Being effective is all about achieving what you want. Walk the aisles of any Chapters, you can see shelf after shelf devoted to self-help books. These books promise you the tricks to be the most productive, the most effective, the most “this”, the most “that.”’ It’s overwhelming when all you want is a simple answer to a simple question… How do I get it all done? Or, how do I achieve what I want?
In the classroom setting; I am often asked: How do I get the best grade possible? Ultimately, they are asking: How do I study effectively? I figured I would share with you the strategies I use when I study for tests.
1. Prioritize your study time
–You know you need to do it; so pencil it into your schedule. Make a standing appointment with yourself to review your materials. Be consistent, with the time you block off: every MWF from 4-5, for example.
2. Get organized
–Be organized ALL the time. Don’t just organize your binder or notes right before a big assessment. Being organized also extends to your study space. You need a clean, comfortable area with minimal distractions complete with all the materials you will need: books, paper, pens, highlighters, cue cards, etc.
3. Graphics
–It isn’t enough to simply memorize information, you have to know it, understand it and apply it. Take the information and break it down into pieces. Look at how it all fits together/works. Using graphic organizers helps us see similarities and differences as well. Tag concepts to images. It is easy to manipulate graphic organizers as well rather than large chunks of text from a book.
4. Practice
–Use old exams, make flash cards, spend time explaining concepts to other people, have other people quiz you. You should be engaged and active in the studying process rather than passive; otherwise the transfer of knowledge from short term to long term just isn’t as strong. Study groups are a great tool; however you have to know yourself…for me I am pretty solitary creature so a VERY small study group works best for me.
5. Look After Yourself
–Eat good food; binging on sugary crap during the study period weighs you down. If you or your body feel gross…your brain probably does too. Put the right fuel in your body to improve performance. Drink lots of water as well.