Writing Prompt Wednesdays

August Journal #5

Why are families important? What do families provide that we cannot find on our own?

To be completely honest; I want to say that families are important because they give you unconditional love and they give you the kind of “good start” in life that’s so crucial in your later years. However, I’ve seen some incredibly remarkable kids despite; to be completely honest the worst families ever! I think that families whether birth/blood or created through adoption can be incredibly important if they are healthy, and are able to provide you with the types of supports that you can’t get anywhere else. What is very special in life is that  families come in all shapes and sizes and that is very much celebrated and something else that is very special is that that we are able to CHOOSE our family. Those “chosen families” can fill the gaps to heal the pain that our real families have left or caused in our lives.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

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