Writing Prompt Wednesdays

April Journal #3

What do you think the biggest cultural differences are between your generation and your parents’ generation?

Freedom. I think that although my parents –who are baby boomers– had a relatively easy time compared to their own parents. My parents saw some pretty incredible cultural revolutions, however, they only went so far. I think subsequent generations and my own push the envelope a lot more and here we are! However, many things are being reversed, take a look at the news. The level of self-expression is mind boggling and a lot more people are living their truest and best lives; something that people of my parents; generation never had the chance to do. That being said, there is still much of the same institutionalized and systemic injustice which traps many sections of the population.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts