One month left of summer vacation for me and I spent the first half working on school related tasks and chores around home. August for me has always been about “getting my shit together.” This list of three goals is quite a mish-mash.
- Finish home renovations!
-The new guest room and bathroom need to be completed; the common area downstairs needs to be set up. The basement needs to be cleaned of all the construction clutter. This may be tough since it hinges on other people. I hate being in the middle of renovations; it makes me anxious! - Finish my summer reading list!
-I have five books left to finish from my list; somehow I don’t see I’ll have a problem with this one. - Back to school personal prep!
-I need to carve out time to go shopping (with my niece) for our back to school clothes and I need to get a haircut –BADLY. I always wait too long and never get an appointment BEFORE school starts and sooner enough it becomes a “Christmas cut.”