This is my son‘s first Christmas; we have waited so long for this moment so perhaps I should acknowledge the elephant in the room that I may have gone overboard). He’s obviously way too little to understand the meaning of it and to really enjoy it so to speak. We of course got him a gift (from mom and dad) and Santa got him a gift and he has a stocking. I figured I do a recap of what we got for him, starting with the stocking of course he has a “baby’s first Christmas” stocking and inside includes…
-a toothbrush
-small container of diaper cream
-a few small handheld toys,
-wrist rattles
-a rubber ducky for the bath that also is a thermometer
* his other family members will be adding to his stocking as well.
His Santa present includes…
-ABC flashcards
-123 flashcards
-Cradle cap kit
-The small toys that didn’t fit in his stocking (oops!)-A copy of How the Grinch Stole Christmas
-An outfit
My husband and I got him a “major” gift: a walker and also a gift to use for his next developmental milestone: eating solids so we got him a coverall bib and cutlery.
Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays) from our family to yours!