Writing Prompt Wednesdays

August Journal #3

Would you rather spend the day at an art museum, science museum, or history museum?

I absolutely love museums. In fact, I’m always the person dragging people to them. I even build entire holidays and vacations around them. I beg my husband to take me so I can, “nerd out.” I have even been to some incredible museums around the world. Museums in England, Scotland, Wales, Alaska, California, Washington, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Italy and France. If I had to rank them number one would be an art gallery, number two a history museum and in third place a science museum. But ultimately it’s really a three-way tie for first place. I was recently in Houston, Texas but I was unable to go to any, hopefully next time, because I already have ones picked out that I want to go to.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?