Centaine, his great grandmother.
5. Time to Die
Isabella’s brother, Sean Jr was a high ranking Rhodesian Army commander; he has since turned his efforts and occupation to hunting. He is prompted to find a legendary elephant upon the detah of one of his clients. On his journey he is accompanied by Claudia; the beautiful daughter of his friend. Unfortunately, she is abducted by anti-government forces, Renamo. To save her, Sean Jr is forced to work with Renamo. Sean has to steal missiles for General China, so they can be used to take for the Hind Helicopter fleet –the major obstacle in the way of General China’s goal of decimating the Frelimo government. Sean and Claudia must try to escape South Africa amidst a bloody war between the Renamo and Frelimo.
Next up, the Ballantyne Series…
Stay tuned!