Writing Prompt Wednesdays

August Journal #1

What do you think you are destined for in this life?

I don’t think that I’m destined for GREAT things… I mean I will never cure cancer, or solve the issue of poverty and famine in another country and I will never be a politician who solves a long contentious issue plaguing society which yields me a Nobel Peace Prize. Nor do I think I’m destined for an awful life. I think I’m destined for a decently good life overall; some may call it mediocre –I call it balanced. It’s a life full of happy and healthy relationships for the most part with family and friends, a challenging yet rewarding career as a teacher. Ultimately it is a comfortable and privileged life. I do realize and appreciate the privilege!. I am destined to live a life in which I strive to be the best person I can and I’m quite content knowing that I did what I could and made the people around me happy and feel loved.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts