Raise your hand if you are a bonafide bookworm!
I spent the last month and a half checking out a new author, Wilbur Smith. My husband is a longtime fan and has been ‘suggesting’ that I read the books. And, I should have known that he was going to be right… I LOVED them!
Smith has several series: The Courtney Series, The Ballantyne Series and the The Ancient Egypt Series.
I started with The Courteney Series; there are a couple ways to read these novels. They can be read in order of publishing date or in terms of the historical eras. I chose the historical era route; which is broken down into THREE parts. The order of the parts is as follows: Part 3, Part 1 and Part 2.
Part 3 (1660s-WW1)
1. Birds of Prey
This novel follows Francis Courtney, his son Hal and their crew during the Anglo-Dutch War. After capturing a Dutch ship they are double crossed and arrested, tried, found guilty and sentenced to endure horrible fates. Following Francis’ execution, Hal and the crew escape from their lot as slave labour and commit their lives to righting the wrongs that befell them. Hal fulfills Francis’ vision for him by becoming a Knight of the Order of St. George and The Holy Grail and finds himself serving Prester John in Ethiopia.
2. Monsoon
Hal fathers four sons: William, twins Tom and Guy, and Dorian. William remains at the estate while Hal and the youngest three set sail to save English ships in the Indian Ocean. Unfortunately, trouble brews between the twins over Caroline which causes Guy to disembark. During an intense battle, young Dorian is captured by the enemy and sold to the Omani prince. During his captivity Dorian falls in love and must escape with Yasmini. Hal and Tom spend many years trying to find Dorian and free him from his captors. Sadly, Hal doesn’t live long enough for that to happen. But, Tom and Dorian do find each other and set up a successful trading company in Africa.
3. Blue Horizon
This novel focuses on the next generation of Courtney’s; Jim and Mansur, the sons of Tom and Dorian. After absconding with a woman imprisoned by the powerful Dutch East India Company; Jim must leave EVERYTHING behind and head deep into the interior of Africa. Sinister Dutch officers follow them with abandon! Tom and Dorian face punishment for Jim’s actions and must also leave everything behind and move away from Good Hope. Enemies of Dorian and Yasmini hook up with the enemies of Jim. Dorian and Jim get double crossed and Yasmini is murdered. Dorian journeys to the middle east to avenge her death and save his adopted country men from the oppression of the Caliph.
4. Triumph of the Sun
The Madhi is on the verge of attacking Khartom due to the unrest in Egypt; everyone, including the many British subjects residing there fear for their lives. After what seems as initial unwillingness to get involved, the hands of the British are forced into action. Trader, Ryder Courtney is forced by General Gordon to remain in the city and to surrender his supplies at a loss as part of the ‘war effort.’ Frustrated with the situation, Ryder teams up with Captain Penrod Ballantyne and David Benbrook, the British Consul. Ryder and Penrod are quite taken with the Benbrook women: Rebecca, Saffron and Amber; who make the ultimate sacrifices and fiercely fight to save those they love.
5. Assegai
This novel follows Leon Courtney, a disillusioned soldier and big game hunting guide in Africa. Little does he know, one of his clients, a German industrialist is using his hunting trip as a way to spy on the situation in Africa, inspire rebellion against the British by the Boers and test out horrifying battle technology. Leon falls in love with his client’s mistress, who is actually a spy employed by Penrod Ballantyne. Against all odds and with the help of his Massai family and friends, Leon must foil the German’s plan and save Eva.
Next up, Part 1…
Stay tuned!
Book Round Up!