Reflections & Lifestyle

Reverse Bucket List

In need of some inspiration for this week’s contribution to the blog, I started off the morning with a cup of coffee and my computer. There are some amazing blogs out there from women of all walks of life about a variety of topics near and dear to their hearts. I read blogs about Catherine Middleton, recipes, clothing, teaching/education, hunting, fishing, gardening and of course blogging and owning your own business. I came across The Uncaged Life a few months ago. In her own blogpost, The Reverse Bucket List, Becca Tracey reminds us that although it is important to think about the future (where and how we get there) it is very important to reflect on what we have already achieved and how those experiences (both positive and negative) have shaped who we are today. In fact it is vital to never discount our past and to be grateful for it. At the end, Ms. Tracey challenged her readers to “create [their] own list of 50 accomplishments; [reminding us] that nothing is insignificant,” (2017). The author says that this is a great way to, “[c]elebrate your past, and get ready to rock your world when you see just how awesome you already ARE,” (2017).  I figured that I would share mine with you all. Please note that these milestones are in no particular order or occurrence or importance.

1. Have the opportunity to shape the lives of young people each and everyday
2. Learned to fly
3. Had a poem published
4. Read the complete works of Jane Austen and Agatha Christie
5. Sturgeon fishing in the Fraser River
6. Worked in a Sickbay with members of the Canadian Armed Forces
7. Won scholarship money
8. Was a Master of Ceremonies for a large event
9. Experienced great food and art in France and Italy
10. Found solutions to body image issues
11. Lived on a floor with 30+ people from all walks of life in university
12. Learned to speak a second language
13. Cared for sick family members
14. Took a gamble
15. Paid off my line of credit in 8 months
16. Took a cruise with my mother
17. Learned how to hunt (and butcher my own food)
18. Took time to travel around United Kingdom to connect with my roots
19. Traded my city lifestyle in for life in the country
20. Had a piece of artwork in a gallery
21. Got my driver’s license after great trepidation and procrastination
22. Read an old journal I kept
23. Writing for a blog
24. Played clarinet in a marching band
25. Completed my Masters degree in education
26. Experienced total and utter grief
27. Survived a hostile work environment
28. Became an aunt
29. Camping trips with my dad when I was young
30. Own my own home
31. Visited the Vatican 
32. Fly-in fishing trips in Northern Alberta
33. Reconnected with estranged family members
34. Rode a motorcycle
35. Put myself out there and tried online dating
36. Joined sea cadets
37. Learned how to say ‘NO’ without guilt
38. Maintenance of important friendships
39. Survived being bullied throughout elementary school
40. Got married
41. Became a blood donor
42. Enjoy good health
43. Moved to a different province
44. Deemed most changed in high school
45. Become honest with myself
46. Marvelled at glaciers in Alaska
47. Salmon fishing in the Pacific Ocean
48. Got through university without any debt/student loans
49. Tried acupuncture
50. Have my own business

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

Writing Prompt Wednesday

I was gifted an awesome journal for Christmas this year; Picadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts. I thought it would be fun to spend a few moments each Wednesday working through this journal and then sharing them with you.

What is your formula???


Favourite Movies

I enjoy spending a quiet night in watching our all time favourite movies especially after a crazy work week. These are my top three all time favourite movies!

Emma (1996)
In this movie, set in early 19th century England we meet the smart, witty and very pretty, Miss. Emma Woodhouse. Emma spends her time running the Woodhouse household, caring for her father, arguing with Mr. Knightley and matchmaking. She embarks on a mission to find her friend, Harriet Smith a suitable and respectable husband. Despite making a successful match early on in the movie; Emma realizes that her talents as a matchmaker are questionable after a series of disastrous matches and unrequited love. She has to give it up in order to find her own happily ever after. This is by far the best book to motion picture adaptation I have ever seen. Having first read this particular Jane Austen novel in grade five and falling in love with it and her books in general; I knew I had to watch the movie! And I did, every Sunday morning for years; and I haven’t gotten sick of it yet. This classic novel (and movie) is what Clueless (1995) is based on.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)
Holly Golightly, played by Audrey Hepburn is a beautiful young woman living in New York working as a high class escort. Holly meets the handsome novelist Paul Varjack played by George Peppard; the boytoy of a wealthy married woman. They form an unlikely friendship while navigating their trials and tribulations in the big city. No better word describes this movie, than ICONIC; from Hepburn’s endearing portrayal of Holly and the class and glamourous nature of New York City. The image of Hepburn standing in her stunning black dress eating her danish in front of Tiffany’s is ingrained in my mind and probably will be forever. The movie doesn’t just rest on Hepburn’s beauty or talent as an actress or singer; the storytelling is impeccable. Everyone (including me) loves a good story. If you are interested, I recommend reading Truman Capote’s novel as well.

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977)
Considering my previous two choices (romantic comedies), this may seem like a strange choice. In this movie, Darth Vader holds Princess Leia hostage as a way to prevent the Rebel Alliance from rising up against the Empire. Luke Skywalker, Han Solo as well as the trusty droids (C-3PO and R2D2) and full complement of additional lovable characters have to launch a mission not only to rescue Leia but to help further the cause of the Alliance; to restore order and safety in the galaxy as a whole. This was the first Star Wars movie I saw and it set me up for a life-long obsession with the franchise; however I must say I am NOT a fan of Episodes 1-3; but love all the other ones (both from the original trilogy and the latest additions). Normally, I don’t like this genre of film but this movie really changed my mind. 

Food & Drink

Flashback Friday: Fancy Meal At Sabor

My husband and I had the pleasure of dining at Sabor in Edmonton this time two years ago…and it was AMAZING, in all aspects: from the beautiful interior of the venue itself to the food & drinks and the service. Sabor is an upscale but in no way pretentious eatery offering Portuguese and Spanish cuisine, wine as well as live music. Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE food and trying new dishes, cuisines and restaurants, so I was more than a little excited when I found out we were going to Sabor. 

My best friend is getting married next month; with restrictions in place we couldn’t have a traditional bachelorette party; so I decided to take her to Sabor now that it is open for dine-in once again 🙂

Food Memories: What my hubby and I ate/sampled
-Fresh oysters from the incredible raw bar selection
-Meat and Cheese Board-Pan Seared Scallops
-Grilled Piri Piri Prawns
-Oven Roasted Whole Mediterranean Sea Bass
-Lobster Risotto
-Beef Tenderloin with Over Roasted Vegetables
-Roasted Chicken
-Chocolate Cayenne Mousse

*I should mention that the food for the wedding was served family style when my husband and I went. Oh life before the pandemic!!

What I am looking forward to eating
-White Sturgeon Caviar from the raw bar
-Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail
-Grilled Calamari
-Avocado & Cucumber Bruschetta
-Chicken, Smoked Duck & Port Pate
-Lobster Bisque
-Beets with Italian burrata, truffle oil and balsamic
-Octopus & Mussel Salad
-Seafood Paella
-Three Boars which includes grilled Iberian black pork, roasted pork belly, braised pork cheeks and boar black bean feijoada

*Obviously not all in one sitting haha… We will have to keep going back!

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

Writing Prompt Wednesday

I was gifted an awesome journal for Christmas this year; Picadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts. I thought it would be fun to spend a few moments each Wednesday working through this journal and then sharing them with you.

What does the wind say to you??

Reflections & Lifestyle

Teacher Musings: Desk Drawer Essentials

Let me preface this blog post with the following statement: I love my job and I wouldn’t trade it for the world; however there is a fair amount of humor involved in the day to day life of a teacher. The internet abounds with funny quotes and memes about teachers. I have a ton of coffee mugs and clothes with funny teacher quotes; my latest acquisition is a shirt that says: “Teacher?!? I prefer ‘Educational Rockstar’” And every Educational Rockstar should have a well stocked arsenal (desk drawer) of things to get them through the day.

Funky Coloured Pens or Red Pens
To edit, correct and write copious amounts of both summative and formative feedback, that we desperately hope gets read, taken into account and incorporated. But remember, the cooler the colours the more likely they are to get swiped by those sweet, angelic students or other teachers, because you leave them lying around while trying to put out fires all day, standing in line at the photocopier or on a student’s desk when you go over to help them. Sometimes you even stick them behind your ear or in your bun and forget about them, giving your students many laughs as you fumble around looking for them…much like your glasses!

Extra Pencils/Pens/Erasers
Borrowed from the supply cupboard in the staffroom, from your own personal collection or the lost and found. This is a must! In addition to being a teacher you are also a Staples store; there to supply your students with all the things that were listed as mandatory for them to bring to class each day. You know you enable your students to be forgetful by covering for them, but it is waaay better than having them sit in their desks doing nothing. Idle hands do the devil’s work after all. 

A calculator that you probably got free at a convention or professional development day; one that you have clearly written your name and room number on so that it doesn’t go missing. It is also one of the things in your desk that when you lend it out to a student, you make them give you their shoe to ensure its prompt return. This is a must, because you are the humanities teacher and not very good at math. Heaven forbid you make a mistake adding up their test mark; you’ll be hearing about it for days….and days…and days…

Hand Sanitizer/Hand Lotion
They are cute but they are germy. It is so much more work to book a substitute than to take preventative measures; you lathering on the hand sanitizer each and every time you collect homework, high five, find yourself on the receiving end of a hug or picking up balled-up Kleenex left on desks or on the floor. Speaking of which you have to run down to the office at break and get another box because they have depleted yours. Of course all that sanitizing and handling paper all day dries out your hands so you slather on hand lotion (non-perfumed of course) so that they don’t crack. Let’s face it during flu season all you really want to wear is a Hazmat suit.

Assorted Medicines (Tylenol & Pepto Bismol)
This you keep in the locked drawer of your desk. Thirty-four students doing group work is louder than a Metallica concert; even when the kids are on task. You probably were already sick or already had a headache but you can’t take a sick day because you have to get through the curriculum and the kids need you. You pop a couple Tylenol with your coffee and power through. Teaching is stressful; the thought of staff meetings, parent-teacher interviews, staying on top of marking, making sure your grading program is calculating properly, doing report cards, volunteering for upteen different extracurricular activities, making phone calls, sending emails, supervising the hallways at lunch, getting together missed work for a student who is going on vacation for two weeks at the last minute, planning the next field trip, planning lessons, getting everything you need prepared for the next day on top of trying to figure out what to make your family for dinner…well let’s just say it can cause you a little bit of indigestion. But don’t worry you have that tasty pink liquid in your desk to take the edge off.

Cough Candies/Chloraseptic Spray
Your voice is your instrument; without it you are useless, without it you are powerless. You need it not only to lecture about the latest unit but you need it to simply have conversations with your students to build relationships. When it feels like you have razor blades in your throat or that nagging cough is interfering with your lesson, you reach for your Halls or your Fisherman’s Friend and keep on talking.

Gum/Toothbrush & Toothpaste
You will inevitably hear from your students that your breath smells, whether it is from your disgusting tasting Fisherman’s Friend, your coffee or your lunch. Aren’t they sweet? We teach them from a young age to be honest, man did that backfire on us!!! If you are lucky enough to have time at lunch (insert laughter here) or have a prep block that doesn’t consist of you madly trying to cross things of your to-do list; you may actually be able to brush your teeth.

They probably have to be gluten-free, nut-free and healthy of course; although you sneak a little bit of candy and chocolate in there too. These snacks are not only for you, since you rarely get a lunch and you don’t want the kids to hear your stomach growl during silent reading time but also as bribes for the kids to partake in whatever activity you have planned for the lesson or prizes for random acts of kindness. But you also have snacks in your desk because you know that little Jimmy or little Sally in the back-row, didn’t have breakfast and the thought of that child going hungry all day breaks your heart.

You’ve been running around like a chicken with its head cut off all day, your FitBit is telling you that you have really put on the miles and burnt a million calories; you are sweaty! You can’t smell like a junior high kid fresh out of gym so between classes you quickly apply more.

Random Things
This is the collection of confiscated items that you still have to return. The things kids bring to school nowadays…

Current Addictions

Current Addictions: Epic Recap

It has been a WHILE since I did a “Current Addictions” feature; and there is a lot to get caught up on; so I have broken with my traditional format (I’ll return to it next month).

1. Through Thick & Thin Necklace Set from Bryan Anthonys
This set is stunning. It is simple yet beautiful. It captures the essence of friendship; being there for the other person through all of life’s highs and low. This set comes in 14K gold or silver and retails for $60 USD. The jewellery from this shop is designed and crafted in the USA. Check them out on Instagram.

2. The Happiness Planner
This planner caught my eye when I was perusing the agendas/notebooks in Chapters with my bestie. I had just finished telling her about the daily three list I was doing about gratitude following a professional development session. This planner is “designed to help you not only plan and manage your schedules & to-do lists, but also live a truly happy and fulfilled life by embracing the power of positive thinking, mindfulness, gratitude, and self-development.”

3. Love and Lore Jewellery Travel Roll
I was supposed to head off to Texas in January for a trade show with my husband; but it was cancelled due to the pandemic. I found this super cute and feminine travel roll for my jewelry. The last girl’s trip to San Fran that I went on with my bestie I found that I definitely needed one. This roll is made of “ soft velvet [with a] beautiful floral print and rolls up easily into a compact carrying case. [And] features five zippered compartments of various sizes for bracelets, necklaces, rings, hair ties and more [with] a leather strip [to] secure earrings.”

4. Pampa Steakhouse
On on adventure into Edmonton; I noticed a new location of Pampa Brazilian Steakhouse. After hearing rave reviews from family and friends about the downtown location; I am eager to try the food at this new location (which is MUCH closer to home). The 17th century tradition of tradition of Brazilian BBQ (or churrasco) features “succulent grilled meats and feijoada.” Pampa offers everything from brunch to cocktails.

5. Muskot Plant Pot & Fejka Potted Plant 
I found this adorable set at Ikea on the weekend. I picked it up to add a little bit of pep/life to my desk at work; it also doubles well as pen holder and I don’t have to worry about watering it over midterm, Christmas or spring breaks.

6.Teacher Tote Bag from Groove Bags
You don’t have to be a teacher to find something great from Groove Bags. They have a WIDE range of products from bedding sets and blankets to pillows and leggings and more. These come in an equally WIDE variety of patterns and colours. I have my eye on this tote because it’s not only perfect for ferrying marking back and forth from school to home, but it is also a great bag to take on field trips. It is water resistant, has durable, long lasting carrying straps and multiple interior compartments (for pens, keys, flash drives; you know all the teacher essentials). Size: 16” L, 5” W 10” H.
Bonus: You can also buy comfortable teacher shoes to match!

7. Rustic Jewellery Rack
There are a plethora of talented local vendors in Alberta that would be able to custom make this pretty piece for me. However, making it myself following the steps outlined on the Visibly Moved blog will prove to be a fun project on a girl’s weekend.

8. Nike Akamai Golf Shoes
I am really new to the golf scene. I go a few times during the summer with my husband to a beautiful local course. I got a set of clubs from a co-worker last year and a few more golf accoutrements last Christmas. The only thing missing are a pair of proper golf shoes; that and some semblance of golf skills, but I digress. Apart from being lightweight and durable these shoes are a perfect hue of funky.

9. Flower Puzzles
These Smithsonian Seed Catalogue puzzles are made by Sure-Lox and you can purchase them at Wal-Mart. I already have one of these puzzles and I am keen to get the rest of the collection. I have begun to enjoy doing them at the kitchen table in the evenings. I plan on framing the completed puzzles and hanging them up around our house; they are also a great gift idea for friends who like to garden.

10.Disrupting Thinking: Why How We Read Matters by Kylene Beers and Robert E. Probst
As a senior high school English teacher, I sometimes hear in the hallway that, “reading is boring.” This really takes me aback because I LOVE reading; I have been an avid reader all my life. I have heard great things about this book and the authors themselves. I look forward to finding out why the disengagement with reading is occurring and what I can do to approach reading in a new/different way with the students in my classroom.

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

Writing Prompt Wednesday

I was gifted an awesome journal for Christmas this year; Picadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts. I thought it would be fun to spend a few moments each Wednesday working through this journal and then sharing them with you.

Reflections & Lifestyle

An Ode to Strong Women

Today is March 8th, it is also International Women’s Day; it is a day to celebrate the movement for women’s rights. Originally celebrated on February 28, 1909 as National Women’s Day in New York it steadily gained momentum over the years until it was eventually adopted by the United Nations in 1975 and formally recognized in 1977. I thought that I would share with you an ode to strong women; the women that I look up to and are grateful to for blazing the trail; knowing that without their blood, sweat and tears, we may not enjoy the freedom, opportunities or lifestyle that we do today. I also applaud the efforts of those who continue to champion women’s rights especially in today’s political climate.

Perhaps my fascination with these incredibly accomplished and remarkable women is because I am a social teacher or perhaps because I am a proud Albertan or perhaps because I remember watching the Historica Minute as a young girl thinking how could this have ever been an issue, but whatever the case I have selected The Famous Five for my tribute.

Who are The Famous Five?
Emily Murphy: a magistrate in Edmonton, author known as Janey Canuck and the first female judge in the British Empire.
Irene Parlby: president of the United Farm Women of Alberta, Red Cross worker and Alberta’s first female Cabinet minister.
Nellie McClung: the only female representative at the League of Nations, the first female on the Board of Directors at the CBC and an Edmonton Liberal MLA.
Louise McKinney: advocate, founder of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, and the first woman elected to the Legislature of Alberta.
Henrietta Muir Edwards: Red Cross leader, founding member of the Victorian Order of Nurses and long-term chairperson at the National Council of Women.

Their Cause
These women challenged the Supreme Court of Canada in 1927 to have women considered as ‘persons’ under Section 24 of the British North America Act of 1867; as a way to allow them greater political freedoms and democratic rights, such as that to be appointed to the Senate. The Supreme Court decided unanimously after lengthy deliberation that women were NOT “persons” eligible to be included in the Senate. Not content with the verdict, they persisted, eventually the “Person’s Case” was taken to the Judicial Committee of the Imperial Privy Council (basically the last court of appeal in the British Empire). There the Supreme Court’s decision was overturned; women were indeed “persons” and were eligible to be senators.

Although I have zero political aspirations I treasure having the option to participate in government at all levels, if I want to; regardless of my gender. I do treasure the voice that I have in this country. I  treasure being treated with respect and dignity and I treasure being able to vote. Considering that my maternal grandparents fled from a country rife with political corruption and oppression I am thankful that I don’t face those same battles, here in Canada.

Design & Decor Entertainment

Country Crafts

The count down to Spring Break is ON! It is at that time (and during my summers off) that I am able to find plenty of inspiration and natural materials to work with it is easy to get “my craft on.” Included are a few of the rustic decor items that adorn our home.

Wedding Signs
These are very easy to make and everyone who I have made one for has loved this personalized gift. You can make the wood sign yourself or purchase a pre-made one from Michael’s. Use stencils and a bit of paint to customize your sign. Our’s hangs in our room.

Although we used these at our wedding, they still look good even on our kitchen table. Using different sized mason jars I hot glue-gunned strips of ribbon or fabric around the mouths, filled them with clear stones, water and a floating candle. My husband cut the discs for me from some trees that had been toppled over in a windstorm. These can be accented with other candles or greenery.

Painted Discs
Following our wedding we were left with a bunch of wood discs; some of our guests took them home, some of the discs ended up as cake stands and others ended up being used to level out the trailer but some I turned into decorative pieces for our home and gifts. My favourite one: I painted the centre white and meticulously stencilled and painted a deer silhouette.

Monogrammed Stumps
I can’t take credit for this. This was all my husband’s idea; in fact it was a surprise feature at our wedding that were placed at the head of the aisle. He torched our initials on it; it was very sweet. They look great at an outside entryway.

A nice walk in the woods and a quick rummage through your wood pile is needed for this project. I had a friend cut holes for the antlers, neck and legs then I stuck in the pieces adhering them with wood glue.

Antler Lamp
Using sheds I found; I played around with the orientation of the antlers to find out the most sturdy combination. Carefully my uncle drilled a hole for the light socket and cord and attached them for me. I hot glue-gunned the antlers into place. If you can’t find any sheds, artificial ones can be used as well. I picked up a lampshade for cheap at Wal-Mart.

Tall Pinecone Vases
I found cylindrical vases from Ikea make great accent pieces on either side of a fireplace, television or doorway. If you don’t want something as tall you can always scale them down for a great decor item for a shelf or table. I collected pinecones from the front yard and filled three vases to the top. From Dollarama and Michael’s I was able to find some great silk flowers.

Terra Cotta Stacks
This was something that I stole from Pinterest. My husband drove a piece of rebar into the ground for me, then I slid the 12” pot down to the bottom to act as the base and filled it with soil. Next was the 10” pot, slid down to rest on the soil of the first one but tilted to the side. I filled it with soil and carried on with the 8” but tilted it in the other direction and so on with the 6” and then 4”. I planted seeds in mine and they didn’t grow as I hoped. This year I am going to try it with bedding plants as they will help keep the soil in place during our awful rainstorms.

Garden Signs
I don’t know about you but after planting 14 rows of carrots, onions, peas, green beans, yellow beans, zucchini and potatoes I sometimes forget the order in which I planted them (until they finally start growing). Paper seed packets on wooden stakes always just disintegrated in the rain so I got creative. I found some really cute and cheap wood plaques at Michael’s and attached them to garden stakes. I painted the backgrounds white, then carefully painted cartoon vegetables on them and wrote their names. I sprayed them with a weatherproof varnish.