Board games have been around forever; they are played by most cultures and societies. For example the Ancient Egyptians played Senet also known as “the passing game.” Senet is possibly the oldest board game in existence but the instructions were lost long ago.
In addition to a rich and varied history; board games also have many benefits. They allow you to have fun and feel good AND enjoy time with family and friends most obviously. But did you know there are some pretty important health benefits too?!? Board game play reduces both stress and risks for mental diseases (since the brain is active) and lowers blood pressure. Depending on the design or objective of the game, players can improve their memory formation and cognitive skills, speed up response time and are great tools for child development in terms of logic, reasoning and critical thinking. It is frequently said that laughter is the best medicine; lots of laughs are shared when playing games that is for sure; chemicals are released which boost immunity. For those in rehabilitation programs board games are very helpful; because they allow the opportunity to work on fine motor skills, coordination and dexterity.
“My Top Ten Board Games:
1. Trivial Pursuit
2. Scattergories
3. Yahtzee
4. Snakes & Ladder
5. Scrabble
6. Cranium
7. Trouble
8. Kerplunk
9. Life
10. Pay Day
What are your favourite board games? Leave me a comment!