Writing Prompt Wednesdays

April Journal #3

Describe a time you cared for someone who is sick, or someone cared for you.

Three moments stick out for me…

-The first time I was in grade 4 and my grandmother had a major stroke, she was paralyzed on her left side. She was in the hospital for over 9 months. My dad went every night for 3 hours to see her; I think he may have missed two times when he was sick. I also went with him most times. She lived with us for a few years until she moved into a care home. I cooked for her, helped her do basic tasks, I showered and dressed and toileted her. It was a lot for an 11-year-old.

-The second time. It was actually the hardest. My dad had lots of surgeries following an industrial accident before I was born. He eventually died of cancer. I helped to look after him post-surgeries. I gave him injections during his drug trials when his treatments weren’t working and I often went and sat with him while he did his chemotherapy at the cancer clinic.

-The most recent time was when my family had to care for me. It was the summer of 2021 and I broke my ankle really bad and had to have emergency surgery while on vacation to get a plate and five screws installed. Of course I broke my right ankle; my dominant leg. My mother-in-law, my mom, my best friend, my husband, my nieces, my father-in-law, my aunt and my uncle all took turns looking after me because I couldn’t manage on my own and especially looking after our dog.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompt