Sun’s out guns out! Well, not just guns… legs, neck, face, back, etc! I have a nasty sunburn. The colour for the summer apparently is lobster red, UGH! I hope no one else is in the same boat, but in case you are; I am here to help!

My go-to treatment routine…
1. Advil to the rescue for pain relief
2. Pat down the affected areas with a cool damp (non-scratchy) towel
3. Lotion up with Aloe Vera from Seven Minerals; I love this because it doesn’t have benzocaine in it
4. Stay hydrated! DRINK LOTS OF WATER!
5. As tempting as it may be to pop blisters! Hopefully your burn isn’t that bad, but if it is DO NOT POP THE BLISTERS!
6. As your burn heals, your skin peels (and you may feel like a snake shedding it’s skin); this doesn’t mean that your treatment plan is over. Continue to moisturize! I highly recommend Burt’s Bees Aloe & Coconut After Sun Soother
7. If you are like me and you struggle to NOT itch; take an anti-histamine like Benadryl; I have also found that Polysporin (hydrocortisone cream) is also helpful at this point
8. While you are healing make sure you cover up your skin when outside!
9. Learn your lesson! Apply sunscreen, I suggest Aveeno
*Obviously burns are SERIOUS business! When in doubt, always consult your doctor!