Writing Prompt Wednesdays

August Journal #1

What is the best compliment you have ever received?

Recently I got a random note from one of my students that he left on my desk.

Dear Mrs A,

Thanks for being the best teacher. You make my day better, especially when I’m feeling bad.

It was short, it was simple, it was sincere and so incredibly sweet. I love to hear feedback from my students. I strive to be the best for them and it’s nice to hear when I meet their needs. It’s nice that they can see how much I try to be my best self for them. I still have it pinned to the bulletin board behind my desk at school. Apart from that compliment, I love to hear my husband say that I look good. He’s an act of service type of guy so he doesn’t tend to laud compliments on me rather he does so much for me on a daily basis to show his love and affection so a verbal for of compliment just makes my heart so happy!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?