We all thought that 2021 was going to be better than 2020 –it just had to be. I endeavoured to find the good among all the bad, the calm among the chaos, the happiness among the devastation. Today, as we put 2021 to bed and prepare to wake up to; and welcome 2022, I wanted to share my highlight reel (so to speak) with you.
January 2021
I enjoy ice fishing; however, the frigid temperatures really make it tough to want to leave my cozy home and reading spot by the fire. But, I braved the wintery conditions and landed quite a few chunky Whitefish.

February 2021
Teachers’ Convention; although it was online –I spent a wonderful few days in the city with an incredible friend and colleague soaking up sage teacher advice, strategies and knowledge from educational gurus and a plethora of inspiring presenters, while staying in the lap of luxury.

March 2021
After FOUR months of being kept apart by work and the pandemic; I was able to reunite with my best friend for the ultimate girls’ weekend. Complete with margaritas and movies, breakfast at Pip, a trip down memory lane (walking around the very campus were we became best friends) and of course you guessed it… charcuterie.

April 2021
At this point in time, school was getting pretty tense –numbers were rising province wide; we were all tired and stressed, the kids were getting sick and we were faced with shutting down in the face of personnel shortages. The sweetest standout moment was when my husband came home with “JUST BECAUSE” flowers. I remember the moment vividly.

May 2021
I turned 35! And my husband gave into my obsession with bird watching and built me the ultimate bird condo.

June 2021
5 years of wedded bliss!

July 2021 & August 2021
My summertime freedom/fun was cut VERY short after I fell and broke my ankle –I had to have emergency surgery to have a plate and five screws put in. This is a bittersweet highlight because although it was painful and scary, I got to spend a lot of quality time with my AMAZING family. I don’t think there is anything more special and more important in life than family. Another highlight: THE OLYMPICS!

September 2021
Return to normalcy! We went back to in-person teaching (at first without masks… but that quickly changed) AND I ditched my crutches, my aircast boot and started walking on my own and driving!

October 2021
Fancy AF weekend with my best friend complete with charcuterie, shopping and a six course tasting menu at Butternut Tree. Also, discovered two new wines from Sperling Vineyards (Speritz Pet Nat & Ruby Pet Nat)

November 2021
Midterm break –a well deserved rest after many crises and report cards. A week to myself to focus on self-care. Reading, movie watching, sleeping-in, catching up on much neglected chores (which caused me great anxiety), sipping on wine, and spending time with equally exhausted teacher friends.

December 2021
A return to ‘normal’ Christmas –all the family; feasting, exchanging gifts and simply just appreciating that we were all together once again.

What about you? What were your highlights?